
How much does it cost to live on the moon?

author:Interactive Encyclopedia

It has been 45 years since humans walked on the lunar surface. How long is it before we live on the moon? Maybe it will take some time according to the cost described below.

How much does it cost to live on the moon?

On June 20, we will celebrate the 45th anniversary of the successful Apollo 11 lunar landing. This is the first time that humans have stepped on the surface of the moon. To commemorate this moment of "one small step for the individual, one big step for humanity", we think speculative speculation about when (or will it not?). It's interesting to be able to live on the moon.

How much does it cost to get to the moon? How much does the house cost? And food and more importantly, air?

No matter how you allocate the cost, the cost of living on the moon can seem too expensive to achieve. I don't know you, but even if you give a special price, it will cost $160 billion, and I can never afford it.

But who knows what the future holds? Maybe the latest invention of the future's greatest has changed everything in the world, making moon travel as easy as walking in a park!

For now, I think it's enough to show respect for Neil Alden Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, and maybe I can stare at the moon a little more.

Moon taxi, anyone sitting?

How much does it cost to live on the moon?
How much does it cost to live on the moon?
How much does it cost to live on the moon?

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