
Guan Qingyou: Young people first earn enough a million, and then consider investing Finance
Guan Qingyou: Young people first earn enough a million, and then consider investing

In recent years, investment has become more and more young, the post-00s began to play funds, speculate in stocks, bitcoin, young they have not yet understood the investment market, they rushed to enter, and eventually suffered heavy losses. Should young people invest? How much should I invest in my savings? How is the investment funds allocated?

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On June 20, at the "2021 Phoenix Network (Summer) Finance Summit and Tianlai SiXianghui", Guan Qingyou, president of the Institute of Financial Research, put forward his own suggestions on the investment of young people. The summit was hosted by and China Enterprise Reform and Development Research Association, hosted by Finance, and with Dongfeng Nissan Tianlai as a strategic partner.

Asked about investment advice, Guan Qingyou said a sentence that looks like chicken soup, the most important investment for young people is to invest in themselves. In his opinion, before saving the first pot of gold, do not easily try to invest. This first pot of gold, he thinks, should reach a minimum of 1 million. "Only with the first bucket of gold and the first bucket of gold has a certain scale, you can pry the leverage, you can pry more social resources, and you can improve your ideological realm and cognitive ability."

And this first bucket of gold does not rely on how to accumulate investment, Guan Qingyou said, "In fact, it is very fast, the key is only one or two years of effort, perhaps the choice of the track, perhaps a so-called opportunity choice, perhaps the process of quantitative change to qualitative change brought about by your own so-called long-term achievements and continuous efforts." ”

In his view, if young people have money, they should buy a house first, solve their living problems first and then consider investment, and do not let themselves become investment slaves. When it comes to Bitcoin, he said that in terms of investment probability, it is difficult to make money investing in Bitcoin, because it is a highly leveraged, highly volatile asset, and most people are bubbles.

The following is an excerpt from the interview:

Phoenix Finance: Now young people are doing investments, such as bitcoin, funds, etc. Do you have any advice for them?

Guan Qingyou: In this era, because the things that each young stage is exposed to are not the same, everyone understands many things differently, but from the perspective of investment, after all, there are some so-called consensuses in human society for thousands of years, in fact, what is the most important investment for the so-called young group? If you look at the effect, from the perspective of the main body of investment, in fact, the most important thing is to invest in yourself, which is actually a car rutt, but it is actually very important, that is, you have to make yourself strong.

From the perspective of investment, the most important thing is not to invest in a certain target, the most important thing is that you need to accumulate the first bucket of gold as quickly as possible, only with the first bucket of gold and the first bucket of gold has a certain scale, you can possible to leverage, you can possible to leverage more social resources, you can possible to improve your ideological realm, cognitive ability. Instead of saying that I will earn tens of thousands of dollars, I will earn a dozen or twenty thousand, I will invest in something, and I will get rich overnight, there are such cases, there is particularly good luck, and that kind of luck cannot be stopped. But in terms of probability, this so-called overnight wealth is too rare, it is not universal. So I think the most important thing is that through your own job position, the job you are in, the track you are in, you can accumulate the first bucket of gold as soon as possible, and this first bucket of gold is not necessarily a lot.

Phoenix Finance: How much is it?

Guan Qingyou: I think that living in big cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, the first bucket of gold for young people should be measured at least according to one million, one million liquid and disposable cash after tax.

Phoenix Finance: But most young people actually...

Guan Qingyou: You should have no problem.

Phoenix Finance: It only relies on wages to work hard, are you for us young people...

Guan Qingyou: No, because I have experienced this stage, and I understand this stage very well.

Phoenix Finance: It may be slow at first.

Guan Qingyou: But in fact, it is also very fast, when you realize this problem or you understand these things, it is actually very fast. I was facing a lot of problems back then, including the problems you face today, and I was faced with a lot of problems back then, and some people came to me at that time and said: Anyway, you don't have to worry, this is very fast, the key is just a year or two.

Phoenix Finance: What does this "key" mean?

Guan Qingyou: Maybe it's the choice of the track, maybe it's a so-called opportunity choice, maybe it's the process of quantitative change to qualitative change brought about by your own so-called long-term efforts and continuous efforts.

Phoenix Finance: That is, young people or have opportunities?

Guan Qingyou: Of course there is a chance. Now to be honest, I think that compared with our age group, compared with our ideological understanding, even many young people have many more opportunities than we had at that time. Because after all, your generation is a product of the small mobile Internet era, and your understanding of many things is actually deeper than ours. I have always believed in one point: one generation is more talented than the next. We can't always look at the younger generation with old eyes, and now the best in many industries are very young.

Phoenix Finance: Do you suggest that young people invest in bitcoin and other things?

Guan Qingyou: Bitcoin I do not recommend that you really take it as an overnight rich thing, you can try this so-called asset fluctuations, experience this market, but everyone now has this anti-risk ability, I do not recommend that you call high leverage investment, because you can not control such risks. Maybe you're in luck, then I don't know, that's a matter of God's perspective. But in terms of investment probability, it is difficult to make money, because this is a highly leveraged, highly volatile asset, and most people are bubbles.

Phoenix Finance: Do you think it is reasonable for young people to invest in how much to invest now?

Guan Qingyou: It is best that you have a so-called first bucket of gold. After having a certain movable asset base, it is not to say that you can't affect your normal life by taking a certain proportion, and if you affect your life because of investment, this is completely unnecessary. I remember Peter Lynch also said a sentence, he is a master of American investment, and he is a successful retirement, I think he said very reasonable, that is, before you buy stocks, buy funds, you first buy a house, you don't say that the last life is very uncomfortable, you go to invest this is not necessary, do not let yourself become the so-called investment slave.

Phoenix Finance: But a lot of young people think that I use...

Guan Qingyou: It is difficult to use investment to earn money to buy a house.

Phoenix Finance: But it should be more difficult to rely on your own salary.

Guan Qingyou: So how can you achieve and find opportunities, this is really important, so I think many people have misunderstood this matter, thinking that for example, I have 500,000, 1 million, and I can get rich overnight, it is impossible! Of course, I can't say that there is no such thing, but it is too little in terms of probability.

Phoenix Finance: Setting 1 million yuan also proves that this amount also proves that he has a certain accumulation in this industry or what, and then invests or does what he has a certain experience?

Guan Qingyou: Surely it contains a lot of content, first of all, you really want to pry the lever, you have to have strength in front, Archimedes said: Give me a fulcrum, I can pry the earth up. This is true, but first of all this primordial force cannot be too small.

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