
The last poem of Lu You before his death is still thinking of loyalty and filial piety to the country

author:Tang poems and Song poems

It is often said that filial piety comes first, and filial piety has always been the core traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. In the Confucian classic "Filial Piety", it is said: "Filial piety, the scripture of heaven, the righteousness of the earth, and the deeds of man", pointing out that filial piety is the rule of heaven and earth, and it is the foundation of all one's character and behavior. At the same time, "Filial Piety" also believes that loyalty is the expansion and development of filial piety, and ancient China also had the tradition of ruling the country with filial piety, so it is said that small filial piety runs the family and great filial piety repays the country.

The last poem of Lu You before his death is still thinking of loyalty and filial piety to the country

When the 85-year-old Lu You trembled and said his last words, it not only showed us a picture of a small filial piety who was full of children and grandchildren and listened to his last words, but also portrayed the loyal soul of a patriotic poet who served the country with great filial piety.

Today, I would like to share with you the last words of this song written by Lu You to his descendants - "Shi'er": The dead Yuan knows that everything is empty, but the sorrow does not see Kyushu. Wang ShiBei fixed zhongyuan day, and the family sacrifice did not forget to tell Naiwong.

Kyushu is an ethnic and regional concept of the Han nationality, since the beginning of the Warring States, Kyushu has become a synonym for ancient China, so it is also called "Han Kyushu". According to the Shang Shu YuGong, the nine prefectures were Jizhou, Yanzhou, Qingzhou, Xuzhou, Yangzhou, Jingzhou, Yuzhou, Liangzhou, and Yongzhou.

In the second year of Song Ningzong Jiading, in the winter of this year, the eighty-five-year-old Lu You knew that his limit was coming and that he would soon die. At this time, he had put life and death aside, achieved no worries, and then open-mindedly faced the few days left, as well as his children and grandchildren who were kneeling on the ground, but only in the face of this country with broken mountains and rivers and frequent wars, an indissoluble sadness and indignation lingered in his heart. But the sorrow did not see Kyushu, and this kind of sadness and indignation was mighty and filled the heavens and the earth. At the last moment of his death, he was only nostalgic for the restoration of the Central Plains and the reunification of the motherland.

When Lu You was dying, he thought that the land of the Central Plains was still not yet unified, so he instructed his descendants: Wang ShiBei fixed the Central Plains Day, and the family sacrifice did not forget to tell Naiwong. On the day when the Song army crossed the river and the Northern Expedition was victorious and the Central Plains were unified, if the family held a sacrifice for me, don't forget to inform your father under the Nine Springs of the news of this victory. The poet is full of faith, he firmly believes that one day, the Central Plains will be restored, and the motherland will be reunified. This is not only the last will and testament left by the poet to his children and grandchildren, but also the poet's call for resistance to war issued by future generations.

This poem has few words, does not fake carving, from the bottom of the heart, pouring out the poet's full of sorrow and emotion, both the endless hatred of unfinished karma, but also the firm belief in the pursuit of life. The poet's patriotic passion is so persistent and enthusiastic, that hatred finally turned into the immortal breath of a nation, filling the heavens and the earth, and also inspiring the later benevolent people to go forward for the nation and for justice, and to die nine times without regret.

Lu You worked tirelessly throughout his life and stored nearly 10,000 poems. This "Shi'er" was written in December of the second year of Song Ningzong Jiading, when Lu Youyi fell ill, and it was not only Lu You's pressed scroll, a masterpiece, but also a dying last word. On December 29, 2002, Lu You passed away at the age of 85. He was repeatedly ostracized because he firmly advocated the War of Resistance, and unfortunately, 66 years after Lu You's death, the Southern Song Dynasty finally collapsed. (Editor/Zhang Xiaobo)

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