
3 minutes quick glance at the "News Network": The South Korean side said that the inter-Korean Panmunjom joint security zone has been disarmed

3 minutes quick glance at the "News Network": The South Korean side said that the inter-Korean Panmunjom joint security zone has been disarmed

01. Inspection: Xi Jinping stressed during his inspection in Guangdong that it is necessary to hold high the banner of reform and opening up in the new era and continuously deepen reform and opening up.

3 minutes quick glance at the "News Network": The South Korean side said that the inter-Korean Panmunjom joint security zone has been disarmed

02. Congratulatory Letter: Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the 8th Beijing Xiangshan Forum.

03. On October 24, Li Keqiang stressed in his economic situation report at the 17th National Congress of Chinese Trade Unions that it is difficult to mobilize the enthusiasm of all parties with firm confidence and overcome difficulties, and promote sustained and stable operation and high-quality development of the economy.

04. On October 25, Li Keqiang and the Japanese Prime Minister jointly attended and delivered a speech at the reception commemorating the 40th anniversary of the conclusion of the Sino-Japanese Treaty of Peace and Friendship.

05. On the morning of October 25, the Sixth Session of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress held a joint group meeting to deliberate on the special work report of the "two supremes" and carry out special inquiries. Li Zhanshu participated in the deliberations and inquiries.

06. On the afternoon of October 25, Li Zhanshu presided over a symposium of some NPC deputies, stressing that it is necessary to give better play to the role of NPC deputies and perform the duties entrusted by the Constitution and laws.

07.On the evening of October 24, Li Zhanshu attended the welcome dinner of the 8th Beijing Xiangshan Forum and delivered a speech.

08. The conference to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the China Association for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification was held in Beijing on October 25, and Wang Yang attended and spoke.

09. On October 25, Wang Yang met with the President of the Cambodian Senate.

3 minutes quick glance at the "News Network": The South Korean side said that the inter-Korean Panmunjom joint security zone has been disarmed

01. At 6:57 today (October 25), China successfully launched the "Haiyang-2 B" satellite at the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center with the Long March 4B carrier rocket. This marine dynamic environment detection satellite will be networked with the subsequent "Ocean II C" and "Ocean II D" satellites to form an all-weather marine dynamic environment satellite monitoring system.

3 minutes quick glance at the "News Network": The South Korean side said that the inter-Korean Panmunjom joint security zone has been disarmed

Lianbo Jun has something to say: On the basis of the Ocean II A satellite launched by China 7 years ago, the Ocean II B satellite has added a ship identification and data collection subsystem, which has achieved the perfect integration of the six major payloads. It can not only accurately observe the marine dynamic environment elements such as sea surface height, wind field, temperature, etc., but also has the ability to automatically identify global ships, as well as receive, store and forward buoy measurement data in China's offshore and other seas. Its successful launch marks that the marine dynamic environment monitoring satellite independently developed by China has officially entered the operational stage.

02. The Central Propaganda Department, the Central Committee and the Working Committee of State Organs and other departments jointly held the first activity of the series of forums on "Carrying Reform and Opening Up to the End" today (October 25), inviting the heads of five departments, including the Central Reform Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to talk about the achievements of reform and development in related fields and communicate with netizens online.

03. The construction of the enterprise hall of China International Import Expo began, which is expected to be completed on October 31, and more than 2,800 enterprises from more than 130 countries and regions will participate in the exhibition.

04. The five-day 16th China Tibet-Nepal Economic and Trade Fair was held in Lhasa today (October 25), with 156 Chinese and foreign enterprises participating in the exhibition to promote pragmatic cooperation between the two sides in the fields of economy and trade, tourism and port construction through cooperation project signing, exhibition and sales activities.

05. Cold air affects China from west to east, and cooling occurs at 4 to 8 °C in northern Xinjiang, northern Qinghai, and western Gansu. In the next three days, the temperature in most parts of the north will be less than 15 °C, and there will be rain and snow in Inner Mongolia and the Northeast Bureau. There will be heavy to heavy rain in Hunan and Guangxi.

3 minutes quick glance at the "News Network": The South Korean side said that the inter-Korean Panmunjom joint security zone has been disarmed
3 minutes quick glance at the "News Network": The South Korean side said that the inter-Korean Panmunjom joint security zone has been disarmed

01. The South Korean side said that the Panmunjom Common Security Zone has been disarmed

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3 minutes quick glance at the "News Network": The South Korean side said that the inter-Korean Panmunjom joint security zone has been disarmed

The South Korean Ministry of National Defense said on the 25th that according to the "< Panmunjom Declaration > Agreement on the Implementation of the Military Field", the ROK and the DPRK disarmed all the armaments in the Panmunjom Common Security Zone on the same day: the posts in the Common Security Zone were removed, the troops and weapons and equipment were withdrawn. Joint inspections will be conducted on the 26th and 27th. After disarmament, the two Koreas will send 35 people each to the joint garrison area without carrying firearms. Korean and Korean citizens and foreign tourists can cross the military demarcation line in the common garrison during the day.

02. Russian President Vladimir Putin said on the 24th that if the United States insists on withdrawing from the INF Treaty, Russia will take prompt and effective response actions.

03. Syrian Foreign Minister Mualim met with the visiting UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Syria, De Mistura, on the 24th, and Mualim said that Syrian constitutional affairs are sovereign affairs decided by the Syrian people and should not be interfered with by foreign countries.

On April 24, CNN's new York office received a suspicious package containing an explosive device, and police subsequently evacuated the building where it was located. The recipient of the package was former CIA Director Brennan.

On 25 May, Iraqi Prime Minister-designate Adil Abdul-Mahdi and 14 cabinet members were sworn in. However, the various factions in parliament were unable to agree on the selection of candidates for several key positions, such as minister of defence and minister of the interior, and 8 posts were temporarily vacant.

3 minutes quick glance at the "News Network": The South Korean side said that the inter-Korean Panmunjom joint security zone has been disarmed

01. The 13th Beijing Cultural Fair opened on October 25