
Picking season! Walk into the Hainan Danzhou Nanji Centennial Yellow Peel Garden

author:Xinhuanet client

Entering the height of summer, the yellow peel of one of the nine major brand agricultural products in Danzhou is freshly listed. On June 17th, the "Meet Hainan Beauty - 2017 Anchor Takes You on a Trip" Danzhou Yellow Peel Picking Tour activity walked into the Centennial Yellow Peel Garden in Nanji Village, Dacheng Town, Danzhou.

In front of and behind the houses in the village are all yellow bark trees, bunches and clusters, and yellow-brown yellow peel fruits hang from the treetops. In the century-old yellow skin garden in Nanji Village, Huang Chengcheng's yellow skin is even more bent on the branches. Tourists can't help but pick one, golden appearance, crystal clear flesh, the entrance is sour, taste carefully, slightly sweet. Tourists taste while picking, experiencing and enjoying the endless fun that nature has given.

Villagers in Nanji Village said that every yellow peel ripening season, a large number of tourists are welcomed every day to pick, making Nanji Village a good place for people in the city to leisurely play and pick yellow peel. It is understood that Danzhou Nanji Village is named because of its back to Nanjiling, with 36 households and a land area of more than 1100 mu. More than 150 acres of yellow bark are planted, of which 10 acres are centuries-old yellow bark gardens.

"Hainan yellow skin number Danzhou, Danzhou yellow skin out of the big cheng." Dacheng Town has the most suitable high-quality soil for the growth of yellow bark , red soil , with an average annual precipitation of 2250 mm and a temperature of more than 22 degrees Celsius. The yellow peel produced here, with large round grains, is famous for its full and delicate flesh and juicy sweet seeds.

"This yellow bark tree has a history of more than 400 years, with an annual output of 600 catties, and the taste is really different." Fu Zaiming, the head of the century-old Yellow Peel Garden, pointed to a yellow bark tree and said that this tree was known as the "Yellow Skin King of Hainan". Nanji Village has more than 5,200 yellow bark trees, of which more than 160 are over 100 years old.

In addition, there is a star tree in the yellow skin garden, and Zhou Lei, the screenwriter of "Dream of the Red Chamber", once made a painting for this tree, "Dead Wood in Spring". It is understood that this tree has a history of two hundred years. Due to the perennial erosion of typhoons and insects and ants, the tree is less than 4 meters high today, but it continues to grow, and every year it is hung with golden yellow peel fruits, and visitors to the park will come here to take photos.

However, the cuisine of Nanji Village in Dacheng Town is not only yellow skin, but also yellow skin chicken, yellow skin parasitic tea, yellow skin pig's trotters, yellow skin honey... These delicacies are also a reason for the influx of tourists.

According to Fu Zaiming, the yellow-skinned chickens in Nanji Village usually grow under the yellow-skinned trees, and the feed includes yellow-skinned leaves, yellow-skinned roots, yellow-skinned fruits, etc., and can achieve the ideal meat quality after more than half a year. Before cooking, "scrub" the chicken body with salt and yellow skin water, and add yellow skin leaves to steam for more than half an hour when cooking, so that the yellow skin chicken meat is delicate and refreshing, and there is a faint yellow skin fragrance. (Division)

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