
Sword and Expedition: Level 437 civilian clearance 37 chapter commemoration, experience sharing

author:178 game network

Author: NGA-Granway

After struggling to take the last winter throat last week, today is finally the completion of chapter 37.

As the difficulty of the main line weakened again, more and more friends also came to chapter 37. If you also have the idea of impacting chapter 38, the following tips can provide some cultivation ideas.

By chapter 37, the core of the five-team lineup is basically fixed, but there are various tool man options. Of course, even if it is said that it is a tool person, it is still as white as possible to be white, and the following mention of "no training requirements" generally refers to exclusive and furniture. Next, the detachment is explained in detail.

Sword and Expedition: Level 437 civilian clearance 37 chapter commemoration, experience sharing

1. Bone King Team

Using various ways to gather monsters, the Bone King absorbs damage and then counterattacks with one or two knives to clear the screen.

The Core Bone King just needs 303, 309 is the best, and the little bit of 9 red can be used to liberate the Bone King's own horn many times, and the God King or the Great Sword can be changed to reduce the re degree. Requires Race T2 weapons and shoes, hats often come without or with T0, and clothes are hit with purple War Mania armor plus.

The Bone King team is the lowest cost team overall, but the 5-star horn is just needed, and there is no 5-star recommendation event store to pay more attention to whether there are any self-selected artifact fragments.

Commonly used tool people squirrels need 20 specials, other rabbit men, wheels, naira, etc. almost no training requirements, occasionally use the bounty needs to open exclusive, there are 3 red better.

Sword and Expedition: Level 437 civilian clearance 37 chapter commemoration, experience sharing

2. Bone Pride Team

Explode by the bone. Core bone Aotian just needs 309, recommended 309 + 60 engraving, PVP can also be used; Yaer just needs 30 specialty.

No one has not yet done bone arrogance by chapter 37, right? It's just as strong as bone arrogance in the second half of chapter 37, and the damage also begins to stop crushing, requiring teammates to cooperate with the control field to play multiple rounds of output.

The Prince of Persia and Joker are regulars in the supplementary control, the late appearance rate soared, the prince carried the horn frequently the big move control field is very important, recommended 203; Joker training requirements are not high, 100 available. Ezio is commonly used, recommended 203.

A generation of god Arthur frequently died violently in the ten-fold push scene, and gradually faded out of the Void Team in the later stage. Merlin does not have a scene that must be his, can only say that there are occasional miracles, if it is already done for PVP 309 Merlin that push map can sometimes be used, reduce the degree of re.

Sword and Expedition: Level 437 civilian clearance 37 chapter commemoration, experience sharing

3. Green Sand Q

Use the green sand to gather monsters after Queen's nuclear heat effect to control death.

Core Green Sword just needs 303 recommendation 309; Sand Sculpture just needs 3 red recommendation 303, the percentage can scrape a lot of damage; Queen has almost no training requirements but needs race T2 to reduce violent death, recommended 103 to 203.

The appearance of the queen in the tool man gradually decreased, the werewolf basically retired, and the appearance of the turtle who was controlled in the later period gradually increased, and the training degree was recommended to 100 to 103, and the same was not violent. Ezio was occasionally useful and the bull's head was occasionally useful.

Sword and Expedition: Level 437 civilian clearance 37 chapter commemoration, experience sharing

4. Winter-throated undead

Use the control effect of the undead to cooperate with the Winter Throat Strong Guard Dumb Cute Warmer, and the Guard who steals the attribute and the Dumb Cute who cuts the blood percentage to take over the game.

Winter Throat just needs 309; Janissary just needs 309, recommended 309+60 engraving; Dumb Meng gang needs 203, recommended 309; bone arch recommended 203 to 209; three eyes just need 203, recommended 209 or 303,309 best; alchemy recommended 303.

A team with a fairly high cost, the lineup is also relatively fixed, fortunately, the Winter Throat Undead PVP can also be used. Janissaries sometimes take out one person to work in other teams, and the other person single C is enough to solve the problem.

Sword and Expedition: Level 437 civilian clearance 37 chapter commemoration, experience sharing

5. Merchant charm servant

The maid is designated to follow the charmer, and the merchant and maid of the double horn ensure that the energy of the charm is frequently opened to the charm of the large group and controlled to death.

The merchant just needs 30 specialties; the maid just needs 203,309 the best, the merchant charm servant overall lacks damage, sometimes needs the maid to make up for it; the charm demon has almost no training requirements, I personally passed the 37 chapter with purple + charm demon, need race T2 shoes, 25 mage trees, 5 star full code to ensure the release speed of the first big move.

Increasing the Charm Demon Grade level can reduce the revaluation, and the commonly used tools are 20 points for rabbit bows, 203 times for three eyes, and 30 points for Raku.

Some cards that are worth elaborating on or not mentioned above:

Witch: Some of the previous claims were to push chapter 37, and the Winter Throat Witch needed one of them, and now it seems that the importance of the Witch is far less than that of the Winter Throat. The witch is the top tool of the green sand system, but in fact, many times relying on green sand Q is enough to solve the problem.

And in the last few pictures, even the 309 witch will start to scratch the lack of damage, and the witch who can happily lead the team needs 60 engraving seals. Of course, the engraving of the witch is still more worth doing, and the push map push tower activity group can be used, but on the single push map, the resources are only enough for a 309 god demon, it must be a winter throat more priority, the witch borrows a big guy's 60 carved seal witch backup bar.

Cyborgs: Chapter 36 Strike Hard, Chapter 37 Only Promise. Cyborg actually has very few appearances in chapter 37, but it is difficult to find a replacement when he is needed.

Three Eyes: Throwing people, gathering monsters and reducing energy create excellent field control ability, the output itself is not bad, in the Shang Charm Servant can act as an output hand, in the Winter Throat Undead can stabilize the control field, one of the few bone arrogance outside the mage worth giving to T3, is a very important card in Chapter 37.

Raku: Raku has room to play in the Merchant Charm Servant, Green Sand Q and even the Void Team, combining deceleration, vulnerability, and percentage damage. Most of the scenes red 30 can be used exclusively, although it is not just needed, but with Raku, the lineup will be much more flexible.

Ice Demon & Time Demon: The final form of the Merchant Charm Servant is the Ice Time Merchant Charm Servant, the exclusive passive effect of the Red Ice Demon 30 can greatly enhance the experience of the Merchant Charm Servant, and after chapter 38, it gradually becomes the standard, it is highly recommended to put the astrology agenda after the Winter Throat Witch. Shi Devil is not necessary in chapter 37, but in order to suggest that Gao Jing slowly change it in order to do so in the future, the furniture wish list will be put on as soon as possible.

Lion: A beat worker who goes around in circles. Although there is basically no requirement for training, there is an impression that one level requires the lion's highest attack, using the magic to avoid eating butterflies, so try to have white.

Butterfly: Hitman No. 2 who walks around. Unpretentious control of the strong card, recommended 25 exclusive plus rapid, furniture 3 red, 9 red best.

Rabbit Bow: Hitman No. 3 who goes around the field. The opening acceleration preemptive hand is very important for some lineups, requiring 20 exclusives.

The Artifact Horn 5 stars are just needed, and the God King and the Codex recommend 5 stars. In terms of equipment, race T2 is definitely more the better, the main depending on the resources on T3, tool people can take retired/bench players such as Dragon Bow Werewolf Twin Phoenix Lizard Biochemical Man and other equipment. After having the stars, all the drops are T1T2 selection boxes, try to buy T1 stones in the guild store, and choose T2 boxes to save.

For the time being, there are so many, and I would like to add to the others, and I wish you all to conquer Chapter 37 as soon as possible.

Sword and Expedition: Level 437 civilian clearance 37 chapter commemoration, experience sharing


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