
Lin Xu Lee Family Genealogy "2018" Example

author:Zhongyuan Spectrum
Lin Xu Lee Family Genealogy "2018" Example

  1. This genealogy is the genealogy of the LinXu Li clan that is bred in Jiulianchi Natural Village, Xindian Village, Chadian Town, Linzhou City, Henan Province, with the hall name "Zhongjing Hall".

  2. Sources of this spectrum

  › Refer to the compilation of the "Lin Shu Li Clan Genealogy" of the Keguan Wang Clan and other majors.

  › Refer to the compilation of the "Genealogy of the Lee Clan" of majors such as the Lingxin Body Ren Clan.

  3. The lineage of this genealogy dates back to the ancestor Zhengong Qianlin in 1409 AD, and the lower limit ends in 2018 AD, and the year 609 in the Calendar of Fan calendar.

  Fourth, with the purpose of "respecting the clan and the family, carrying forward the ancestral virtues, clearing the source, straightening out the context, educating future generations, and passing on the family style", this genealogy strives to unify the ideological, scientific, and informative nature, and reflects the style and factional characteristics of the Li sect.

Lin Xu Lee Family Genealogy "2018" Example

Lin Shu Li Clan Genealogy 20 volumes

  Fifth, the principle of continuation

  ›The old genealogy is recorded, and the errors in the old genealogy are compared with multiple versions of the family tree, which can be carefully changed after analysis and verification.

  ›Follow the principle of "faith to transmit letters, doubts to doubts", and strive to connect the lineages in an orderly manner. In the meantime, there are those who have not been clarified, and they are temporarily kept for examination, and they do not adopt unfounded inferences to respect historical facts.

  ›Objectively reflect the historical facts of family reproduction, migration and differentiation, prosperity and decline, not exaggeration, no overflow, pay attention to historical materials, and strive to be rich and accurate.

  › The people of all factions, the name of the word is inevitably the same, the inferior offender is changed to the humble and does not change the dignity, the life and death are not changed, the micro-offender is not changed, if the faction is not restricted. Those who change must still record their original names for future reference.

  6. The principle of the chronology of this spectrum

  ›The chronology involved in the old spectrum, according to the score unchanged, where necessary, add the AD year supplement.

  › The chronology involved in the new spectrum, which belongs to the era before the third year of the Qing Dynasty (1911 AD), follows the dynastic year number chronology and appends the Common Era year with parentheses; all the years before 1949 AD are taken at a certain age in the Republic of China; and those that belong to the era after 1949 AD are used in a certain year AD.

  › The new spectrum involves the day of the month, the default use of the lunar calendar, omitting the word day, such as the twenty-sixth day of the winter month.

  7. Terms for writing this spectrum

  › Wife book "matching" a certain name in a certain place, continuing the string book "succession", and continuing the string book "again".

  › Female married person book "suitable" a certain place a certain surname, remarried before and after the book.

  › Whoever has passed on, the birth father writes "Succession" and the successor book "Inherits".

  › Where there is no definite sound of migration, ask those who have been neglected for a long time, and the example of "lost transmission" and "relocation" is noted.

  › Those who died in their sixties or more wrote "Shou", and those who did not reach sixty years in turn wrote "death", "end of life", "years of gain", "few deaths", "premature death" and "early death".

  › The book of the migrants "residence" and "relocation", the book of the deceased "塟", "migration", a certain mountain and a certain direction.

  8. The scope of personnel entering the spectrum of this spectrum

  › All members of the Li clan, whether male or female, whether born in wedlock or out of wedlock, can be included in the spectrum.

  ›If the male surname of the family is a person with a different surname or a woman of the local family recruits money at home, if his children's surname is Li, it will be included in the spectrum; the children's different surnames will not be included in the spectrum.

  › The male surname of the native tribe marries the woman to participate in the breeding of the native family. Female husbands and wives of their own clan are included in the spectrum to clarify the flow of blood

  › If a man surnamed Li dies, his spouse recruits a husband at home and his children are surnamed Li, they are included in the genealogy according to their own clan; those whose children have other surnames are not included in the spectrum; if the spouse marries another person and the children are surnamed Li, they are included in the genealogy according to the clan branch; the children with his surname are not included in the spectrum.

  ›Those who raise children with different surnames and change to Li surname can be included in the spectrum.

  IX. Genealogical Norms

  › Su Clan Hanging Line V mentioned, the nine ethnic groups and five costumes at a glance, each mention of the first book residence, the remaining four can be booked to move to the place.

  ›There is a search form before the lineage to quickly find the person.

  10. Genealogy Writing Specifications

  › Adult male surname: Record the son of a certain duke, rank, first name, secret, original name, character, number, year of birth, year, month, day, place of residence, place of service, spouse name; the deceased should indicate the year of death and where he was buried. The details of the next generation are recorded in the male surname and the children with different surnames, and the next generation is only named.

  › Male spouse: Record the surname, first name, the year of birth of the dry branch, the year, month, and day of birth, how many sons and daughters, where and whose daughter. The deceased should indicate the year of death and the place of burial. If the husband is divorced or the husband dies and then dies, the book is not buried in the year of his birth.

  › Adult female surname: Record the daughter of a certain duke, first name, secret, original name, character, number, place of service at the time of birth of the year of birth, the name of the spouse, the birth of several sons and daughters, and record the name of the next generation. The deceased should indicate the year in which he was buried.

  › Female surname spouse: Record the surname, first name, birth year of the common era, the year of birth, the year, month, and day of the year, where and whose son.

  ›Young people and children who have not yet established a family: son or daughter of a certain public, name, secret, original name, character, number, year and day of birth, place of birth, place of origin, highest education, when and what school to graduate or study.

  › Male and female successors of the same race, succession and heirs are recorded. The latter may still be included in the genealogy and recorded in the lineage, except for those who refuse to be included in the genealogy.

  11. Celebrity inclusion

  ›Ming and Qing Dynasty jinshi, juren, gongsheng, supervisor, student member Kejuren, official, township elder, old people, jiexiao; modern and contemporary Tsinghua Peking University graduates, masters, doctors; administrative posts at or above the deputy department level, military deputy regimental level or above; professional titles of deputy senior or above; martyrs; disabled, retired and meritorious personnel; advanced workers commended by departments at or above the provincial level, etc., both men and women have entered the who's who' list.

  ›In line with the principle of not being born and not passing on, those who have written in the history books of the sages of the past generations and those who have made significant contributions to society by the deceased celebrities of the present generation are included.

  12. Genealogy shall be compiled in a book, and each branch shall treasure it, and it shall be careful and careful, and shall not be greedy for money and private with others. After the new score is completed, the old score still needs to be properly preserved.

  13. Period of revision

  › Genealogy thirty years for one lifetime, it is advisable to fifteen years of three services within each branch of cultivation, thirty years of five services within the small sect repair, sixty years of five services outside the large sect repair, bing pen must be just and virtuous, the compilation of the party is no harm.

  › Minor repairs can only collect zhiding information, do not compile and print notation books, and should be overhauled every sixty years to compile and print notation books.

  › All those who advocate cultivators of the clan should be supported by the same sect.

  14. This spectrum is based on "Self-determined Water Jia Jiu Mu Yan, Yu Zhong Ling Xiu Gui Ying Quan, Xiang Zeng Fu Tai He Qi Jun, Shan Yi Tolerance Qing Shang Yuan" as the generations of characters.

  Fifteenth, because the lineage of our lineage traces back to a long time, the distribution of branches is widely distributed, the content of investigation and examination is extensive, and the editing time is hasty, the level is limited, and there must be many errors and omissions in this genealogy, I implore the clan to forgive and look forward to the successors.