
Suiyuan female disciple Chen Shulan: Live for poetry, die for love 1 / Quote 2 / The death of female poet 2 / Concubine Amorous 3 / Versatile 4 / Brotherhood 5 / Suiyuan disciple 6 / Female poet Chen Shulan 7 / Hui Zhi Lan Xin 8 / Conclusion

author:B said

Chen Shulan, a qing dynasty woman: I am very kind to Youlanlan and I am very kind! Chen Shulan, a female disciple of Suiyuan Garden: Live for poetry, die for love! The husband is not as good as the wife to throw herself into the water, the female poet insists on throwing herself into the ring of martyrdom, she has a teacher named Yuan Ming!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" >1/quote</h1>

Suiyuan female disciple Chen Shulan: Live for poetry, die for love 1 / Quote 2 / The death of female poet 2 / Concubine Amorous 3 / Versatile 4 / Brotherhood 5 / Suiyuan disciple 6 / Female poet Chen Shulan 7 / Hui Zhi Lan Xin 8 / Conclusion

The unit temporarily lost power, did nothing, and turned out an old book, "Selected Poems of Female Disciples in Suiyuan", published by the Jinzhang Book Bureau. Mr. Suiyuan is famous, and there are many female disciples under his door, but Jinzhang's name has not been heard much. The years have been hurried for nearly a hundred years, and the quality of the book is still good.

When I read the female poet Chen Shulan, I was struck by the short introduction under her name: "Chen Shulan, the character Hui Qing, the wife of Deng Zongluo." Deng Sheng drowned, and Shulan hanged herself. "What a tragic story this is?" Suddenly, I was full of curiosity about this female poet of the previous generation.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="5" >2/Death of a poetess</h1>

Suiyuan female disciple Chen Shulan: Live for poetry, die for love 1 / Quote 2 / The death of female poet 2 / Concubine Amorous 3 / Versatile 4 / Brotherhood 5 / Suiyuan disciple 6 / Female poet Chen Shulan 7 / Hui Zhi Lan Xin 8 / Conclusion

Born for love, died for love, such a woman is rare in the world, and Chen Shulan, a female poet who lived more than 200 years ago, wrote a song of love with her own life.

Who is this female poet who died for love, and what kind of "waves" has she experienced in her life? Because she was just an ordinary housewife, her life deeds were not favored by historians. Because she was a disciple of Yuan Ming, "Mr. Suiyuan", there are sporadic texts mentioned in the "Suiyuan Poetry". After combing through these texts, we can roughly understand the life of Chen Shulan.

Chen Shulan (陈淑蘭), courtesy name Huiqing, was a native of Jiangning (present-day Nanjing, Jiangsu), whose date of birth and death is unknown. Chen Shulan studied poetry since childhood, and once took Yuan Ming, the master of the poetry circle during the Qianlong period, as a teacher, and created a large number of beautiful poems, and wrote "Hua Fengxuan Poetry Manuscript", which no longer exists.

Suiyuan female disciple Chen Shulan: Live for poetry, die for love 1 / Quote 2 / The death of female poet 2 / Concubine Amorous 3 / Versatile 4 / Brotherhood 5 / Suiyuan disciple 6 / Female poet Chen Shulan 7 / Hui Zhi Lan Xin 8 / Conclusion

When Chen Shulan became an adult, she married Tongyi Kusheng (ancient schools called 庠, so students were called 庠生. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the students of the government, prefectures, and counties were also known as Xiucai) Deng Zongluo. After marriage, husband and wife love each other, have deep feelings, often look for chapters and excerpts, discuss wood, and live happily. However, the husband Deng Zongluo's talent is not as good as his wife, and he has a deep inferiority complex in front of his wife. In order to earn back face, he chose to go out to study hard, hoping to "win the day" and get ahead. However, the reality is very cruel, Deng Zongluo, who has been studying hard outside for many years, has repeatedly failed to succeed, depressed (in modern parlance, it should be depressed), and finally chose to commit suicide by throwing himself into the water.

After her husband committed suicide, Chen Shulan was in pain and decided to follow her husband. The first time he threw his neck into the ring (hanged himself), he was fortunately saved by his in-laws. Chen Shulan, who was rescued, calmed down a lot and temporarily put aside the idea of suicide and martyrdom. Because, she thought of another question, since he and her husband had no children and left on their own, what should the old man in the family do? In order to fulfill her husband's filial piety, she immediately adopted a son and returned. After burying her husband, she committed suicide again, this time avoiding everyone and finally following her husband cleanly.

Suiyuan female disciple Chen Shulan: Live for poetry, die for love 1 / Quote 2 / The death of female poet 2 / Concubine Amorous 3 / Versatile 4 / Brotherhood 5 / Suiyuan disciple 6 / Female poet Chen Shulan 7 / Hui Zhi Lan Xin 8 / Conclusion

Before throwing the ring, she left a last word on the desk: "There is a son, I am at ease; Lang Coffin is good, I am not alone!" "The meaning of these two sentences is that I have adopted a son, and he can give you a pension to the end, and I am at peace." Deng Lang's coffin is about to be buried, and I don't want to live alone in the world, I'm going to go over there to accompany Deng Lang.

Chen Shulan threw herself into the ring again and again, not a momentary passion, but a sincere desire for death. Therefore, the ancients once commented that her death was not an ordinary martyrdom, but because of true love.

Then, chen Shulan's life ups and downs, Chen Shulan and Deng Zongluo's blind date, Chen Shulan and Yuan Ming's teacher-student friendship, what kind of scene is it, we have often known. However, Lao Huang did not speculate on the ugliness, and wanted to restore a "real Chen Shulan" through several poems that she was included in the "Selected Poems of Female Disciples in Suiyuan" by Yuan Ming.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="14" >2/Concubine is amorous</h1>

Suiyuan female disciple Chen Shulan: Live for poetry, die for love 1 / Quote 2 / The death of female poet 2 / Concubine Amorous 3 / Versatile 4 / Brotherhood 5 / Suiyuan disciple 6 / Female poet Chen Shulan 7 / Hui Zhi Lan Xin 8 / Conclusion

Among the poems passed down by Chen Shulan, there are only seven poems about the love of husband and wife, and only seven can be seen by Lao Huang. These poems can make people truly feel the mental journey of an amorous wife who is alone in the air and cares about her lover.

"October 15th Night Double Rui Tang Prequel"

The wind swept the floating clouds half a point, and sure enough, the moon was sparse.

In the autumn fast of this time, I was reading according to Tan Lang's night.

In order to prepare for the exam, Deng Zongluo left home to study hard in the school, and Chen Shulan, who served her parents at home, would not think of her husband who was studying outside. The title of the poem is "The Previous Work of Shuangruitang", which shows that Deng Jiadang is a well-off scholar of the family, otherwise he would not have been attached to the elegant way to give his house a hall number. The marriages of the ancient people all paid attention to the door to the door, and the Chen family was also a well-off family in the local area. This can be proved by the origin of Mr. Suiyuan's female disciples, because most of Yuan Ming's female disciples were the daughters of the official eunuch family, the main chamber or the zhen room (another name for concubines in the old times).

On the fifteenth day of the tenth month of the lunar calendar, the night has long been thin and cold, but Chen Shulan, as a wife, is cold and sleepless, standing in front of the hall, looking up at the night sky, at this time, just when the wind is rolling up the clouds, the clouds are scattered, the moon is sparse, and the moon in the sky is rare, thinking about this round of the moon in the sky, it also shines together with the lover who is studying outside and studying hard.

The "Tan Lang" in the poem refers to Fu Jun. The word "Tanlang" is related to the ancient Chinese beautiful man and Western Jin Dynasty literary scholar Pan Yue (worldly known as Pan An). According to the "Biography of Pan Yue in the Book of Jin", Pan Yue was beautiful and beautiful, and when he tasted the car out of Luoyang Road, the woman on the road Mu Qifengyi, arm in arm, threw the fruit and the car. Because of the small character Tannu of Panyue, later generations used "Tannu" and "Tanlang" as the good name for women to their husbands or men they admired.

Suiyuan female disciple Chen Shulan: Live for poetry, die for love 1 / Quote 2 / The death of female poet 2 / Concubine Amorous 3 / Versatile 4 / Brotherhood 5 / Suiyuan disciple 6 / Female poet Chen Shulan 7 / Hui Zhi Lan Xin 8 / Conclusion

Judging from the poems left by Chen Shulan, her body is relatively weak, often in illness, which reminds people of lin daiyu, a sick beauty in "Dream of the Red Chamber". Chen Shulan's illness is often presented in her poems, and it is all about The Danlang Deng Zongluo in her heart. For example, her "In the Sickness" is written that after the illness, although she misses her husband, she does not dare to disturb Tanlang's contradictions and intimacy.

When the wind and rain are deep in the air, Wan Zhongxin is worried.

Self-pity ruler two waist circumference reduction, is still hidden Lang does not know.

"Self-pity ruler two waist circumference is reduced, still hidden lang does not know." Even if it is for Yi to be emaciated and worried, he is willing to write his illness to his husband, one person's sorrow, one person's consumption, two people's love, borrow paper to communicate. "October 5th", also writes about the feelings of illness:

The sick body supports the bamboo bed, and does not dream of the Mandarin duck.

DuoJun rolled up the sleeves of his green robe and brushed Yunxia's makeup with his hands.

Chen Shulan, who was ill, still had Deng Zongluo in mind who went out to study, and even if it was a dream that did not dream of Tan Lang, she felt very guilty. The two places have been separated for a long time, and it is difficult to understand each other's sorrows, so they can only roll up their green robes, take care of their own makeup, and be well with each other.

There is an idiom called "no disease groaning", in fact, the most worrying place for people is when they are sick. Therefore, Chen Shulan's thinking because of illness is really human normal. Chen Shulan's poem in illness is not "moaning with illness", but a sincere confession.

Suiyuan female disciple Chen Shulan: Live for poetry, die for love 1 / Quote 2 / The death of female poet 2 / Concubine Amorous 3 / Versatile 4 / Brotherhood 5 / Suiyuan disciple 6 / Female poet Chen Shulan 7 / Hui Zhi Lan Xin 8 / Conclusion

"The Mouth of the Sick" (three songs)


The hand held and asked attentively, and the husband and wife were the deepest.

For Nongduo is infected, but he is divided into reading hearts.


I almost want to sit by the window, and my waist and limbs are not free.

In the midst of illness, he was ashamed of the mirror and was timid and lazy to comb his hair.


Strong stride to the curtain, thick shade filled the courtyard.

The grass fertilizer should be green, and the nong is thin but faded red.

The three poems seem to be written in one go, but in fact, the poem renders the continuous warmth and love between the young couple.

Suiyuan female disciple Chen Shulan: Live for poetry, die for love 1 / Quote 2 / The death of female poet 2 / Concubine Amorous 3 / Versatile 4 / Brotherhood 5 / Suiyuan disciple 6 / Female poet Chen Shulan 7 / Hui Zhi Lan Xin 8 / Conclusion

The first poem is written that Deng Zongluo learned that his wife was ill and deliberately asked for leave to go home to accompany him, which made Chen Shulan greatly moved: "Holding hands and asking attentively, husband Junyi is the deepest." However, she was also upset because her illness affected her husband's studies: "For Nongduo is infected, but he is divided into reading hearts." ”

The second poem is written that although the sick poet wants to "make a woman happy for herself" and give her husband a good image when he returns home, he is helpless and weak, and he does not even have the strength to comb the mirror. In such a state, she is ashamed to let people peek.

The third song uses the poetry of the Northern Song Dynasty female lyricist Li Qingzhao's "green fat red skinny", and expresses the helplessness and infatuation in her illness through the foreground of the eyes, and a warm painting of the independent emaciated people jumps on the paper.

"Summer Book"

The curtain is slightly long, and the front of the court is full of lotus incense.

Ren Chuanlang is in the plane tree, and the concubine wishes to transform into a phoenix.

The "lotus" in the poem refers to the diamond leaf and the lotus leaf. The words came out of "Chu Ci Departure": "The making of the lotus is thought to be dressed, and the collection of hibiscus is thought to be a dress." "Here the poet describes the summer outside the court. Mosquitoes buzz to disturb people's sleep, even if the yarn tent is low, there is no drowsiness, "Ren Chuanlang is in the plane tree, and the concubine wishes to turn into a phoenix." The next sentence of "Sycamore Tree" has a small note from the author, referring to the reading office of the husband. The meaning of these two verses is that if Tan Lang is a plane tree, the concubine will be transformed into a phoenix. These two poems can be seen as Chen Shulan's declaration of love for Deng Zongluo's life and death.

Sure enough, Qing did not live up to his word, and after the death of her husband Jun, Chen Shulan also hanged herself and turned into a phoenix to find Chen Zongluo's plane tree, leaving a lamentable love song for future generations.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="49" >3/versatility</h1>

Suiyuan female disciple Chen Shulan: Live for poetry, die for love 1 / Quote 2 / The death of female poet 2 / Concubine Amorous 3 / Versatile 4 / Brotherhood 5 / Suiyuan disciple 6 / Female poet Chen Shulan 7 / Hui Zhi Lan Xin 8 / Conclusion

Chen Shulan was born in a wealthy family, and should have received a good education from home, in addition to noh poetry, other talents are not lost. This can be seen from her and her aunt's dialogue poems - skillful hands can embroider, and the fingers are good and weak.

The "Selected Poems of female disciples in Suiyuan" includes one of her poems, "Sending Nostalgia to Aunt Wu", whose poem Yun:

Hand red velvet sitting in the green window, pregnant people really feel that the day is longer.

Thinking back to the old Days under the Xiang curtain, the gold needles were embroidered with phoenixes.

The Aunt Wu in the poem title should be Chen Shulan's closest girlfriend in her mother's family before she married. Judging from the poems included in the "Selected Poems of Female Disciples in Suiyuan", the only female friend of her mother's family mentioned in her poem is this Aunt Wu.

"Sending To Aunt Wu" is a poet's thoughtful work, through recalling the scene of the window embroidery with his aunt and others, although the language is plain, it is sincere. "Hand red velvet sitting in the green window, Huai ren really feel that the day is longer", is to write that when the poet sat alone in front of the window to embroider, he suddenly remembered the happy time when he used to embroider the phoenix with his aunt under the Xiang curtain. The "red velvet", "green window", "Xiang curtain" and "golden needle" in the poem depict a picture of a woman with dazzling colors and a distinct theme.

Because of the abundance of silk, Jiangnan women are good at embroidery and have a long tradition, and in the Ming and Qing dynasties, there were weaving bureaus in Jiangning. During the Qing Dynasty, Jiangning Weaving, together with Suzhou Weaving and Hangzhou Weaving, was called "Jiangnan Three Weaving", and the three major weavings were imperial merchants who supplied fabrics and silk satin in the palace, and jointly operated the silk industry in the Jiangnan region. The officials who manage the government affairs of these three major weaving gates are commonly known as weaving.

Suiyuan female disciple Chen Shulan: Live for poetry, die for love 1 / Quote 2 / The death of female poet 2 / Concubine Amorous 3 / Versatile 4 / Brotherhood 5 / Suiyuan disciple 6 / Female poet Chen Shulan 7 / Hui Zhi Lan Xin 8 / Conclusion

Jiangning weaving, the Ming Dynasty was supervised by the eunuchs of the Admiral Weaving, and it was still the same in the early Qing Dynasty. During the Shunzhi period, it was managed by the Hubu Messenger, and in the second year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1663), it was sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs for a long time. The title was initially called "Stationed in Jiangnan Weaving Langzhong", and later changed to "Jiangning Weaving Langzhong" (or Yuanwailang).

The first Langzhong of the Jiangning Weaving House in the Qing Dynasty was Cao Xi, the great-grandfather of Cao Xueqin, the author of "Dream of the Red Chamber", and after that, Cao Xueqin's grandfather (Cao Yin) and his father (Cao Fu, Cao Yuan) successively attacked the official, and three generations lived in the Jiangning Weaving House, and Cao Xueqin was also born here. Cao Xueqin's "Grand View Garden" is the artistic sublimation of Jiangning Weaving House.

Jiangning Weaving, also known as the "Jiangning Weaving Ministry", was second only to the Viceroy of Liangjiang, and was more trusted by the emperor, because he could directly provide various information to the Qing government in the Jiangnan region, so it was powerful. When Cao Jia III was an official in Jiangning, he often reported the situation in various places with secret folds, which was actually the eyes and ears of the Kangxi Emperor.

During the Qing Dynasty, Jiangning's silk weaving industry had a long and excellent tradition, when only Nanjing had more than 30,000 looms, about 50,000 male and female workers, more than 200,000 residents who relied on the silk weaving industry for a living, and the annual output value reached 12 million taels of silver.

Suiyuan female disciple Chen Shulan: Live for poetry, die for love 1 / Quote 2 / The death of female poet 2 / Concubine Amorous 3 / Versatile 4 / Brotherhood 5 / Suiyuan disciple 6 / Female poet Chen Shulan 7 / Hui Zhi Lan Xin 8 / Conclusion

Living in such an environment, Chen Shulan and her aunt can "embroider the phoenix with golden needles", which is due to the custom. Therefore, the scene of embroidery only flashes in Chen Shulan's poems from time to time. For example, another of her embroidery poems, "Embroidery Yu Yin":

It is advisable to sit quietly and think quietly, and it is advisable to cook tea and add incense.

Recruit the children in front of the steps, teach needle and thread to teach poetry.

This poem is a pastime and entertainment for the poet's embroidery: burning incense houses, boiling tea and sipping, and inviting little girls to play in front of the door, teaching them to thread needles, read and write poems. This way of passing the time is strongly similar to the low-headed people who only care about brushing their mobile phones now.

Suiyuan female disciple Chen Shulan: Live for poetry, die for love 1 / Quote 2 / The death of female poet 2 / Concubine Amorous 3 / Versatile 4 / Brotherhood 5 / Suiyuan disciple 6 / Female poet Chen Shulan 7 / Hui Zhi Lan Xin 8 / Conclusion

Chen Shulan is not only proficient in embroidery, but also has a talent for music, which can be appreciated from her poem "Aunt Wu asked Dong Hanshang to play the piano and give this answer":

There are negative atrium moons a few rounds, non-related refers to cold and timid ice strings.

It has been several years since the family was distracted, leaving the silk tree behind.

After Chen Shulan got married, the contact with Aunt Wu was quite frequent, because they were not only close friends embroidered with gold needles, but also confidants who sang in a shallow voice. When she was in the middle of the boudoir, Chen Shulan and this aunt surnamed Wu played the piano with the wine and made the cup moon. However, after leaving the cabinet, due to the fatigue of family affairs, he has not been fiddling with silk tong (another name for the guqin) for many years. The ancients cut the tung into a piano, and practiced silk for strings, so it was called). That's why, when my aunt was called, she responded in this way.

The standard of ancient talented women is that the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting are all involved, which can not be refined, but cannot be incomprehensible. Chen Shulan, who is named after the poet in the township, will certainly not be just a partial talent.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="70" >4/Brotherhood</h1>

Suiyuan female disciple Chen Shulan: Live for poetry, die for love 1 / Quote 2 / The death of female poet 2 / Concubine Amorous 3 / Versatile 4 / Brotherhood 5 / Suiyuan disciple 6 / Female poet Chen Shulan 7 / Hui Zhi Lan Xin 8 / Conclusion

Among Chen Shulan's surviving poems, five capitals were sent to her brother Zhu Xuan. The poet expressed infinite longing and concern for this xuan brother, and the brotherhood was overflowing with words.

Who is this Bamboo Xuan Brother? What has been accomplished in life? There is no way to examine it, but from Chen Shulan's poems, we can "detect" that he is far away from home.

For example, she wrote in the first song of "Sending Bamboo Xuan Brother": "Since the division of the car, Zhao Beiyan's southern heaven is a cliff. It is expected that the night of the wind and rain, autumn is easy to think of home. A sentence "Since the division of the car", Brother Xuan left home because "on the car". The so-called "car requisition", the car taken by the distant pedestrians. In ancient times, the car used by the conscription of xianda was also called the conscription car.

Whether it is a long trip or a conscription, anyway, this elder brother and Chen Shulan are "Zhao Beiyan Southern Heaven and One End", and they can't see each other from time to time. It is precisely because of the distance and separation that the poet is doubly worried and missed, and even, for this reason, he has frequent white hair. She lamented in the second song of "Sending Bamboo Xuan Brother":

In June, Tsubaki hall suddenly fell ill, and Guining often served Yue Huaming.

The mother of can be kind to the head, and the white hair is newly added and several stems are added.

This poem is like a family letter telling brother Xuan who is away from home what happened at home: Since June, my father (Tsubaki, also known as Chun Ting, referring to my father) has suddenly fallen ill, and you are not at home, so I have to go back to my mother's house (Guining) to serve. Xu was tired or tired, and my white hair grew out, which my attentive mother found.

The poems written by Chen Shulan to Brother Xuan are all about family affection, both the low-lying tenderness of the daughter's heart and the agility and delicacy of the poet's heart. Before the Liqiu Festival, the poet felt something in his heart, so he gave another poem- "Send Bamboo Xuan Brother Again on the Day Before Li Qiu" To send a greeting to Xuan Brother who was far away, and asked when they could be reunited:

When the rain blows in the west overnight, when to cut candles is longer.

People are divided into north and south from the knees, and they are not as good as the Qingtian geese.

Suiyuan female disciple Chen Shulan: Live for poetry, die for love 1 / Quote 2 / The death of female poet 2 / Concubine Amorous 3 / Versatile 4 / Brotherhood 5 / Suiyuan disciple 6 / Female poet Chen Shulan 7 / Hui Zhi Lan Xin 8 / Conclusion

Chen Shulan's poem, we can see the famous Tang Dynasty poet Li Shangyin's "Night Rain Sends North" "Junwen return period is not in date, bashan night rain rises autumn pool." He Dang cut the west window candle together, but when it rains at night in Bashan", especially the shadow of the second sentence "When to cut the candle is longer", it is directly used in Li Shi's "He Dang cut the west window candle", but it is used very naturally, and there is almost no trace.

Autumn is coming, and on this bitter night in the west, I think of my distant brother again, when will we be able to have a long talk under the candle? Since leaving their parents to run to things (one married, one far away, so called) the world and the north and the south miss each other, only to put into words, letters to convey affection.

Autumn to spring, thoughts have not changed. Although autumn is a sad and nostalgic season, the thought of spring is also like the spring grass before the steps, day and night, can not help themselves. Therefore, the poet also borrowed the poem "Wing Chun Cao Sends Bamboo Xuan Brother" (two poems) to send spring greetings to distant brothers.

One of them is:

I have seen that the moss is gradually growing, and the pond is warm in spring and the sunset is late.

The most pitiful green to other hometown days, wanderers have dreams at the end of the world.

The second is:

Stepping on the bow shoes green pitiful, staring at the shadows.

Since the geese have been flying in sequence, spring has been in Jiangnan for another year.

"The most pitiful green to other villages, the wanderer has dreams at the end of the world", such a season, the distant brother should also dream of home, sad thoughts." Since the geese flew in sequence, spring has been in Jiangnan for another year", because the separation of brothers and sisters is a year, and the spring grass in Jiangnan is green again, but it is really sad to look forward to the return date of the wanderer.

Wang Anshi's "Spring Breeze and the South Bank of the Green River, When will the Bright Moon Shine on Me" was written from the perspective of the wanderer's thoughts, and Chen Shulan's Jiangnan Chuncao was written from the perspective of the family's thoughts.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="92" >5/disciple of Suiyuan</h1>

Suiyuan female disciple Chen Shulan: Live for poetry, die for love 1 / Quote 2 / The death of female poet 2 / Concubine Amorous 3 / Versatile 4 / Brotherhood 5 / Suiyuan disciple 6 / Female poet Chen Shulan 7 / Hui Zhi Lan Xin 8 / Conclusion

A very interesting phenomenon in history is that many of the women in the Qinhuai Qinglou in the late Ming Dynasty were able to write poetry and paint, such as Qin Huai Bayan, who is still loved by people, and all of them are talented. In contrast, the good family women of that era were bland and obscure. However, in the Qing Dynasty, this situation changed, and the number of good women who loved to read poetry books and poetry and paint gradually increased, according to Hu Wenkai's "Examination of Women's Works in Past Dynasties": "The collection of women in the Qing Dynasty, surpassing the previous generation, numbered more than three thousand. The "Draft of Poets in the Qing Dynasty" edited by scholars of the Republic of China included 1262 female poets. The emergence of a large number of female poets in the Qing Dynasty is related to the development of the times and the opening up of concepts, and also related to the vigorous advocacy of a small number of open-minded literati. Among them, there is a big literati who cannot fail to mention, and he is Yuan Ming.

Yuan Ming (袁枚), courtesy name Zicai (字子才), was a native of Qiantang (present-day Hangzhou, Zhejiang), whose ancestral home was Cixi, Zhejiang. Yuan Ming had few talents and was good at writing poetry. In the fourth year of Qianlong (1739), he was born as a jinshi and was awarded the title of Shujishi of Hanlin Yuan. In the seventh year of Qianlong (1742), he was transferred to Jiangsu, and successively served as a county commander in Lishui, Jiangning, Jiangpu, and Shuyang for seven years, and he was quite prestigious for official political diligence, but his career was not smooth, and he had no intention of being a bureaucrat.

In the fourteenth year of Qianlong (1749), he resigned from the official and lived in seclusion in The Garden of Xiaocang Mountain in Nanjing, and called himself a resident of Cangshan Mountain, the owner of the garden, and the old man of the garden. After retiring, Yuan Ming, Chanting suiyuan, widely collected poetry disciples, female disciples especially many. Contemporaries said of Yuan Ming: "Talented women are all poetry disciples, and celebrities are mostly old protégés." "There are forty or fifty women in the garden. Before Yuan Ming, Li Zhen in the Ming Dynasty had accepted female disciples, and Mao Xihe in the early Qing Dynasty had accepted female disciples, but they were all occasional, and the women they received were also individuals, and it was unprecedented to recruit forty or fifty female disciples like Yuan Ming.

Suiyuan female disciple Chen Shulan: Live for poetry, die for love 1 / Quote 2 / The death of female poet 2 / Concubine Amorous 3 / Versatile 4 / Brotherhood 5 / Suiyuan disciple 6 / Female poet Chen Shulan 7 / Hui Zhi Lan Xin 8 / Conclusion

At that time, Caiyuan, who was proud to be a disciple of Suiyuan, was called "My Disciple of Suiyuan" and "My Disciple of Suiyuan". These female disciples were either born into the family of officials and eunuchs, or married into the Scholarly Mendi, with a good economic life, a superior learning environment, and more leisure, and could compose poetry with peace of mind. For example, Xi Peilan, her husband Sun Yuanxiang was a Qianlong juren, Jiajing Jinshi, also Gong Shiwen; Zhang Xuanxiao and Zhou Yuezun were both concubines of Shangshu Biyuan; Bi Hui was the daughter of Bi Yuan; Qian Huanqing was the daughter of Shangshu Qian Weiyu and married the Taoist priest Cui Jianlong; Sun Yunfeng and Sun Yunhe were the daughters of Sun Jiale, the envoy of Sichuan; Wang Yuru, the concubine of Sun Jiale; Pan Suxin, daughter of Pan Rujiong of Zhizhou, married to Wang Runzhi, a jinshi during the Jiaqing period and a former scholar in Fujian.

Compared with yuan ming's above-mentioned famous ladies with prominent backgrounds, Chen Shulan, whose mother's lintel is not obvious and her husband is only a review student who has failed to pass the examination repeatedly, can only be regarded as an ugly duckling. How could she worship Yuan Men? It was her sincerity that touched Yuan Ming. For example, in order to win a poem by Yuan Ming, she embroidered in front of the window, meditated under the lamp, and stabbed her heart on a few Su Ling.

"Su Aya Embroidery Character Presents Suiyuan Taishisuo Poem Preface" (2 poems)

I have a makeup table sentence, so I didn't dare to vote.

If you pass through Yan Xu pen, the boudoir is also a thousand autumns.

A generation of words, known to the public is the most good.

Petal incense flower bottom instructions, brocade words for articles.

Su Aya is a silk fabric made of pure mulberry silk, which is light in texture and soft in the hand, and can be used to make four seasons clothing and is also used for mounting embroidery drawings. Such a choice shows the sincerity of his intentions.

Suiyuan female disciple Chen Shulan: Live for poetry, die for love 1 / Quote 2 / The death of female poet 2 / Concubine Amorous 3 / Versatile 4 / Brotherhood 5 / Suiyuan disciple 6 / Female poet Chen Shulan 7 / Hui Zhi Lan Xin 8 / Conclusion

In these two prologue poems, Chen Shulan, while acknowledging her own talent, praised Yuan Ming's great talent and praised him as "Yan Xu Pen". "Yan Xu" refers to the Tang dynasty writers Zhang Shu and Su Yong; Zhang Said feng Yan Guo Gong, Su Hao Feng Xu Guo Gong. According to the New Book of Tang, the Biography of Su Yishu (苏傒溍傳), Su "since Jinglong, and Zhang said that he was shown in articles, called Wangluo, etc., so he was called Yan Xu's big hand".

Yuan Ming is a man of temperament, there are women who ask for each other, how can he whisk his beautiful intentions, and soon satisfied Chen Shulan's beautiful wish of "changing words for articles". After receiving the preface to the poetry collection given to her by Yuan Ming, Chen Shulan wrote another poem of Xie Suiyuan's poem "Xie Suiyuan Fuzi Poetry Preface":

Sure enough, he smiled at the New Year, and got the name Passing TaiShi.

Nong is really fortunate to be a protégé, and the peach blossoms are planted with colorful clouds.

Chen Shulan's poem is preceded by a note specifically indicating the time of writing, "The second day of the new century of Shi Jiachen". At that time, it was the forty-ninth year of Qianlong (1784), and Yuan Washinian was 68 years old. After the first sentence of the poem, there is also a note: "Gong lai Zayun, make Lan Han smile and celebrate the New Year." After Explaining That Chen Shulan put forward the request of "changing the words for articles", Yuan Mei wrote back to her, promising her that the poem would be completed in the New Year.

The reason why Chen Shulan specifically marked the writing time after the poem title was to tell the world that she had officially entered Yuan Men at that time and became an official disciple of Mr. Suiyuan.

Suiyuan female disciple Chen Shulan: Live for poetry, die for love 1 / Quote 2 / The death of female poet 2 / Concubine Amorous 3 / Versatile 4 / Brotherhood 5 / Suiyuan disciple 6 / Female poet Chen Shulan 7 / Hui Zhi Lan Xin 8 / Conclusion

To become a female disciple of Mr. Suiyuan, of course, you must listen to mr. Suiyuan's teachings in person, but as a woman from an ordinary family, she cannot have the opportunity to "take a trip that can be walked away" every day, but the timing is appropriate to make it happen. Chen Shulan, who received yuan's poetry preface, eagerly arranged "a trip to go away" in the spring of that year- to visit the teacher in Suiyuan. Unfortunately, Sun Shulan went to Suiyuan, but Yuan Mei traveled far away because of the incident and did not have the opportunity to meet. People did not see it, but they had to stay, so she wrote four inscription wall poems on the pink wall of Yuan Ming's house with a stroke of her pen - "JiaChen Chunyue Occasionally Passed with the Garden Suitable Master zi to travel to Guangdong Luofu to bless the four poems on the wall":

In order to visit the famous garden, the tourist immortals have gone to the end of the world.

Self-ashamed embroidery of the hairpin lattice, like a spring wind to protect the yarn.

I made up my mind to visit my husband, but I didn't expect that he had already gone on a long trip. It is gratifying that the Su Ling Jin character embroidered for Mr. Last year was used as a curtain by Mr. Li. The note at the end of the poem reads: "The verses embroidered by Lan were cut as curtains for the master, so the clouds." ”

The high and lower pavilions are well positioned, and the flowers fly on the water birds through the branches.

Greedy fish shadow home slow, idle leaning on the dry fishing wire.

After the poet arrived at the garden, he was reluctant to leave because he coveted the beauty of the garden, and he was also interested in "idly leaning on the dry fishing wire".

Thinking of Luo Fu's dream, Mr. Luo Fu was also idle, and when did mr. Luo Fu go here?

Blatantly white hair adds to the joy of travel, the sky and the spirit of the year good mountain.

Suiyuan female disciple Chen Shulan: Live for poetry, die for love 1 / Quote 2 / The death of female poet 2 / Concubine Amorous 3 / Versatile 4 / Brotherhood 5 / Suiyuan disciple 6 / Female poet Chen Shulan 7 / Hui Zhi Lan Xin 8 / Conclusion

The female poet is in Suiyuan, and Mr. Suiyuan, who wants to go out for a long trip, admires his spirit, body and pleasure while secretly calculating his return date.


Several times the trick has not been timed, and it is like a river every other day.

Non-Guan Nong is lazy, half afraid of the wind and mostly sick.

Chen Shulan was the first time to go to Suiyuan, in fact, there were several opportunities earlier, because Yuan Mei had invited her to come to the garden to see the plums several times (there was a note after the first sentence of the poem " Mengzhao to see the plums " ) , but because the conditions were not allowed (non-Guan Nong was lazy, half afraid of the wind and mostly sick) and missed. After the second poem, there is also a note: "The five characters are the verses of the Gong Dynasty Examination." The sentence "Like the Next Heavenly River" is borrowed from a poem written by Yuan Mei when he participated in the scientific expedition. In this regard, Yuan Ming's record in volume 1 of the "Suiyuan Poetry" is: "The question of the examination that has not yet been tested is "Endowed with Wind and Imagination Yuke". Yu wanted to portray the word 'think', and there was a sentence cloud: "Sound doubts come to the forbidden courtyard, people are like the next day river." ’”

In fact, for Chen Shulan's visit, Yuan Ming also has a special record in volume VI of his "Poetry of Suiyuan":

Yu was in Guilin, and Shulan's female disciple occasionally passed through the garden, and the inscription wall saw Huaiyun: "In order to visit Taoyuan, where did xianyun fall to the end of the world?" I like to see a few hairpin flower characters, and I like to lead the spring wind to protect the yarn. "Several times I have not been tricked, but I actually look like a river of heaven (stealing the gong dynasty examination sentence). Non-Guan learned Ji Kang lazy, half for the wind and mostly sick. ”

From this point of view, Yuan Ming still appreciates and is more appreciative of Chen Shulan.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="132" >6/poetess Chen Shulan</h1>

Suiyuan female disciple Chen Shulan: Live for poetry, die for love 1 / Quote 2 / The death of female poet 2 / Concubine Amorous 3 / Versatile 4 / Brotherhood 5 / Suiyuan disciple 6 / Female poet Chen Shulan 7 / Hui Zhi Lan Xin 8 / Conclusion

The reason why Chen Shulan was able to enter Yuan Ming's eyes was related to her achievements in poetry creation. Although Chen Shulan's poems are all common love words, this is in line with the "sexual spirit theory" advocated by Yuan Ming.

The "theory of sexual spirit" marked by Yuan Ming emphasizes that poetry creation should be based on feelings, advocates "poetry writing temperament", and believes that the essence of poetry is to express feelings and is the natural expression of people's feelings. That is, starting from the creative content of poetry, the subject of poetry creation is required to express a sense of truth and fill the content of poetry with true feelings. Only by expressing true feelings can poets reflect the lyrical nature of poetry itself, and can they show the artistic charm of natural freshness, vividness and liveliness.

As a poet, Chen Shulan, in addition to her children's love, also dabbles in other themes, whether it is sentimental, emotional, and touching, it is also based on the saying of "sexual spirit". For example, her "Jinling Sense of Old harmony":

The Yushu song was not listened to, and the gold powder of the Six Dynasties was half withered.

Now there is only the heavenly moon, which once looked at the back court of Chen Palace.

"Jinling Sense of Oldness" is an old theme, thinking about the ancient and leisurely feelings, but for the empathy of poets. For example, the Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu's "Bo Qinhuai": "Smoke cage cold water moon cage sand, night berth Qinhuai near the restaurant." The merchant girl did not know the hatred of the country, and sang the backyard flowers across the river. ”

Suiyuan female disciple Chen Shulan: Live for poetry, die for love 1 / Quote 2 / The death of female poet 2 / Concubine Amorous 3 / Versatile 4 / Brotherhood 5 / Suiyuan disciple 6 / Female poet Chen Shulan 7 / Hui Zhi Lan Xin 8 / Conclusion

The banks of the Qinhuai River in Jinling, the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, have always been places for dignitaries to enjoy and feast, and "Jinling" and "Qinhuai" have gradually become synonymous with extravagant life. The poem "Bo Qinhuai" is a work of the poet who touched the scenery when he was in the night of Qinhuai, the first half of the writing of the night scene of Qinhuai, the second half of the expression of emotion, borrowing the history of Chen Hou lord (Chen Shubao) because of the pursuit of absurd pleasures and eventually perished in the country, satirizing those late Tang rulers who did not learn lessons from it and drunkenly dreamed of death, showing the author's incomparable concern for the fate of the country and deeply worried feelings.

Although Chen Shulan's "Jinling Sense of Old Harmony" is written in the rhyme of others, it can also well express the thoughts of worrying about the country. The prosperity of the old dynasty is no more, the stars and moons on the edge of the sky are eternally hanging, although the rivers and mountains are easy to live, things are not human, but life must continue, and the remnants of the jade tree do not listen to it.

It is said that the literati are light, but more often, it is the literati who are close to each other. Therefore, when Chen Shulan read about the female poet of the same generation, Yue Xiashi (old Huang lonely, I don't know who it is?). Those who know, bother to teach 1 or 2) excellent poems, suddenly admired, know each other and can not see each other, only poetry to express affection.

"Reading YueXia's Poems and Feelings II"

In the middle of the night, the lamp was about to sleep, and the good poems of pearl jade were suddenly transmitted.

Yin Lai entered the class and sat down, regretting that I was born twenty years late.

The same life is the same tone, and it is difficult to have three lives.

The drizzle of rain is cold at night, and it feels like the old feeling.

This Yuexia clan, as a poet of Chen Shulan's predecessor, may have died long ago at this moment, leaving only good poems on the pearl and jade plate, but it is difficult to find a side. It is said that it is difficult to find a voice, which can be seen from Chen Shi's helpless speech.

Suiyuan female disciple Chen Shulan: Live for poetry, die for love 1 / Quote 2 / The death of female poet 2 / Concubine Amorous 3 / Versatile 4 / Brotherhood 5 / Suiyuan disciple 6 / Female poet Chen Shulan 7 / Hui Zhi Lan Xin 8 / Conclusion

In addition, Chen Shulan's several poems about jing yongwu are also written with quite a sentimental taste, such as pictures and songs. Chun Yan's dislike of carving beams and paintings of rich people's homes, preferring to visit the deceased every year. The painting in the inscription is independent of time and season, and the annual flowers bloom undefeated, which is longer than the whims of the grass that forgets worries. These are all thoughts of emotion, the language is refreshing, as homely, but it has a different taste of life.

"Spring Swallow"

Last year's nest was the hardest, and this year's flying dance is spring.

How much do the carved beam paintings know, and they are willing to visit the deceased.

《Inscription Painting》

Plant the grass and blossom a yan.

Scramble on the picture, the color from year to year.

And her "Autumn Night Puppet Yin" can jump out of the theme of the ancients hurting autumn, and do the opposite, writing the extraordinary charm of autumn light. The "autumn light" in the poet's eyes is better than the "spring light" that everyone praises.

The insect rhymes with the sound of the wind to help the song, and the incense flutters in the milky way.

Autumn light is better than spring light, how does Song Yu sigh more?

Chen Shulan quoted an allusion related to Song Yu in "Autumn Night Puppet Yin". Song Yu is a descendant of the Duke of Song, born in the State of Chu, former king of Chu And xiang, a scholar of the State of Chu, a famous poet of the Warring States, Song Yu and Tang Le, Jing Cha are equally famous, and the works passed down from generation to generation include "Nine Debates" and so on. The theme of the Nine Debates is The Sorrowful Autumn, and its opening sentence is: "Sorrowful Autumn is qi also!" The grass and trees fell and decayed. ”

In the article "Nine Debates", Song Yu organically combines the natural phenomena of autumn ten thousand trees falling yellow and the mountains and rivers with the poet's frustrated parade and the sadness of floating moods, and people's feelings are radiated to the natural world, and the work condenses a tragic atmosphere that cannot be discharged and repeatedly entangled, evoking people's feelings of natural changes and people's ups and downs. Such a tragic autumn sentiment set the tone for his literati inkers to write autumn. Therefore, Chen Shulan has a question in the poem "How Song Yu sighs a lot".

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="162" >7/fern orchid heart</h1>

Suiyuan female disciple Chen Shulan: Live for poetry, die for love 1 / Quote 2 / The death of female poet 2 / Concubine Amorous 3 / Versatile 4 / Brotherhood 5 / Suiyuan disciple 6 / Female poet Chen Shulan 7 / Hui Zhi Lan Xin 8 / Conclusion

Among Chen Shulan's poems, there is also a group of Wing Lan poems. Because of its name Lan, can we understand these Yonglan poems as the self-presentation of the poet's inner world?

Chinese love orchids, because orchids have beautiful qualifications, so the word "orchid" is often extended to people's quality is clean and elegant. People often use "Lan" to describe some beautiful things, such as "Lan Xin Hui Sex" metaphor for women's elegant and noble character, and "Jinlan Friendship" refers to a close friend. Qu Yuan repeatedly emphasized "Lan's" fresh and superior temperament in "Leaving the Troubles" to show his beautiful pursuit.

Mr. Zhu has loved orchids all his life, and the old handsome who rarely chants the wind and the moon once wrote a poem of the Seven Absolute "Wing Lan" with deep affection: "Youlan Yiyi is waiting for the winter to bloom, and the green leaves and green onions reflect the painting table." The first time Su Ying Zhu dew fell, Xiang Ying ten steps out of the court. ”

Chen Shulan also loves Lan and writes Lan, and the Lan in her poems, and the Lan in Qu Yuan's "Leaving the Sorrow" and the Lan in Zhu Laozong's pen, are all images of high purity. Every pair of orchids always arouses the poet's feelings.

"To Lan"

The day chief stole the embroidery work, and sat down to take advantage of the noon breeze.

I am silent about YoulanLan's heart for me.

The day was too long, and the poet embroidered by the window also wanted to be lazy, so he took advantage of the noon lavender wind to sit quietly opposite the orchid. The orchid at this moment is also like a beauty in the eyes of the poet, although the two are relatively speechless, but they are in harmony with each other and have pity for each other. Whether it is the orchid in front of the eyes, the orchid in the heart, or the orchid in the pen, it is the self-portrayal of the poet. To be a person as noble as Lan is to live up to this life.


In february, the cold air invaded, and the golden furnace stirred fire to moan to itself.

A hundred flowers are all in the heart of the child, not as deep as the Fanglan family.

The wind in February is cold, the fire in the boudoir is not extinguished, the poet reverie is infinite, remembering the hundred flowers in his heart, and the most touching thing is still the cluster of dark incense orchids. Between the poet and the orchid, there is a love affair between life and death that cannot be dissolved.

Suiyuan female disciple Chen Shulan: Live for poetry, die for love 1 / Quote 2 / The death of female poet 2 / Concubine Amorous 3 / Versatile 4 / Brotherhood 5 / Suiyuan disciple 6 / Female poet Chen Shulan 7 / Hui Zhi Lan Xin 8 / Conclusion

Not only in front of the window of his own home, even if he goes out to visit friends or visit the bookstore, he will still meet Lan. In my spare time, I will also think of the bush of orchids in the courtyard of the Book House.

"Sending peace club book house"

The fragrance of the small courtyard comes to the face, and the needle is thrown a few degrees to stand up with moss.

Youlan also has a nostalgic intention, and Su Rui does not let go.

Youlan in the courtyard of the bookstore, as if she were also like a sentimental poet, often fell into longing, so that "Su Rui did not let go". Not letting go is not giving up; not letting go is also perseverance.


For a few days, the spring wind and air gradually harmonized, and suddenly frost and snow were grinding again.

Although it did not damage the lan rhyme, it was already felt that there were many tears thrown with the beads.

The spring breeze is amorous and warm, and everything in heaven and earth is revived, but this warm sunny weather is stirred by frost and snow, breeding boundless cold. The frail poet and the youlan who persevered in the frost and snow were unbearable. There is cold and suffering, there are tears and tears, poet Yes? Yuranye? It is difficult to distinguish between each other.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="184" >8/conclusion</h1>

Suiyuan female disciple Chen Shulan: Live for poetry, die for love 1 / Quote 2 / The death of female poet 2 / Concubine Amorous 3 / Versatile 4 / Brotherhood 5 / Suiyuan disciple 6 / Female poet Chen Shulan 7 / Hui Zhi Lan Xin 8 / Conclusion

Chen Shulan is a little famous female poet, although she has collected poems into a collection, but it has been lost. Her life and deeds are also difficult to find in the historical data. Like most people, Chen Shulan was really a person, if it were not for Yuan Ming's "Selected Poems of Female Disciples in Suiyuan", she would have left a group of poems, if it was her name that was as short as 21 characters (Chen Shulan, the character HuiQing, the wife of Deng Zongluo. Deng Sheng drowned, Shulan hanged herself), she was also like most people, drowned by the dust of time.

Fortunately, fortunately, she worshiped Yuan Men, and because of Yuan Ming, her poems and deeds were not completely erased. Living for poetry, dying for love, it can be said that Chen Shulan is a strange woman who created with her life. Through the few words of her poems, Lao Huang can piece together her general life for the reader.

Think about it, we are all ordinary people, and it is too difficult to leave a trace of ourselves in history. As long as you live in the present, do not live up to Shaohua, do not live up to the kindness, it is enough. Famous in history, or leave it to others!

(Image from the Internet)

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