
Stick to these five simple exercises for a month and shake off your big belly

author:Eat right well health wellness exercise

"One inch longer waistline, shorter life" is not alarmist.

Stick to these five simple exercises for a month and shake off your big belly

Obesity destroys health, and obesity in different parts has different effects on human health. Among them, there is a kind of central obesity, which is the most harmful to the human body, easily leading to diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and other diseases, and even increases the risk of cancer. "Big belly poop", "general belly", "big pregnant belly", "big belly man", etc., are synonymous with this obesity.

Stick to these five simple exercises for a month and shake off your big belly

Today to teach you a comprehensive exercise method, which can not only reduce the amount of fat in the abdomen, but also increase the strength of the abdominal muscles, suitable for everyone to quickly slim down.

Stand against the wall after meals

Stick to these five simple exercises for a month and shake off your big belly

Half an hour after dinner, let the whole body turn its back against the wall, clamp the hips, let the hips, back, legs, waist, head, neck, etc. try to stick to the wall as much as possible, at the beginning you can clip the piece of paper, so that the piece of paper will not fall down, 15 minutes each time.

Stand and twist your waist

Stick to these five simple exercises for a month and shake off your big belly

This can be practiced at noon or in the evening. If you are watching TV, you may wish to watch the advertising space again, get up and stand, straighten your chest and abdomen, and then twist your waist left and right (with the help of waist force, not legs or back strength) 100 times.

Step action

Stick to these five simple exercises for a month and shake off your big belly

First stand, palm together and straighten upwards, take a big step forward with your left leg and tiptoe up at 90 degrees on your knees, and set your right leg at the origin and straighten. Lean forward. Hold the pose for 15 seconds at a time, and do at least 15 sets.

Sideways movements

Stick to these five simple exercises for a month and shake off your big belly

Stand with your legs naturally straight, feet naturally shoulder-width apart. Bend your body to the left first and touch your left ankle with your left hand. Stretch the right waist muscle fully, hold it for 10 seconds, and then switch to the right side. Do a complete action on both sides. Do 5 sets a day 5 times a day and do each group 5 times.

Bracing action

Stick to these five simple exercises for a month and shake off your big belly

Lie face up on the floor, press your hands against the ground, straighten your hands, and prop up your upper body, with your upper body straight, and your neck as long as possible. Tiptoe up on both feet and hold up the lower body with your hands. Hold the posture for 10 seconds, then take a break, and then continue to do this brace, at least 10 sets or more.

Stick to these five simple exercises for a month and shake off your big belly

The formation of a healthy body shape can not be formed overnight, it must be long-term replication, effort, perseverance.

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