
Who the hell is Xuanyu? Why did the Yellow Emperor want to kill him completely? Scholar: In other words, you can't stand it

author:Historical figures

Liu Bang and Xiang Yu defeated Qin II to gain the Chu River Han Dynasty, Sima Yi and Sima Yan tampered with Cao Wei to end the Three Kingdoms, and Qin Shi Huang and the able generals unified the Six Kingdoms to win the world's first Qin Dynasty... Emperor Yan and Emperor Huang killed Xuan You, so there were descendants of Yan Huang, so it can be seen that history is divided into temporary fusion, which is nothing more than the cooperation of who and whom, who and whom antagonism, but in the face of the battle between GuGu Yan, Huang and Xuan You, it can be described as foggy: a question is what exactly does Xuan You exist? The second question was why the Yan and Huang Emperors killed him?

Who the hell is Xuanyu? Why did the Yellow Emperor want to kill him completely? Scholar: In other words, you can't stand it

These two problems are actually together, and can only be solved together, and this has to be said to their last battle - the Battle of Zhuolu, at first everyone thought that this is just an ancient mythological story, but it should be known that the Yellow Emperor Yandi and others have obtained some substantial evidence one after another, so the authenticity of the Battle of Zhuolu is becoming more and more reliable, of course, initially it only exists in the "Classic of Mountains and Seas":

Xuan You made a military campaign against the Yellow Emperor, and the Yellow Emperor was the field of Jizhou that Ying Long attacked. Ying Dragon Livestock Water. Xuan You asked the wind and rain to master the wind and rain, and let the wind and rain prevail. The Yellow Emperor was the daughter of the heavens, and the rain stopped, so she killed You.

This means that Xuan You wants to fight the Yellow Emperor, and the Yellow Emperor let Ying Long Chu Shui prepare to fight back, and as a result, Xuan You heard about it and then took the first shot to be strong, and asked the Wind Bo Yu Division to rain heavily in his own way, and also treated his body, and the Yellow Emperor let the drought fish stop the rain, and then killed Xuan You. In fact, there was no figure of Emperor Yan here, but why did it say that the two people killed Xuan You together? This also has to be traced back to a fight between Yanhuang, and as a result, Yandi lost and was subsumed into the Yellow Emperor's tribe, forming the "Yanhuang Alliance", when Xuanyu attacked this alliance.

Who the hell is Xuanyu? Why did the Yellow Emperor want to kill him completely? Scholar: In other words, you can't stand it

But why did the Yellow Emperor kill You? Emperor Mingyan also lost, but he used the Huairou policy, but the treatment of Xuan You became a torture, according to the Ma Wangdui book "Yellow Emperor ZhengChao", the Yellow Emperor met Xuan You, so he captured him. Stripping it of its leather and making it a dry marquis, making people shoot it, and rewarding those who are in the middle; the heaven that is built by its hair is called the Jing of Xuan you; the stomach is full of its stomach, making people cling to it, and rewarding those who are in the middle; rotting their flesh and bones, throwing them into bitterness, and making the people of the world eat it.

It can be seen that "peeling", "shooting", "qi", "ju", "rotting", and "pecking" are to peel the skin and make a target for people, cut their hair to make a flag, fill the stomach into a ball and then kick it, and cook his flesh and bones for the people of the world to eat--all of the above are not the manifestations that a benevolent monarch should have, nor is it something that a monarch who wants to unify all tribes can do, like this kind of thing, he will take the name of a tyrant, and he does not want to have anyone submit, but the Yellow Emperor still does it, and the reason is only one point.

Who the hell is Xuanyu? Why did the Yellow Emperor want to kill him completely? Scholar: In other words, you can't stand it

Xuan You is too powerful, and the "Dragon Fish River Map" says: Before the regency of the Yellow Emperor, there were eighty-one brothers of Xuan You, and the language of the beast, the copper head and iron forehead, the eating of sand and stones, the creation of soldiers and swords and crossbows, the threat of the world. This means that the Xuanyu people are very resistant to fighting, strong and strong, and will use tools, especially after the defeat of the Yan Emperor, the Yellow Emperor wants the first emperor of the day, xuanyu is dissatisfied and thus has rebellious thoughts, plus after the discovery of copper ore at that time, it is even more fearless, the Yellow Emperor is therefore nine battles and nine defeats, so the anger in his heart is very much, accumulating to the peak. Some scholars say that no one can bear this breath.

There is also a point that scholars speculate according to the difference in their appearance, as mentioned earlier, according to the thinking of modern people, they are proper barbarians, or advanced barbarians, archaeologists have found Homo sapiens and Neanderthals, thinking that Xuanyu may be another group of intelligent people similar to these two kinds of people, or one of them, such a existence for Yanhuang at that time is equivalent to the existence of Tatar slaves in China at that time, although China is more civilized and advanced, Anyway, it's pretty much the same meaning.

Who the hell is Xuanyu? Why did the Yellow Emperor want to kill him completely? Scholar: In other words, you can't stand it

So Xuan You died tragically at the hands of Yan Huang, and said that history was written by the victors, so Xuan You changed from a normal loser in a war to the image of a villain, especially in Confucian classics, at first the Yellow Emperor also called him "Soldier Lord", the "History" said that Han Gaozu Liu Bang also "sacrificed Xuan You in Peiting" before the uprising, or the "Book of History and Feng Zen" said "Three Soldier Lords, Qi Xuan You", but gradually his name was interpreted as "Worm Farmer".

Confucianism directly says: Shennong clan declines, princes invade each other, tyrannically abuse the people, and Shennong clan Fu Nengzheng ... Xuanyu is the most violent. The Yellow Emperor clan became orthodox and became the ancestors, "Shun, Yu, Qi, and Hou Ji were all descendants of the Yellow Emperor", and in 110 BC Emperor Wu of Han became the first emperor to sacrifice the Yellow Emperor, plus the Liao Dynasty said that he was a descendant of the Yan Emperor in order to better rule.

Who the hell is Xuanyu? Why did the Yellow Emperor want to kill him completely? Scholar: In other words, you can't stand it

At the same time, the image of Xuan You became more and more evil--the later saints took his image of Zun Yi as greedy. Only now has Xuan You been justified, and this battle does not exist who invaded, but the rebellion of the weak against the strong, the provocation of the strong against the weak, and the most normal and simple battle in history, so Xuan You is just an ordinary leader like the Yellow Emperor of Yandi, a unique existence in the Three Seas Classic.

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