
Lin Haiyin's book "Old Things in the South of the City", the world is suffering, and self-crossing is the way out


Poet Yu Guangzhong once commented: "Shanghai is Zhang Ailing's, Beijing Lin Haiyin's"

Lin Haiyin's childhood was spent in the ancient city of Beijing,

His masterpiece "Old Things in Seongnam" is a recollection of his childhood past.

Inside there are Xiuzhen who is trapped by love, there are thieves who have to do it, there is Aunt Lan who dares to love and dare to hate, and there is Mother Song who has gone to other places.

They have their own sufferings in their lives, each with their own devastation,

As the saying goes: No one in the adult world is easier than anyone,

It also tells us that all people in the world are suffering, and only self-transit is the way out.

Lin Haiyin's book "Old Things in the South of the City", the world is suffering, and self-crossing is the way out

01 If you can't let go of the past, you can't get the future

People often say that the past can only be used to remember, do not indulge in its shadow, otherwise you will never be able to see the road ahead,

Xiuzhen's tragedy stems from the pain that she can't walk out of the past.

Xiuzhen of Hui'an Hall is a "madman" in the eyes of everyone,

She was always leaning against the wall of the door, smiling at the people who seemed to come and go,

The adults nearby were curious about her, and the children were afraid of her.

Xiuzhen's madness stems from a relationship that ends without illness,

She once fell in love with a college student.

After that, the college students left the Hui'an Hall and never returned on the pretext of returning to their hometown to prepare for their relatives

Xiu Zhen, who left her unmarried child alone,

Xiuzhen's family can't accept such a "bad customs" thing,

And he threw away the child he had just given birth to,

Xiu Zhen has been mad since then because she misses her child.

Lin Haiyin's book "Old Things in the South of the City", the world is suffering, and self-crossing is the way out

What is even more tragic is that after XiuZhen's long-cherished daughter finally returned to her side,

The delirious Xiuzhen took her daughter alone to take the train, ready to find the father of the child,

Eventually, the mother and daughter were buried together on the railroad tracks.

It's a sad story, a sad beginning, a sad ending.

XiuZhen is addicted to the past of encountering unladylike people and losing her son, and her madness has harmed herself, and even more harmed her daughter.

Some things, a lifetime of inconceivability, a lifetime of imprisonment.

Whether it is time or others, no one can save you who is sad, and only you can save yourself.

When you are blindly immersed in the past that cannot be put down,

You will find that you are not only missing the present, but also losing the future.

Instead of complaining and self-pitying in the past hurts, it is better to accept reality and adjust yourself.

Use the happiness of life to make up for the shortcomings of the past.

Instead of expecting the comfort of others to turn back, it is better to dry your tears bravely.

Timely stop loss is the greatest responsibility for yourself.

02 The shortcut you think is, it may also be a dead end

There are always some people who want to take a detour and want to get closer to success.

But there are never shortcuts on the road of life, and some are just down-to-earth.

The protagonist Xiao Yingzi once met a big brother with thick lips and an honest face,

He is kind and kind, and he also likes to tell stories to Xiao Yingzi,

Lin Haiyin's book "Old Things in the South of the City", the world is suffering, and self-crossing is the way out

He talked about the death of his father, the blindness of his mother, and the fact that he was alone in supporting the family.

He talked about his younger brother, who had excellent grades and aspired to go to school overseas.

He said that "to get to this point, it is also necessary."

It turned out that in order to support his family and his brother, he became a thief.

He committed several crimes in succession near Xiao Yingzi's home, causing panic among nearby residents.

Although he is a friend that Xiao Yingzi thinks is humorous and interesting, he is the older brother who is admired in the eyes of his younger brother,

But he eventually chose the wrong path, so that there was no freedom at the end of the road.

He did not understand how it could be easily obtained without sweating and sweating, without hardship and hardship.

The old man said: down-to-earth, steady and far-reaching, and then promising,

In life, everyone has a dream, everyone is eager to succeed, and they all want to find a shortcut to success.

However, some seem to be shortcuts, but in fact they are dead ends.

Where is the road to success?

It must be on your down-to-earth journey, in your fast-moving mind, in your tireless action.

03 The love of being given away is not worth your nostalgia

In a relationship, smart people know when to enter, when to retreat, when to strive hard, when to settle down.

Aunt Lan is such a smart person,

Since it is the love that cannot be obtained, why should it be nostalgic, decisively let go, and turn around in a dashing manner, so as not to live up to this life.

Aunt Lan was a concubine of the Shi family, and after an argument, she left the Shi family.

She's a poor person.

In order to treat his brother's illness, he was sold to others by his mother at the age of three.

At the age of fourteen, she entered the Wind and Moon Place, and at the age of twenty, she married Shi Laoye, who was dozens of years older than her, as a concubine.

Aunt Lan was in a low position in the Shi family, was bullied, and completely did not get the love and respect she deserved.

But Aunt Lan was not resigned, she had a strong will not accept defeat.

Lin Haiyin's book "Old Things in the South of the City", the world is suffering, and self-crossing is the way out

After leaving the Shi family, she stayed at Xiao Yingzi's house.

With the help and mediation of Xiao Yingzi, Aunt Lan met Uncle Dexian next door.

Uncle Dexian was an ideologically advanced element in society at that time, but it was not accepted by some people.

In the process of communicating with her, Aunt Lan was deeply infected by this advanced idea, and the two were in agreement.

At this time, Aunt Lan "had a row of hair in unison with her eyebrows, and both sides hanging down to her ears".

It has completely lost the appearance of the old women, but instead looks like a young student studying at a female high school.

In the end, Aunt Lan and Uncle Dexian flew in both places and left Xiao Yingzi's house.

Shakespeare said: Don't wander under the trees, don't meditate in the rain, don't shed tears in the darkness.

How many people force their faces to laugh during the day, but secretly weep in the night,

Blindly wronging yourself to please others, in exchange for not respect,

It's the other person's greater wantonness and indifference.

Life is very short, we always have a life we want to live, a distant place that we want to go,

Since this is not the end of life, repack and move forward bravely.

04 Write at the end

Feuerbach said that the first priority of man's life is to make himself happy.

Whether it is helplessness in adversity, frustration when failure, or bitterness when dreams are shattered,

There is no easy word in the adult world,

But no matter how far the road is, there will be an end, no matter how long the night will have an end, no matter how heavy the rain will be, there will be a time,

Even if life is as humble as grass,

As long as you don't give up your efforts and pursuits, the grass also has the value of embellishing spring,

Fate is determined by oneself, and happiness can only be obtained by oneself.

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