
Meishan in the park, do you know what other new parks are being built?

author:Happy Meishan

Meishan is the "Father and Son of Sansu"

The hometown of Su Xun, Su Shi and Su Rui

They are in the "Eight Greats of the Tang and Song Dynasties"

Dazzling and sparkling

Sansu Ancestral Hall is their former residence

The vicissitudes of the millennium have once been called

"Sansu Park"

Meishan in the park, do you know what other new parks are being built?

▲Sansu Park (infographic)

Nowadays, the Sansu Ancestral Hall has become a temple for people to worship the cultural sages, from a private house with a "five-acre garden" to a lush ancestral hall shrine of more than 100 acres, which is the emotional condensation of people's respect for Sansu father and son, especially Su Dongpo for thousands of years.

Meishan in the park, do you know what other new parks are being built?

▲Aerial view of Sansu Temple

Meishan in the park, do you know what other new parks are being built?

▲The main entrance of sansu temple

Meishan is very lucky, Su Dongpo has nourished her long-standing cultural blood; Su Dongpo is also very lucky, his later compatriots, never forget the "Dongpo culture", the "Dongpo culture" objectified into parks, streets and delicious on the tip of the tongue, so that people can truly feel the "Dongpo culture" when they step into Meishan.

Meishan in the park, do you know what other new parks are being built?

Since the establishment of the city in 2000, Meishan, which has passed the year of weak crown, has expanded in volume, buildings are lined up, neon is full of traffic, complexes and small supermarkets are in their places, riding on this high-speed train in China, Meishan has completed the basic standard of the transformation of these cities without exception.

Meishan in the park, do you know what other new parks are being built?

▲Chengle Expressway

Meishan in the park, do you know what other new parks are being built?

▲Meizhou Avenue Zhang Ruihong | absorb

Meishan in the park, do you know what other new parks are being built?

▲Meishan East Station

Meishan City has a new look, but there is a difference, a cultural theme park without walls has sprung up from time to time - Dongpo Urban Wetland Park, Su Xun Park, Su Mu Park, Su Shi Park, Su Rui Park, Su Di Park, Dongpo Bamboo Garden, Dongpo Botanical Garden... Their cultural bridges, clear waves of clear water, splendid flowers, lush forests, and winding greenways spread, ripple, colorful, shady and staggered in the city's east, west, south and north, showing the city's poetic habitat of "park in the city, city in park".

Meishan in the park, do you know what other new parks are being built?

The park can be imitated, Su Dongpo can not be copied and pasted. Meishan's cultural theme park, like Su Dongpo's bold literary style, is famous for its magnificent atmosphere. The Min River in the east of the city meanders through the three districts and counties of Pengshan, Dongpo and Qingshen, and the Meishan people plant flowers and grasses, plant bamboo trees, and meandering trails on the west bank of the Min River, which is dozens of kilometers away, creating a lively green dragon, named "SuDi Park".

Meishan in the park, do you know what other new parks are being built?

▲Su Causeway Park

At the head of the west bank of the Minjiang Second Bridge, the bamboo branches of the "Dongpo Bamboo Garden" sway, bamboo from all over the world gather here, the monument corridor in the garden, engraved Su Dongpo and the ancient and modern Chinese and foreign famous Bamboo painting bamboo poems, Su Dongpo "would rather eat no meat, not live without bamboo" Gao Jie artistic conception is all in it.

Meishan in the park, do you know what other new parks are being built?

▲Dongpo Bamboo Garden

Meishan in the park, do you know what other new parks are being built?

▲Pengshan Maohe Ecological Park

Meishan in the park, do you know what other new parks are being built?

▲Qingshen Bamboo Forest Wetland Park

Meizhou Avenue is a tree-lined promenade that is one of the most beautiful urban roads in Sichuan, from east to west, with distinct themes of Su Rui Park, Su Shi Park and Su Xun Park. In the south of the city, Dongpo Lake Park has been carefully transformed into Sumu Park, and the situation of Mrs. Sumucheng's husband and son complements the landscape and bridge. Cherry blossoms arrive at Meishan in March, cross the Minjiang Second Bridge, and dozens of cherry blossoms bloom in the Dongpo Botanical Garden, singing the colorful and picturesque songs of Meishan in March.

Meishan in the park, do you know what other new parks are being built?

▲Sumu Park

Meishan in the park, do you know what other new parks are being built?

▲Meishan Cherry Blossom Expo Park

The "Dongpo City Wetland Park", which is most popular with outsiders in Meishan, sits on the feng shui treasure land in the center of the city, with a land and water area of more than 3,000 mu, the land is called Dongpo Island, and the water is called Dongpo Lake. Across the lake from Dongpo Island, several kilometers of water boardwalks and shady Hubin Road, the scene blends, its beauty, on the list of the most beautiful streets in Sichuan; Yingbin Bridge, Laoquan Bridge, Drunken Moon Bridge, let them merge into one, constitute the "Dongpo • City Park" of the grandeur. With the theme of "Sudongpo and Water, with the Moon", "Dongpo Urban Wetland Park" takes advantage of the natural situation of natural waters and islands to build bridges, shape sets, and ingenuity, and fully display the "moon culture" of SuDongpo's "Thousand Miles together" and the "water control spirit" of harnessing the West Lake, Xuzhou flood control, and Danzhou digging wells.

Meishan in the park, do you know what other new parks are being built?

▲Dongpo Urban Wetland Park Bao Gang | absorb

Meishan people regard the cultural theme park behind the front house as their own back garden, living room, and happily practice and run in these parks in the morning, strengthen their fitness in fitness facilities, linger among green trees and flowers, and talk about love in the lights, day after day, naturally.

Meishan in the park, do you know what other new parks are being built?

The weekend is coming, the holiday time, the night falls, the lights are brilliant, in front of the vista building on the shore of Dongpo Lake, on the sparkling lake, the music and water dance show with thousands of postures bloom happily, and the finishing touch of "Dongpo Urban Wetland Park" is sprinkled with dashing and sprinkling. Meishan people have seen it over and over again, and never get bored; the guests and friends who gather from the east, west, south and north are in the middle of it, all taking pictures and videos, and letting their admiration and happiness fly freely in the circle of friends.

Meishan in the park, do you know what other new parks are being built?

▲Musical fountain

Meishan in the park, do you know what other new parks are being built?

With the leisure support of the park, Dongpo Island and the musical fountain corresponding to the DongpoLi, Dongpo impression, through the three water streets of the prosperous world, the light scene is like a dream, and it has become a popular punching place for countless distant guests. The mysterious and enthusiastic lights add to the charm and chic temperament of the city. Calling friends into the water street, drinking Dongpo wine, Gaomiao wine, Zhangchang wine produced by Meishan, tasting the famous Dongpo kimchi Dongpo elbow bowl chicken, vivid and lively "Dongpo taste" makes people's lips and teeth fragrant, at this time, meishan City's brilliant nightlife has begun.

Meishan in the park, do you know what other new parks are being built?

▲Dongpo Water Street

What if, you think, this is "Meishan in the park"? Far from enough. Go farther, go east to the Heilongtan National Wetland Park to play in the mountains, west to the Wawushan National Forest Park National Giant Panda Park to explore the mysteries, in Danling to Dengdaya Hall, in the Qingshen to visit Zhuli, to the north to the five lakes and seas, Pengzu Mountain Longevity Cultural Park, Chaisang River Wetland Park beads and jade lian... In Meishan, theme parks, township parks, and rural leisure parks stand out in Meishan's urban and rural areas, realizing the dream of "a city of 100 gardens".

Meishan in the park, do you know what other new parks are being built?

▲Heilongtan National Wetland Park

Meishan in the park, do you know what other new parks are being built?

▲In 2019, the Meishan Management Branch of Wawushan Giant Panda National Park was officially listed

Meishan in the park, do you know what other new parks are being built?

▲Wawushan Giant Panda National Park

Meishan has made unremitting efforts

At present, 180 parks of various types have been built

Meishan in the park, do you know what other new parks are being built?

This year, 27 new parks will be built or continued

More than 7 were built during the year

Meishan in the park, do you know what other new parks are being built?
Meishan in the park, do you know what other new parks are being built?

▲Meishan Tianfu New Area Chaisanghe Wetland Park

Meishan in the park, do you know what other new parks are being built?

▲Danling White Pagoda Park

Meishan in the park, do you know what other new parks are being built?

▲Mumashan Park, Tianfu New District, Meishan

Meishan in the park, do you know what other new parks are being built?

▲Danling Dragon Crane Creek riverfront belt

Meishan in the park, do you know what other new parks are being built?

▲ Hongyalong Yintan Wetland Park Zhang Ruihong | absorb


What other new parks are there?

Click on the big picture to see it~

Meishan in the park, do you know what other new parks are being built?

Meishan is located between Chengdu and Mount Emei

The heights drop by three kilometres

Alpine hilly plains are interspersed

Rivers and streams intertwine

The weir pond lake is star-studded

Meishan is using this talent resource

Upgrade Park City to Global Park City

A new mood of nostalgia for urban love

It's exciting

Source: Weimei Mountain

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