
After the cold weather, eat more potatoes, share the 8 ways of potatoes, fry and stir-fry, really relieve hunger 1, fragrant fried potato cakes. 2: Stir-fry potatoes with shredded meat. 3. Stir the signature shredded potatoes. 4. Potato chips. 5. Shredded alfalfa potatoes. 6: Casserole potato stew balls. 7, potato steaming knife meat, 8, fragrant fried potato balls. summary:

author:Chef Jiang Yizhou

In autumn and winter, you should eat more potatoes, share the 8 methods of potatoes, fry and fry, and fry and fry, which is too relieving. Dear good friends, hello everyone, I am Chef Jiang Yizhou, today is the time to share the food with you, are you ready?

After the cold weather, eat more potatoes, share the 8 ways of potatoes, fry and stir-fry, really relieve hunger 1, fragrant fried potato cakes. 2: Stir-fry potatoes with shredded meat. 3. Stir the signature shredded potatoes. 4. Potato chips. 5. Shredded alfalfa potatoes. 6: Casserole potato stew balls. 7, potato steaming knife meat, 8, fragrant fried potato balls. summary:

Autumn and winter, the price of many vegetables soared, the price of potatoes is not affected, not much, so many smart people, will buy a lot of potatoes to eat, but every time potatoes are those kinds of methods, eat tired, so today, I will share with you, potatoes eight delicious methods, fried cooking and frying everything, too relieved, interested friends follow me to look down.

After the cold weather, eat more potatoes, share the 8 ways of potatoes, fry and stir-fry, really relieve hunger 1, fragrant fried potato cakes. 2: Stir-fry potatoes with shredded meat. 3. Stir the signature shredded potatoes. 4. Potato chips. 5. Shredded alfalfa potatoes. 6: Casserole potato stew balls. 7, potato steaming knife meat, 8, fragrant fried potato balls. summary:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" >1. </h1>

Pan-fried potato cake is simple to do, without waking up noodles and hair noodles, especially suitable for autumn and winter mornings, burn a few sheets to eat. Let's share the recipe with you.

After the cold weather, eat more potatoes, share the 8 ways of potatoes, fry and stir-fry, really relieve hunger 1, fragrant fried potato cakes. 2: Stir-fry potatoes with shredded meat. 3. Stir the signature shredded potatoes. 4. Potato chips. 5. Shredded alfalfa potatoes. 6: Casserole potato stew balls. 7, potato steaming knife meat, 8, fragrant fried potato balls. summary:

After the potatoes are cut into thin wires, blanched with water, placed in the basin, add a spoonful of flour, two eggs, 13 spices and fine salt, stir well and spread in the cake pan, fry for three minutes on each side, when turning over, brush with a layer of egg liquid, so that the fried potato egg cake is more fragrant, eat directly or with small pickles are particularly delicious, too relieved, interested friends try it.

After the cold weather, eat more potatoes, share the 8 ways of potatoes, fry and stir-fry, really relieve hunger 1, fragrant fried potato cakes. 2: Stir-fry potatoes with shredded meat. 3. Stir the signature shredded potatoes. 4. Potato chips. 5. Shredded alfalfa potatoes. 6: Casserole potato stew balls. 7, potato steaming knife meat, 8, fragrant fried potato balls. summary:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="33" >2. </h1>

Sour and spicy shredded potatoes, many friends are tired of eating, but today I share with you this shredded meat fried potatoes, its taste is very delicious, very under the rice to relieve hunger, next share the method with you.

After the cold weather, eat more potatoes, share the 8 ways of potatoes, fry and stir-fry, really relieve hunger 1, fragrant fried potato cakes. 2: Stir-fry potatoes with shredded meat. 3. Stir the signature shredded potatoes. 4. Potato chips. 5. Shredded alfalfa potatoes. 6: Casserole potato stew balls. 7, potato steaming knife meat, 8, fragrant fried potato balls. summary:

Pork belly shredded, under the pot sautéed until the color changes out of the oil, down into the onion ginger garlic pepper frying pan, then into a little oyster sauce, soybean sauce, aged vinegar soy sauce, salt chicken essence MONOS glutamate white sugar, and then put the blanched water potatoes under the pot, stir-fry for two minutes on high heat, out of the pot and then pour some sesame oil can be, eat is too relieved, and very under the rice, like friends, try it according to this method.

After the cold weather, eat more potatoes, share the 8 ways of potatoes, fry and stir-fry, really relieve hunger 1, fragrant fried potato cakes. 2: Stir-fry potatoes with shredded meat. 3. Stir the signature shredded potatoes. 4. Potato chips. 5. Shredded alfalfa potatoes. 6: Casserole potato stew balls. 7, potato steaming knife meat, 8, fragrant fried potato balls. summary:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="34" >3. </h1>

This signature shredded potato is our signature dish in the restaurant, crisp taste, coupled with the sour and spicy taste, eating is too relieved, and then I will share the method with you.

After the cold weather, eat more potatoes, share the 8 ways of potatoes, fry and stir-fry, really relieve hunger 1, fragrant fried potato cakes. 2: Stir-fry potatoes with shredded meat. 3. Stir the signature shredded potatoes. 4. Potato chips. 5. Shredded alfalfa potatoes. 6: Casserole potato stew balls. 7, potato steaming knife meat, 8, fragrant fried potato balls. summary:

After the potatoes are cut into thin strips, boil the underwater pot and blanch the water for a minute, put them into the cold water to rinse, and then control the dry water, and then put a spoonful of garlic puree in the basin, a spoonful of old dry mother, a spoonful of aged vinegar, a spoonful of raw soy sauce, and then the pot is hot oil, the dried pepper and pepper are fried, poured in the sauce and stirred well, and then put the potato shreds into it, quickly mixed well and you can eat, which can be more delicious than ordinary cold mix potato shreds, to eat a hundred times, eat very relieved, interested friends try it.

After the cold weather, eat more potatoes, share the 8 ways of potatoes, fry and stir-fry, really relieve hunger 1, fragrant fried potato cakes. 2: Stir-fry potatoes with shredded meat. 3. Stir the signature shredded potatoes. 4. Potato chips. 5. Shredded alfalfa potatoes. 6: Casserole potato stew balls. 7, potato steaming knife meat, 8, fragrant fried potato balls. summary:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="35" >4. </h1>

Potatoes eat a lot of ways, but this potato chip, I feel is the most interesting potatoes, delicious and simple a way to do, after learning we both no longer have to buy snacks, do it yourself, health and hygiene, and then share the method with you.

After the cold weather, eat more potatoes, share the 8 ways of potatoes, fry and stir-fry, really relieve hunger 1, fragrant fried potato cakes. 2: Stir-fry potatoes with shredded meat. 3. Stir the signature shredded potatoes. 4. Potato chips. 5. Shredded alfalfa potatoes. 6: Casserole potato stew balls. 7, potato steaming knife meat, 8, fragrant fried potato balls. summary:

Potatoes washed and cut into two millimeters thick thin slices, the key step is to cut the slices, be sure to put in water, wash several times, wash until the potatoes have a curved shape, and then cool the oil under the pan, until the golden crispy fluffy, fish out can be, in the cumin noodles pepper noodles can be eaten, a bite of a crunchy, too relieved, interested friends try it.

After the cold weather, eat more potatoes, share the 8 ways of potatoes, fry and stir-fry, really relieve hunger 1, fragrant fried potato cakes. 2: Stir-fry potatoes with shredded meat. 3. Stir the signature shredded potatoes. 4. Potato chips. 5. Shredded alfalfa potatoes. 6: Casserole potato stew balls. 7, potato steaming knife meat, 8, fragrant fried potato balls. summary:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="36" >5. </h1>

Syrusted alfalfa potatoes, I feel that it is the most common dish in the potato method, the method is simple, eating is too relieving, and then I will share it with you.

After the cold weather, eat more potatoes, share the 8 ways of potatoes, fry and stir-fry, really relieve hunger 1, fragrant fried potato cakes. 2: Stir-fry potatoes with shredded meat. 3. Stir the signature shredded potatoes. 4. Potato chips. 5. Shredded alfalfa potatoes. 6: Casserole potato stew balls. 7, potato steaming knife meat, 8, fragrant fried potato balls. summary:

Add a spoonful of cold oil to the pot, then fry the eggs three times, then blanch the potatoes for 30 seconds and then pour it out, leave some bottom oil in the pot again, pork belly slices under the pot and fry fragrantly, add a spoonful of oyster sauce, a spoonful of aged vinegar, a spoonful of raw soy sauce, a little soy sauce, a spoonful of refined salt, a spoonful of sugar, a little chicken essence MSG seasoning, and then put the eggs and potatoes under the pot, quickly stir-fry evenly can be out of the pot to plate, with rice to eat, this dish is really too relieved, interested friends try it.

After the cold weather, eat more potatoes, share the 8 ways of potatoes, fry and stir-fry, really relieve hunger 1, fragrant fried potato cakes. 2: Stir-fry potatoes with shredded meat. 3. Stir the signature shredded potatoes. 4. Potato chips. 5. Shredded alfalfa potatoes. 6: Casserole potato stew balls. 7, potato steaming knife meat, 8, fragrant fried potato balls. summary:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="37" >6, casserole potato stew balls. </h1>

Casserole potato stew balls, its method is very simple, and especially suitable for autumn and winter to eat, casserole stewed potatoes and balls, warm and special taste, very relieved, next share the method with everyone.

After the cold weather, eat more potatoes, share the 8 ways of potatoes, fry and stir-fry, really relieve hunger 1, fragrant fried potato cakes. 2: Stir-fry potatoes with shredded meat. 3. Stir the signature shredded potatoes. 4. Potato chips. 5. Shredded alfalfa potatoes. 6: Casserole potato stew balls. 7, potato steaming knife meat, 8, fragrant fried potato balls. summary:

Heat the casserole, sauté the pork belly until the oil comes out, then add the star anise ginger to fry the incense, and then add a small spoonful of soybean sauce, a small spoonful of oyster sauce, a little soy sauce, and then directly add the right amount of water Then put the cut potato pieces under the pot, and then put some of the meatballs you like to eat, then cover and simmer for five minutes, drizzle some sesame oil when you come out of the pot, this dish is served on the table, the old man smells the aroma, eating is also very relieved, interested friends try it.

After the cold weather, eat more potatoes, share the 8 ways of potatoes, fry and stir-fry, really relieve hunger 1, fragrant fried potato cakes. 2: Stir-fry potatoes with shredded meat. 3. Stir the signature shredded potatoes. 4. Potato chips. 5. Shredded alfalfa potatoes. 6: Casserole potato stew balls. 7, potato steaming knife meat, 8, fragrant fried potato balls. summary:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="38" >7</h1>

Potatoes steamed to the meat flavor is strong, potatoes absorb the aroma of meat pieces, eat special taste, knife meat with potatoes, eat not so greasy, then share the method with everyone.

After the cold weather, eat more potatoes, share the 8 ways of potatoes, fry and stir-fry, really relieve hunger 1, fragrant fried potato cakes. 2: Stir-fry potatoes with shredded meat. 3. Stir the signature shredded potatoes. 4. Potato chips. 5. Shredded alfalfa potatoes. 6: Casserole potato stew balls. 7, potato steaming knife meat, 8, fragrant fried potato balls. summary:

Pork belly with skin, cut into mahjong chunks, put in the pot, put a small spoonful of hoisin sauce, green onion and ginger star anise soy sauce, 13 spices after stirring well, marinate for ten minutes, and then neatly stacked in the bowl, the yard on the half bowl can be, the remaining half a bowl, we cut the potatoes into pieces inside, and then steam the meat pieces on the pot for an hour, and then simmer for half an hour, upside down in the plate. The taste is particularly strong, eating the next meal is too relieving, interested friends try it.

After the cold weather, eat more potatoes, share the 8 ways of potatoes, fry and stir-fry, really relieve hunger 1, fragrant fried potato cakes. 2: Stir-fry potatoes with shredded meat. 3. Stir the signature shredded potatoes. 4. Potato chips. 5. Shredded alfalfa potatoes. 6: Casserole potato stew balls. 7, potato steaming knife meat, 8, fragrant fried potato balls. summary:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="39" >8. </h1>

The dish of fried potato balls is crispy on the outside, tender on the outside and tender on the inside, and it is enjoyable and satisfying to eat. Whether you eat it yourself or serve it to the table, you will have noodles, and then share the recipe with you.

After the cold weather, eat more potatoes, share the 8 ways of potatoes, fry and stir-fry, really relieve hunger 1, fragrant fried potato cakes. 2: Stir-fry potatoes with shredded meat. 3. Stir the signature shredded potatoes. 4. Potato chips. 5. Shredded alfalfa potatoes. 6: Casserole potato stew balls. 7, potato steaming knife meat, 8, fragrant fried potato balls. summary:

Potatoes peeled and cut into large pieces, steamed for 20 minutes, and then the steamed potatoes into a puree, and then put sweet potato starch, water, eggs, 13 flavor salt, chicken essence MSG, and then stir well to form a ball shape, and then the oil temperature of 60% heat under the pot, fried until golden crisp, you can fish out directly to eat, the outside is tender, fragrant, eat too relieved, like this dish friends, try it according to this method.

After the cold weather, eat more potatoes, share the 8 ways of potatoes, fry and stir-fry, really relieve hunger 1, fragrant fried potato cakes. 2: Stir-fry potatoes with shredded meat. 3. Stir the signature shredded potatoes. 4. Potato chips. 5. Shredded alfalfa potatoes. 6: Casserole potato stew balls. 7, potato steaming knife meat, 8, fragrant fried potato balls. summary:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="40" > Summary:</h1>

How friends, after reading this article, this time know what the best eight methods of potatoes are, frying and cooking everything, like which dish, take the potatoes, according to the tutorial, directly do it, the dry goods of the article are many, friends remember to like the collection and save well, I am Chef Jiang Yizhou, we will see you in the next issue.

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