
Historic moments! The Inter-Korean Panmunjom Joint Security Zone will be disarmed this week


CCTV News: The ROK Ministry of National Defense said on the 22nd that the military departments of the ROK and the "United Nations Military Command" held a meeting at Panmunjom on the same day and decided to withdraw the posts, troops, and weapons and equipment from the Panmunjom common security zone by the 25th of this month.

The ROK Ministry of National Defense issued a statement saying that the second round of meetings between the military departments of the ROK and the "United Nations Command" was held on the same day at the "Freedom House" on the Rok side of Panmunjom, and the three parties attending the meeting decided to withdraw their posts, troops, and weapons and equipment from the Panmunjom common security zone by the 25th of this month. The three parties also agreed that, after the completion of the evacuation, a joint inspection of the evacuation would be held for two days.

Historic moments! The Inter-Korean Panmunjom Joint Security Zone will be disarmed this week

The meeting also assessed the development of demining operations in the Panmunjom Common Security Zone, which was launched on the 1st of this month, and determined that the relevant operations had been officially completed. At the same time, the three parties also held consultations on practical issues such as the withdrawal schedule of weapons and equipment and posts in the common security zone, the adjustment plan for the personnel on duty in the area, and the joint inspection of the progress of disarmament.

According to the information disclosed by the ROK, the ROK and the "United Nations Command" officially launched a trilateral consultation mechanism on the 16th of this month to discuss the disarmament in the Panmunjom common garrison area.

South Korea's Ministry of National Defense: The ROK and the DPRK held general-level talks this week

According to the News of the Rok Ministry of National Defense on the 22nd, the ROK and the DPRK agreed to hold general-level military talks at the "Unification Cabinet" on the Dpron side of Panmunjom on the 26th to conduct a mid-term assessment of the implementation of the "Panmunjom Declaration" Agreement on the Implementation of the Military Field, and at the same time to discuss the follow-up promotion plan.

Peninsula Special Area: Panmunjom Common Garrison Area

According to the Korean War Armistice Agreement, the belligerents used the Line of Actual Control near the 38th parallel north as a military demarcation line, 240 kilometers long from east to west, and a demilitarized zone within two kilometers of each north and south. The North and the South also established a "Common Security Zone" in the Panmunjom area, which was negotiated that year, with a diameter of about 800 meters, as a special area under the jurisdiction of the North and the South. On April 27 this year, North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong-un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in issued the Panmunjom Declaration after meeting at Panmunjom, which included the creation of the demilitarized zone as a zone of peace.