
Night Reading | Classic Recitation of "The Comedy of the Duck" (excerpt)

Night Reading | Classic Recitation of "The Comedy of the Duck" (excerpt)

Read aloud: Hou Jian

"Well, I found out!"

A sharp, high voice came from the kitchen window, and it was our old third with long eyelashes. As the saying goes: "big stupid, two good, three crooked", she is always more famous than others.

This scream was echoed, and the boss who slept lazily, the second who ate snacks, and even the old fourth who was shaking and toddler ran to the kitchen. As I was washing my face, I couldn't help but look out the window, only to see four heads in a pile, looking around at something. Ah, oops! I remembered that that was where the dustpans were placed, last night...

"Look!" Still the crooked girl's voice, "What is this?" Orange peel? Peanut peel? And..."

"Chen Pimei's core!" The boss said.

"Paper wrapped in shortening!" The second said.

Then four small faces lifted up to me, the one with long eyelashes, squeezed his eyes hard, tilted his head, and with a questioning tone: "Tell the truth!" ”

I looked at him who was shaving and smiled helplessly. My reasoning has not yet been made up, and here comes a crisp voice:


There is nothing to say, in the end we finally got it right, with a movie to compensate for our mistake of "stealing food" last night. Because "stealing food" is the most serious "crime of deception" we commit in front of our children.

It is not easy to talk about the conditions, they shout very high prices, a movie, an orange, a piece of bubble gum, after watching the movie, you have to eat sixi soup dumplings. Until the end, there is only one movie left, which is very difficult to talk about.

At this time, my mother would scold me: "I am not like this!" "She always thinks I can't take care of the kids, and I admit it. But when my mother said this, she completely forgot that she herself had a few naughty girls!

I really don't care about children, and my dignified face is often broken by my lack of dignity. In this situation, it seems that my second eldest can give me the most explanation.

The anger came up and couldn't be contained, and the little face after being scolded by me was stupid. Venting is the most painful, in the small house, many people, miscellaneous of our living environment, children sometimes have some less important faults, but also can't help but make people angry, in fact, just want to vent. The anger subsided, the anger was still hanging on the face, and we were stretching our faces. But the way the children were scolded was so gimmicking that I tried to suppress the almost audible laughter and turn my head to look at them; or to cover my face with a newspaper and immediately loosen my pouting lips. At this time, I could hear the voice of the second elder, and she said softly to the third elder, "Mother wants to laugh!" ”

Sure enough, I couldn't help but laugh, and the kids probably wanted to laugh for a long time, and we laughed in a bunch, as if we were watching a funny movie.

I used to call my children "The Three Ugly Ducklings," but that title was inappropriate last year after eight years because we had a fourth one. I flicked my index finger over her little red face, and my heart was filled with joy. Looking at this little flesh that had split out of my body gave me many feelings about the mystery and mystery of life, so I put my arms around my baby all day, kissing and mumbling constantly. My Beiping friend scolded me in an envious tone, "Look, how cold and stupid it hurts to hurt a child!" "There are many happy things in life, and there is nothing happier than being the mother of a newborn baby.


There are many essays about the affection between mother and child, but the focus is different. Lin Haiyin recounts brisk and lively trivia: parents eat something after their children fall asleep, children are "strictly vigilant", the two sides bargain after finding "dirty things", and the mother scolds the children and laughs with them... These things are ordinary daily chores, but the author takes a small view and contains insights into the emotional communication between the two generations of the family in the narrative.

Because Lin Haiyin chooses to take the daily trivialities in life and describes his familiar children, whether it is the portrayal of the demeanor, the narrative of the language, or the depiction of the action, all of them seem real and perceptible. The author's writing is also very close to real life, mostly using natural and fluent spoken language, and the words are filled with her deep love for her children.

Night Reading | Classic Recitation of "The Comedy of the Duck" (excerpt)

Reader Profile ▼

Reader Profile: Hou Jian, working at the Rong Media Center in Shangdang District, Changzhi City.

Night Reading | Classic Recitation of "The Comedy of the Duck" (excerpt)

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