
Cultural observation | asked artists to endorse: "Canoe Bridge" is narrow and dangerous, and the brand should have thought of another trick long ago

author:Cover News
Cultural observation | asked artists to endorse: "Canoe Bridge" is narrow and dangerous, and the brand should have thought of another trick long ago

Meng Meiqi endorsement

Cover news trainee reporter Liu Kexin

On October 25, Meng Meiqi was exposed to suspected interference in the feelings of others. In addition to the discussion of the incident itself, some netizens found out that Meng Meiqi now holds 14 endorsements.

I thought that the endorsement artist was suspected of having a loss of private morality, the brand would quickly draw a clear line and cancel the contract, to the surprise of netizens, as of 10:00 a.m. on the 26th, in addition to L'Oréal, Chivas first-class sofa, Tsingtao Beer, Nestle, Mistine, Dior, Boss Electrical Appliances, these 7 brands hid Meng Meiqi-related content on the official Weibo, and other brands did not act. At the same time, no brand officially announced that it would stop cooperating with Meng Meiqi.

The Danger of a Canoe Bridge:

Artist endorsements are frequently overturned, and brands have become a response routine

All this is too different from the predictions of netizens. On the evening of October 21, the Chaoyang police reported that Li Moudi was administratively detained for prostitution, and it was subsequently confirmed that this Li Moudi was Li Yundi. Since then, "Brother Riding the Wind and Waves" has quickly removed Li Yundi's related videos, and its endorsements of Rolex, Samsung and other brands have also quickly hidden Li Yundi's relevant content from Weibo.

Although Li Yundi's behavior is illegal, and its severity far exceeds Meng Meiqi's suspected interference, from the reaction of netizens, consumer resistance to the endorsement of artists with private morality is also very high.

Brands invite artists to endorse, fans spend money, artists have accidents, brands delete materials, and issue statements to terminate cooperative relations, all of which have formed a routine for brands to deal with the endorsement of unethical artists. Facts have repeatedly proved that this move can indeed calm the "anger" of consumers on the brand. But often "eating melon road people" will find out after the artist's accident that the original artist can hold so many endorsements, and as a consumer of these brands, we never know.

The so-called "image spokesperson" itself refers to the brand strategists hired or shaped, so that people can produce a good impression of a certain brand through the association of their popularity, occupation, image, personality, and character, and the mechanism of their role is emotional transplantation.

During the cooperation period, the relationship between the brand and the brand spokesperson is "one prosperity and one loss". Therefore, many netizens said that if they do not announce the cessation of cooperation, the next e-commerce shopping festival will no longer consider the brand that cooperates with Meng Meiqi, which is an obvious example. At that time, a certain financial APP endorsed by Wang Han and Liu Guoliang was suspected of fraud, and this year, the milk tea endorsed by Li Weijia was held responsible for rights protection, which seriously damaged their image in the hearts of consumers.

With the rise of new phenomena in the entertainment industry such as fan economy and traffic, more and more brands seem to no longer consider whether the chosen brand image spokesperson is in line with their brand image. These brands think more about whether the artists themselves have enough traffic? Can I bring the goods with me? Does its fan base have enough purchasing power? As long as the above conditions are met, the artist's risk will naturally be set aside first. Therefore, this is the emergence of the above-mentioned merchants to deal with consumers "routine". After the termination of the contract with the original cooperative artist, there are naturally other artists with their own traffic to choose, not worse than these one or two.

The narrowness of the canoe bridge:

It's not easy to find a tailor-made spokesperson

Cultural observation | asked artists to endorse: "Canoe Bridge" is narrow and dangerous, and the brand should have thought of another trick long ago

Dynamic zone advertising

Looking back, image spokespersons are not what they are now.

Former image spokespersons should not only consider the reputation and achievements of artists, but most importantly, fit with the positioning of the brand. Among them, there are many successful cases, such as Jay Chou, SHE and other hot artists at that time. In 2003, Jay Chou officially became the brand image spokesperson of China Mobile's first customer brand dynamic zone. At the same time, he also composed a song "My Turf" for the dynamic zone. The touch of orange on the poster of the dynamic zone remains in the hearts of every post-80s and post-90s. With young students as the audience, the dynamic zone invitation to Jay Chou is undoubtedly successful, and more importantly, it is Jay Chou's maverick and trend-leading cool handsome image, which is in line with the trendy and innovative positioning of the dynamic zone.

Cultural observation | asked artists to endorse: "Canoe Bridge" is narrow and dangerous, and the brand should have thought of another trick long ago

Ge You endorsement

In contrast, the Shenzhou tour positioned as "affordable and popular" and the "international" global pass have selected Ge You and Deng Yaping as spokespersons, respectively, rather than rushing to choose young artists who advocate expressing their attitudes.

Now, it is difficult to have such an endorsement case that fits the brand positioning, and some are more and more famous brands such as brand ambassadors, brand friends, regional spokespeople, chief experience officers, etc. that are only set up to attract more fans to buy.

No need to walk on the "canoe bridge"

Athletes, cartoon characters, a word can be endorsed

In fact, in addition to inviting artists to endorse, more and more brands tend to invite athletes, non-genetic heirs, etc. to endorse and promote brands and products.

This summer, Yang Qian, who won the first gold medal for China for the Tokyo Olympics, signed a contract with a cosmetics brand to become the spokesperson for one of its products, and the brand had previously signed Zhang Weili, Asia's first MMA world champion, to endorse its products.

It is not the first time an athlete has been signed. Previously, Lang Ping, Yao Ming, Tian Liang, Wu Minxia, Guo Jingjing, Liu Xiang and others have received many brand invitations for their outstanding achievements and high national popularity. After this year's Olympic Games, athletes such as Su Bingtian, Zhang Yufei, Wang Shun, gong Lijiao and so on also got the opportunity to endorse the brand.

Cultural observation | asked artists to endorse: "Canoe Bridge" is narrow and dangerous, and the brand should have thought of another trick long ago

Seven Hi Kid Fido

However, there are many cases of doing the opposite. Qixi Boy, who has bubble face hair and wears loose hip-hop, is one of the most successful cartoon image spokespersons. The boy with the name Fido, whose mantra is "just be yourself", its behavior, language, and personality were all the rage in the 1980s and 1990s, and its fire became a phenomenon, driving product sales.

Cultural observation | asked artists to endorse: "Canoe Bridge" is narrow and dangerous, and the brand should have thought of another trick long ago

Taylor performs "got milk"

Cultural observation | asked artists to endorse: "Canoe Bridge" is narrow and dangerous, and the brand should have thought of another trick long ago

Hulk Hulk performs "got milk"

The "got milk" that was once mentioned by Jobs is also a strong stroke in the history of advertising. As with some brands now, the Califonia Milk dvisory Board of California Milk Manufacturing Plants has also used the "who is red please who" strategy, Zhang Ziyi, Jackie Chan, Kate Moss, Beckham, Rihanna, Taylor Swift, Spider-Man, Hulk, Snoopy, etc. have all appeared as "milk beards". The reason is that "got milk" itself is to reverse the image of milk in the hearts of young people, not to pursue temporary interests. The phrase "got milk" has become fashionable in itself, and its popularity has even surpassed the milk itself.

If you can find a spokesperson who matches the positioning, it is naturally the good luck of the brand. But in any case, we should not chase traffic for the sake of chasing temporary benefits. Moreover, the risk of artist endorsement is increasing, although the brand still has a routine to deal with consumers, but no matter which brand, it can not withstand the decline of word of mouth. Compared with artists, brands should cherish the reputation of consumers more, and it is obviously not a practice to cherish word of mouth by asking artists to endorse them.

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