
Volunteers from the Youth Association of the Department of Foreign Languages of Baode College of Tianjin University of Commerce went to Nanji Primary School in Huazhou District to teach

author:Weinan Daily Education Weekly

Correspondent Li Xi Wang Zikang

Recently, volunteers from the Youth Association of the Department of Foreign Languages of Baode College of Tianjin University of Commerce went to Nanji Primary School in Huazhou District, Weinan City to carry out a 14-day summer volunteer teaching activity.

Volunteers from the Youth Association of the Department of Foreign Languages of Baode College of Tianjin University of Commerce went to Nanji Primary School in Huazhou District to teach
Volunteers from the Youth Association of the Department of Foreign Languages of Baode College of Tianjin University of Commerce went to Nanji Primary School in Huazhou District to teach
Volunteers from the Youth Association of the Department of Foreign Languages of Baode College of Tianjin University of Commerce went to Nanji Primary School in Huazhou District to teach
Volunteers from the Youth Association of the Department of Foreign Languages of Baode College of Tianjin University of Commerce went to Nanji Primary School in Huazhou District to teach

It is understood that the volunteer teaching team has opened a number of courses such as fun mathematics, fun life, art appreciation, music appreciation, and ecological small classes. The children's eyes are full of curiosity, and they tell their dreams in a childish voice. In the process of volunteer teaching, the distance between the volunteers and the children ranged from strange to familiar, and the play in the classroom changed from jerky to skilled, and each volunteer invested 100% enthusiasm and energy, just to take every class well.

Volunteers from the Youth Association of the Department of Foreign Languages of Baode College of Tianjin University of Commerce went to Nanji Primary School in Huazhou District to teach
Volunteers from the Youth Association of the Department of Foreign Languages of Baode College of Tianjin University of Commerce went to Nanji Primary School in Huazhou District to teach

Through this activity, all volunteers improved their self-worth in dedication, their skills were exercised, and valuable experience was gained; the children gained knowledge and set up ideals in learning, and the volunteer teaching achieved complete success.

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