
At the graduation ceremony of Xigong University, teachers sent messages to graduates to have "ambition not to lie flat"

On July 2, at the graduation ceremony of Xigong University, Teacher Representative Fan Wei sent a message to the graduates that they should have "the ambition of not lying flat" and have the great heart of the country to fight against the "inner volume".

At the graduation ceremony of Xigong University, teachers sent messages to graduates to have "ambition not to lie flat"

If you "lie flat" at the beginning, you can often only "lie down" in the end.

Fan Wei said in his speech that "inner volume" has become a hot topic at present, and "lying flat" has also become a mantra for people's daily jokes.

"But, young students, I still want to say that we must have the ambition not to 'lie flat.'" Fan Wei said that the Analects have clouds: "Take from above, get from it; take from it, get from below." If you want to "lie flat" at the beginning, you often have to "lie down" in the end.

At the graduation ceremony of Xigong University, teachers sent messages to graduates to have "ambition not to lie flat"

Fan Wei believes that those who can resist the "inner volume" must have the "great power of the country" in mind, have a strategic awareness of the overall situation, innovative thinking that breaks stereotypes, and bold action with clear strategies; only by making unremitting efforts can we continuously accumulate energy for a better move forward. Taking advantage of their youth, I hope that the students will cherish the time like gold, let themselves have some insight, some experience, some yearning, some pursuit, and live up to Shaohua.

"The rise and fall of a nation is the responsibility of a man, not to mention a college graduate who has received higher education." Fan Wei said that he hoped that the students would take the sense of responsibility for shouldering the mission of the times, join the ranks of the builders of the motherland, and make their own contributions to the prosperity of the motherland and the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Young people should be bloody and should not be willing to be cannibalized by worldly standards

After the graduation ceremony, a reporter from Huashang Daily conducted an interview with Teacher Zhang Wei.

Talking about the original intention of the message, Zhang Wei said that she has been teaching students all the time and feels that they cannot be influenced by some decadent ideas at present. Students of Xi'an University of Technology have the characteristics of tenacity and persistence, and they are not willing to "lie flat". Zhang Wei believes that young people have energy and should be bloodline, and should not be willing to be cannibalized by worldly standards.

At the graduation ceremony of Xigong University, teachers sent messages to graduates to have "ambition not to lie flat"

"I always tell students that if you choose to 'lie flat' at the age of 25 and get by, then your previous academic efforts will be wasted, and your life will actually end at the age of 25." Zhang Wei believes that young people should not just pursue worldly things, life is in the world, a bed, a food, a scoop of drink is enough, life is very short, must be branded with their own brand, there is a pursuit of life is meaningful.

"Spiritual nutrition will nourish us throughout our lives, set up lofty ideals, and achieve something in our careers, and those worldly substances are not actually a problem." Zhang Wei said that she believes that many students are not willing to be mediocre, but hopes to inspire and support them in this way and give them righteousness.

Student: If you just think about "lying flat," you will never become a great instrument of the country

For the earnest entrustment of Teacher Zhang Wei, the graduates who participated in the ceremony expressed their great approval and acceptance.

"If you always want to lie flat, you will never become a great instrument of the country." Zhang Kangyu, a graduate of the engineering mechanics major of Xi'an University of Technology, said that the school has trained them and also given them the responsibility and obligation to contribute to the development of their youth, because every graduate represents the spirit of the University.

At the graduation ceremony of Xigong University, teachers sent messages to graduates to have "ambition not to lie flat"

"Under the current social reality, young people are really stressed and may struggle for many years and cannot afford to buy a house. But I'm still willing to keep myself busy and try to take responsibility, rather than "lying flat". Zhang Kangyu decided to continue his further education and dedicate his strength to the cause of national construction after graduation.

"Young people are becoming more and more stressed, and "lying flat" may just be a kind of self-deprecation to relieve stress. Shang Yifan, a software engineering graduate of Xi'an University of Technology, said that he feels that young people should still struggle better, exert greater value in subdivision fields, start from small things, practice more, and often the more difficult the place, the more opportunities there are. After graduation, Shang Yifan will join Alibaba as a software engineer.

Huashang Daily reporter Zhao Ruili/Wen Zhao Bin/Figure

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