
Talking about "Old Things in Seongnam": The model father you think of, drinking flower wine can drink all over the street overnight, those nostalgia and deep love for their fathers are flowing in Lin Haiyin's description of flowers. But I didn't expect that just as Zhu Ziqing's father was not only the side in "Back Shadow", Lin Haiyin's father also had a complexity that I could not accept for a moment.

author:Historically realistic

Lin Haiyin's "Old Things in Seongnam" tells the joy and pain of childhood, with deep affection, and has touched countless readers. The last of them, "Daddy's Flowers Have Fallen", was also selected as a junior high school Language textbook and is well known to many people.

Lin Haiyin's nickname is YingZi, and "The Old Story of Seongnam" is narrated in the tone of Yingzi. In that article, Lin Haiyin's father left a deep impression on the reader: her father loved flowers, and the first thing he did when he came home every day was to water the flowers. Dad planted large pots of pomegranates and oleanders in the yard, and when autumn came, he had to buy many, many chrysanthemums to fill the yard. Under the eaves, on the trellises... There are flowers everywhere.

Lin Haiyin's father took good care of the flowers and invested a lot of effort in it. Some people even say that there are so many sisters in the Lin Haiyin family, all because of his father's love of flowers. The author naturally knows that this is nothing more than a "coincidence in superstition", but the father and the flower are indeed inseparable.

Talking about "Old Things in Seongnam": The model father you think of, drinking flower wine can drink all over the street overnight, those nostalgia and deep love for their fathers are flowing in Lin Haiyin's description of flowers. But I didn't expect that just as Zhu Ziqing's father was not only the side in "Back Shadow", Lin Haiyin's father also had a complexity that I could not accept for a moment.

Lin Haiyin wrote in the small manuscript of "My Father" that in her memory, her father often negotiated with the price of picking and selling flowers, and every time he had to buy the whole burden of flowers, and then immediately returned home to collect the flowers. The children were also excited to help, moving the large and small flower pots out of the house. It seems that all year round, the house is full of flowers.

Because of this characteristic of dad, in Lin Haiyin's memory, dad's flowers seem to have become one with dad: when dad's flowers fall, it also indicates that dad is leaving. So when Dad was sick, even those flowers didn't look as delicate as before.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > those nostalgia and deep love for their fathers are flowing in Lin Haiyin's words about the flowers. </h1>

In this article, Lin Haiyin recalls her father by recalling her father's flowers. She said: "In all my years of writing, there has never been one written specifically for my father. Because I know that if I write about my father, I will inevitably touch the sad memory of his premature departure from us. On that day, Xiao Yingzi attended the graduation ceremony, and before leaving for school, her mother pinned a pink oleander to her placket and said to her: "Oleander was planted by your father, and carrying it is like your father seeing you on stage." "

Talking about "Old Things in Seongnam": The model father you think of, drinking flower wine can drink all over the street overnight, those nostalgia and deep love for their fathers are flowing in Lin Haiyin's description of flowers. But I didn't expect that just as Zhu Ziqing's father was not only the side in "Back Shadow", Lin Haiyin's father also had a complexity that I could not accept for a moment.

When Xiao Yingzi first participated in the school's farewell reunion with her graduating classmates, her father was also there, and he once advised her to work hard, and six years later, he also received a graduation certificate and a thank-you speech on behalf of her classmates. Today, this wish has come true, but Dad has fallen ill and is in the hospital, unable to come to her graduation ceremony. It was also on this day that Hideko grew up. After attending the graduation ceremony, Hideko took the primary school diploma that had just been issued, as if she had some premonition, and hurried to her home. But I saw that under the pomegranate tree planted by my father, a few small pomegranates fell off on their own.

At this moment, the cook Lao Gao said that he wanted Xiao Yingzi to go to the hospital quickly- "Daddy's flowers have fallen, and I am no longer a child." With the departure of her father, Hideko grew up, and Hideko's childhood ended. She also inherited her father's strength and began to take on the responsibility of life. In this article, the image of Hideko's father is tall and majestic and gentle. Although her father left early in her life, the image of her father did not disappear early in the heart of Hideko, who had just graduated from elementary school.

On the contrary, the father's independence, stubbornness and strength were all inherited by Hideko. His enthusiasm and responsibility have left a deep impression on Hideko and forever influenced Hideko's future life.

So for many years, every time I read this article, I have admiration and admiration for the image of the father in this one.

Talking about "Old Things in Seongnam": The model father you think of, drinking flower wine can drink all over the street overnight, those nostalgia and deep love for their fathers are flowing in Lin Haiyin's description of flowers. But I didn't expect that just as Zhu Ziqing's father was not only the side in "Back Shadow", Lin Haiyin's father also had a complexity that I could not accept for a moment.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > but I did not expect that just as Zhu Ziqing's father is not only the side of "Back Shadow", Lin Haiyin's father also has a complexity that I can't accept for a moment. </h1>

Lin Haiyin said that her father had a variety of hobbies, and even his early death was related to his various hobbies, especially drinking and staying up late, which was harmful to his lung disease. But the father is so willful, he does not take good care of his body, he cannot watch his children thrive, he is "dead and blind", and the children's childhood dreams are also "suddenly shattered", which is really a pity. When watching "Old Things in Seongnam", the most shocking thing to me was the ambiguity between Hideko's father and Aunt Lan. Aunt Lan is the aunt of the Shi family, who was sold at the age of three and came to Beijing from Suzhou to survive on men. Later, she became an aunt to the Shi family.

Ying Zi's father has always been willing to help his friends, even uncle Dexian and other people who are involved in politics, dad is enthusiastic to stay and give help, when Aunt Lan ran away from the Shi family and came to Ying Zi's house for refuge, dad naturally had no objection. Hideko was happy to see this happen. She likes Aunt Lan because Aunt Lan can often take her to the Seongnam Amusement Park to see the theater, and she can also eat small winter vegetable buns.

Aunt Lan loves to laugh, talks and laughs with everyone, and her laughter is everywhere in the house. She also has a gold-encrusted tooth, and when she laughs, the corners of her mouth are tilted upwards, revealing small gold teeth, and with laughter, she also reveals dimples—Aunt Lan can bring her a lot of happiness. What Aunt Lan does is novel, even combing her hair, her twist bun is much better than Ying Zi's mother's YuanBao bun!

Talking about "Old Things in Seongnam": The model father you think of, drinking flower wine can drink all over the street overnight, those nostalgia and deep love for their fathers are flowing in Lin Haiyin's description of flowers. But I didn't expect that just as Zhu Ziqing's father was not only the side in "Back Shadow", Lin Haiyin's father also had a complexity that I could not accept for a moment.

But since seeing that, Hideko suddenly disliked Aunt Lan. "I really don't understand why my mother suddenly got angry with my father." Until one day, in the smokey smell of duck slices, I could smell the wrong smell. Aunt Lan is very good at burning cigarettes, and one day at dinner, Ying Zi saw "Dad and Aunt Lan lying on the bed, facing each other, pillowed with embroidered pillows on the side of the lotus leaf..." She was looking at Aunt Lan's skillful smoking techniques in shock, but suddenly saw her father catch Aunt Lan's hand at once. Although children don't understand anything, they still have their own understanding of many things. Eiko intuitively wants to go back to her mother, but when she sees her mother, she doesn't know what to say. At this time, she finally understood why her mother did not want Aunt Lan to stay in their house in the first place.

She began to sympathize with her mother and worried about it. Fortunately, Ying Zi was a big ghost, and he could actually think of such a thing as helping Aunt Lan and Uncle Dexian to connect. The child's words were innocent, and Aunt Lan and Uncle Dexian did not think to doubt at all, and they easily believed it. Under the mediation of Lin Yingzi, the two of them really gradually walked together. One day, Uncle DeXian suddenly offered to leave and take Aunt Lan with him, and Ying Zi's father realized that the problem was wrong. But things have happened.

At the reception feast, Dad "poured himself into a blush, and the green tendons on his head were exposed like earthworms." He held out his head with his wine glass and reached all the way to Aunt Lan's face, and Aunt Lan dodged straight back. "It's hard for me to describe how I felt when I saw this, Hideko's father undoubtedly had feelings for Aunt Lan, and even after Aunt Lan and Uncle Dexian left, Hideko looked up at her father and saw him touching his chest with his hands, and even Hideko felt as if she had some sympathy for him, and even felt a little sorry for him. But in the end, as a married man, when encountering such a thing, in front of his wife, he is entangled with other women, where does he put his family and responsibilities? Flirting with other women in front of the child, what kind of shadow will be left on the child's soul?

Talking about "Old Things in Seongnam": The model father you think of, drinking flower wine can drink all over the street overnight, those nostalgia and deep love for their fathers are flowing in Lin Haiyin's description of flowers. But I didn't expect that just as Zhu Ziqing's father was not only the side in "Back Shadow", Lin Haiyin's father also had a complexity that I could not accept for a moment.

Lin Haiyin once heard her mother say: "When my father was doing business in Japan, he often went to the front of the brothels, drank from night to dawn, and drank all over the street overnight." And his mother waited for him silently.

In fact, in some small places, we can find that Lin Haiyin's father is quite a bit macho, and he looks down on women in many things, and often says to Hideko's mother: "What do you women know?" When there were guests at home, Hideko's mother made a table of dishes, and her father also said that her mother could not cook Hakka dishes well, and even ate very well, but turned to the guests and said: "They know how to burn five willow fish!" At this time, I suddenly found that in "Old Things in seongnam", the image of Yingzi's father is actually extremely complicated: he has both a tall and majestic, a great image for the child, and a side of the child's role model, but also inevitably humble and embarrassing.

Talking about "Old Things in Seongnam": The model father you think of, drinking flower wine can drink all over the street overnight, those nostalgia and deep love for their fathers are flowing in Lin Haiyin's description of flowers. But I didn't expect that just as Zhu Ziqing's father was not only the side in "Back Shadow", Lin Haiyin's father also had a complexity that I could not accept for a moment.

With the death of his father, those positive influences remained more in the author's heart. Those characters that are either stubborn, independent, or enthusiastic are passed down in the blood of their daughters and have been carried forward ever since. Lin Haiyin said: "My father's death is an important part of my life... He doted on me, spurred me on, and did some unreasonable things to show his tyranny. But I also have to forgive him for his growing bad temper and his weakening lung disease, my father really should not have died so early, he was a man who worked hard and had a strong interest in life. How rich his life was...

Although his father's temper was sometimes grumpy, he had more advantages, he worked responsibly, tried to survive, was eager to help others, was not good for money, and he loved each of our children. "He is like the father of many people, although he is not perfect, but he still uses his love for his children, those unique qualities, and has left a great impact on the children's lives."

Talking about "Old Things in Seongnam": The model father you think of, drinking flower wine can drink all over the street overnight, those nostalgia and deep love for their fathers are flowing in Lin Haiyin's description of flowers. But I didn't expect that just as Zhu Ziqing's father was not only the side in "Back Shadow", Lin Haiyin's father also had a complexity that I could not accept for a moment.

Growing up is a process of continuous gain and loss, in "Seongnam Old Things", we constantly experience this gain and loss, especially Hideko's father- the father has gentleness and severity for Hideko, in the father's gentleness and tolerance, Hideko has courage and perseverance; under the strict encouragement of her father, Hideko has changed her late problems and grown into excellent graduates. With the departure of her father, Hideko experienced a process of gaining in loss: 13-year-old Lin Yingzi began to take on the responsibility that is not a child, inheriting her father's stubbornness and strength, at a young age, she became a small adult early, and she really took on the responsibility of getting up as the eldest daughter in the family.

Even in the process, she and her father became one: "We work hard to get through it, we are ashamed to extend a hand to people for help, and every progress depends on our own strength." I am ashamed to be pitied, and I do not like to be favored because reward is a burden. My father's death caused me this string of stubbornness, and if you think about it, how can these characters not bear my strong father! "

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