
"Young You" became the biggest winner of the Academy Awards, and it was time to talk about these deleted clips

author:Bluestone Films

On the afternoon of May 6, the winners of the 39th Hong Kong Film Awards were announced by Er Dongsheng, chairman of the Academy Awards, through live webcasting.

The Academy Awards changed from offline to online, although the popularity has dropped a lot, but "Young You", which led with 12 nominations in the nomination stage, has undoubtedly attracted the most attention.

In fact, it is indeed the biggest winner of this year's Academy Awards.

"Young You" became the biggest winner of the Academy Awards, and it was time to talk about these deleted clips

Not only won a lot of best picture, best director, best actress, but also best screenplay, best cinematography, best newcomer actor, best costume styling and best original film song a total of 8 awards.

On April 23, director Tsang Kwok-cheung and screenwriter Lin Yongchen were invited to participate in the live broadcast event held by the Hong Kong Writers Association for the "Best Film Role of the Year Award".

In the live broadcast, Zeng Guoxiang said that if "Young You" can only win one award at the Academy Awards, he hopes to get the best director.

"Young You" became the biggest winner of the Academy Awards, and it was time to talk about these deleted clips

Through this topic, the director talked about this film that has been released for more than half a year.

As we all know, before the official release of "Young You" in October 2019, it underwent finalization, withdrawal, and file modification, and finally it was released.

During this period of "re-reconstruction", deletions and modifications became compulsory courses.

In fact, after the release of the film in 19 years, the issue of the deletion of the film has also been talked about, after all, comparing the content of the trailer and the main film, you can still see the shadow of the knife.

But this time, director Zeng Guoxiang directly talked about the revision of the film, it seems that it is time to talk about the parts that have been modified in the film.

"Young You" became the biggest winner of the Academy Awards, and it was time to talk about these deleted clips

01 About Chen Nian and Xiao Bei

The release version of "Young You" is 135 minutes, but in fact, as early as the premiere of the Berlin Film Festival, the film was a 138-minute version.

In other words, the film was cut by 3 minutes in total length.

Although it is only a short 3 minutes, it actually changes the direction of the whole story to a large extent, and the film changes from Chen Nian Xiaobei's double line to Chen Nian line.

"Young You" became the biggest winner of the Academy Awards, and it was time to talk about these deleted clips

In the release version, Xiao Bei's first appearance was on the street, and he was beaten up by a group of small.

The beaters also shouted, "Let you bully my brother again," which means that there was a reason for the beating, not a sudden street fight.

The first scene in which Xiao Bei is deleted is when he and his two brothers go to ask for an account, and the object of the account is the brother of the person who beat him.

And this scene is not only a simple account, but a beating, which can not only show Xiao Bei's fierce side as a small gangster, but also point out his profession - naked -- loan collector.

"Young You" became the biggest winner of the Academy Awards, and it was time to talk about these deleted clips

This was hinted at when he asked the boss for money, and in the credits at the end of the film, Xiao Bei's boss played the boss of the fruit loan company.

Similarly, the film also cuts some of Xiao Bei's daily life with his brother, such as the provenance of the motorcycle, and the part of the trailer that once showed fireworks.

"Young You" became the biggest winner of the Academy Awards, and it was time to talk about these deleted clips

Therefore, the character of Xiao Bei is not just a small, he was also once an abuser, a bully person.

This line looks down, not only a small helping a good student and then inspiring love, but also his self-redemption part as a former abuser, and the two people are actually a mutually redeeming existence.

"Young You" became the biggest winner of the Academy Awards, and it was time to talk about these deleted clips

02 About the beginning and the end

Zeng Guoxiang, director of "Young You", mentioned the ending of the movie in the live broadcast, and like many films, "Young You" once conceived more than one ending.

The ending of the release version is that many years later, Chen Nian became a teacher, found a female classmate suspected of being bullied during class, and then after school, she escorted the girls home, and Xiao Bei also followed them far behind.

"Young You" became the biggest winner of the Academy Awards, and it was time to talk about these deleted clips

This ending is obviously a happy ending, but the real original ending is that Chen Nian found the female student suspected of being bullied during class, and the film ended.

Exactly how the story developed after that, no one knows.

And in order to look more positive, Zeng Guoxiang also transferred the opening credits.

At the beginning, Chen Nian became an English teacher and gave lectures to the students in the classroom.

"Young You" became the biggest winner of the Academy Awards, and it was time to talk about these deleted clips

This scene was originally only one of the opening statements of several versions of different endings filmed by Zeng Guoxiang, and the purpose of tuning to the beginning of the movie was to pave and buffer the suffocating plot of the students jumping off the building later.

In fact, in this way, it is connected with the drama of the end of the class, which is also a clever design.

Zeng Guoxiang said in the live broadcast that although he finally weighed up and used this version of the ending, he personally did not like it at first, because it was too "idol drama".

"Young You" became the biggest winner of the Academy Awards, and it was time to talk about these deleted clips

He revealed another ending in the live broadcast: "Chen Nian came out of prison, and as soon as he came out, he saw his mother waiting for her, and his mother walked over and hugged her. When the two embraced very touched, she saw in the distance, Xiao Bei standing there waiting for her. The two smiled brightly at each other. ”

It is also a happy ending, and it is also to leave us with a thought and hope.

However, these two versions are not the director's own real favorite ending, what he wants is actually to escort Xiao Bei's prison car to separate on the fork in the road, and then gradually drive away.

"Young You" became the biggest winner of the Academy Awards, and it was time to talk about these deleted clips

It seems that the director is also a person who prefers tragedy in his bones.

03 A scene about a fight

Even if it is a version that has been cut, the release version of "Young You" is not less about violence.

However, the director said that at the beginning, these problems were not considered, the actor's punches, kicks and slaps were really played, very abusive to the actor, "it hurts to hear it on the side", and some violent scenes were deleted before the release.

"Young You" became the biggest winner of the Academy Awards, and it was time to talk about these deleted clips

In fact, we can easily find that in the trailer and tidbits, we can clearly see that Xiao Bei saw a small in the mahjong hall who taught the child who stole money, went up to block it, so the boss came to the scene and let them two waves of troublesome little lined up in two rows, sucking each other's mouths!

When I first watched the trailer, I felt that it really hurt to hit, but this part was directly hidden in the main film.

In addition to these deleted parts, there are also some pictures that the director actively deletes.

"Young You" became the biggest winner of the Academy Awards, and it was time to talk about these deleted clips

One is Xiao Beibi Dong Chen Nian, and the other is Hu Xiaodi jumping off the building.

In the scene of Xiao Beibi Dong Chen Nian, there was originally a detail of Xiao Bei touching Chen Nian's legs, but later because the director felt that the sexual tension was not enough, this part only appeared in the tidbits.

"Young You" became the biggest winner of the Academy Awards, and it was time to talk about these deleted clips

In fact, although this section is not cut in, the positive film is still quite lustful...

There is also the scene where Hu Xiaofei jumped off the building at the beginning, and the director took the initiative to delete the corpse picture.

Zeng Guoxiang said that at the beginning, he was indeed prepared to shoot a close-up of the body, but in the end he decided not to use it, not wanting to be so blunt and aggressive.

So there is the current version, where the audience sees the corpse from the person's mobile phone in the film.

"Young You" became the biggest winner of the Academy Awards, and it was time to talk about these deleted clips

In fact, the mention of the deleted content again is only out of the discussion of a good movie.

Perhaps without these modifications, we can see more than the theme of "school bullying" in this movie. But from a positive point of view, after the revision, the hostility is a little less, and the whole film is also softer.

Finally, best movie to give it, well deserved!

"Young You" became the biggest winner of the Academy Awards, and it was time to talk about these deleted clips

Bluestone Film Editorial Office | Old Meng

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