
Today, Wu Zhongqiong, Xu Nanji, and others visited members of the CPPCC Municipal Committee

author:Ganzhou release

On the morning of October 26, Wu Zhongqiong, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and Xu Nanji, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and mayor, visited the members attending the first meeting of the sixth session of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and encouraged everyone to keep in mind the mission, perform their duties, build more wise words, and contribute more pragmatic measures to accelerate the construction of a high-quality development demonstration zone in the old revolutionary area.

Peng Yeming, chairman of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and municipal leaders Tian Hui and Xu Bing attended.

Today, Wu Zhongqiong, Xu Nanji, and others visited members of the CPPCC Municipal Committee

Wu Zhongqiong congratulated the new CPPCC members and expressed his heartfelt thanks to the municipal party committee and the municipal government for their important contributions to economic and social development and their strong support.

Wu Zhongqiong said

This CPPCC meeting is a five-yearly new session, which will comprehensively sum up the cppcc work of the past five years, thoroughly plan the work of the CPPCC in the next five years, transform the goals of struggle set by the sixth municipal party congress into the common will of the people of the whole city, and elect a new CPPCC team, which is of great significance. The past five years have been an extraordinary and extremely difficult five years in the development process of Ganzhou, and very good achievements have been made in poverty alleviation, main industry, and urban construction, and it is the period when Ganzhou's economic and social development is the fastest, the urban and rural appearance changes are the greatest, and the people benefit the most. The achievements embody the wisdom and sweat of CPPCC organizations at all levels and the vast number of CPPCC members.

Today, Wu Zhongqiong, Xu Nanji, and others visited members of the CPPCC Municipal Committee

This meeting is a major event in the political life of the people of the whole city, and all CPPCC members shoulder a glorious mission. I hope that everyone will talk about politics and take the overall situation into consideration. Resolutely implement the organizational intentions, correctly exercise rights with an attitude of being responsible to the cause and the people, cast a good vote for oneself, interpret the political responsibility of the new CPPCC members with practical actions, and jointly turn this meeting into a united and enterprising congress with cohesion and cohesion. I hope that everyone will make good suggestions and offer good advice. Give full play to the advantages of gathering talents and intensive intelligence, focus on the overall situation of the center and the hot and difficult issues of economic and social development, build more wise words, contribute more pragmatic measures, and put forward more opinions and suggestions with unique insights, clear directions, and operational characteristics. I hope that everyone will be strict and disciplined. Strictly implement the discipline of the meeting, strictly abide by the spirit of the eight provisions of the central government, strictly implement the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, strictly abide by organizational discipline, maintain a good mental outlook, establish a good image with a good meeting style, and open a clean and healthy conference.

Today, Wu Zhongqiong, Xu Nanji, and others visited members of the CPPCC Municipal Committee

The CPPCC members said that they will further enhance their political standing, take a highly responsible attitude toward the people, focus on the "three major strategies, eight major actions" and other suggestions and suggestions, conscientiously perform their duties, actively participate in the administration and discussion of state affairs, concentrate on holding a good meeting, ensure the successful completion of the tasks of the congress, and make due contributions to accelerating the construction of high-quality development demonstration zones in the old revolutionary areas.

Source: Gannan Daily

Author: All-media reporter Zhang Zongxing/Wen Liu Kai Liu Qing/Photo

Editor: Huang Songlin Proofreader: Liu Min

Duty Director: Ming Xinwu

Editor: Li Zhongsheng

Today, Wu Zhongqiong, Xu Nanji, and others visited members of the CPPCC Municipal Committee

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