
Canoe bridge | Daily good poems on the single wooden bridge

author:China Poetry Network

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Canoe bridge | Daily good poems on the single wooden bridge

< h1 toutiao-origin="h3" > a canoe bridge</h1>


Canoe bridge | Daily good poems on the single wooden bridge

In the world, there are not many such things

The rest is also rotting, is being

Surrounded by more weeds

Fewer and fewer people are willing to take the canoe bridge

Its role is about to be dissolved

Fortunately, there are some scattered streams that are still willing

Become a testimony of a canoe bridge

Would I too? On the banks of the creek

I tried to get through it

Wanted to get there; the stream was shallow and narrow

It can be a leap or a half

Step through and arrive at the mountains and forests in the distance

Canoe bridge | Daily good poems on the single wooden bridge

The moving aspect of the poem is that "fewer and fewer people are willing to walk the canoe bridge / its role is about to be dissolved / Fortunately, some scattered water is still willing / Become a testimony of a canoe bridge." "Of course, it's the core. The canoe bridge is a well-known secular image, on the one hand, it leads to the spiritual exaltation and alienation of the individual, and on the other hand, it is said that if you insist on going your own way on a certain road, you may eventually be doomed.

How to dismantle, combine, deconstruct, interpret, give, and extend such an image that a person knows in a poetic way is the first problem faced by the poet. This poem begins with an extraordinary sentence, presents and occupies a high level, that is, a metaphor for the basic reality of the increasing convergence and homogenization of the spiritual beliefs and personal virtues of an era, and more and more people are drifting with the flow, missing the necessary initiative and maverick consciousness.

The dissolved canoe bridge has only running water, which can be testified. This way of writing not only inherits the main idea of the previous paragraph, but also improves it. The last paragraph is a self-ego cross-examination, "Would I also like to?" "I" tried to cross the canoe bridge, and the place I wanted to reach was "the stream is shallow and narrow" and can be easily crossed. This kind of writing and expression is actually a kind of whirlwind, that is, even if people who are willing to walk on the canoe bridge are rare, I am still willing to find the realm of the mountain forest in the footsteps of the predecessors, which should be a bigger metaphor and symbol, such as Wang Weizhi's "sitting alone in the fence, playing the piano and whistling." The people of the deep forest do not know that the bright moon has come to take pictures.

Invited comment: Yang Xianping

Poet Profile

Lu Buyi, formerly known as Wen Yungao, has used the pen names Buyi, Luyi, Luye, Luyi, Luxi, Ruijin, Jiangxi, who has published several works in literary journals such as "Poetry Journal", "People's Literature", "Yanhe", "Xinghuo", "Poetry Newspaper", etc.; won the first Jinggangshan Literature Award and the 2017 Jiangxi Poet of the Year Award.

Expert Profiles

Yang Xianping is a member of the Chinese Writers Association. He served in the army in the Badain Jaran Desert for 18 years. His works have appeared in People's Literature, Chinese Writers, Beijing Literature, Tianya and other periodicals. He has won dozens of awards, including the Single Work Award of the Third National Bingxin Prose Award, the First Prize of the First Sanmao Prose Award, the Outstanding Literary and Art Works Award of the Whole Army, the Presentist Prose Award, and the Sichuan Literature Award.

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Bei Qiao, Chen Xianfa, Chen Wei, Cao Yuxiang, Cheng Jilong, Geng Zhanchun, Feng Lei, Gu Bei, Gu Jianping, Gu He, Hong Zhan, Huo Junming, Jia Jian, JianMing, Jiang Hao, Jiang Dengke, Lei Wuling, Leng Shuang, Li Shaojun, Li Haipeng, Li Jianchun, Li Li, Li Zhuang, Liu Xiangdong, Li Yun, Liang Xiaoming, Lu Hui, Luo Zhenya, Ma Zhiyao, Mo Zhenbao, Ren Yi, Rong Guangqi, Sha Ke, Shi Libin, ShuCai, Tan Wuchang, Tang Hancun, Tian Yuan, Tang Shi, Wang Jianzhao, Wang Jiuxin, Wang Jiaxin, Wang Shiqiang, Wu Touwen, Xidu, Xiang Yixian, Yang Biwei, Yang Ke, Yang Siping, Yang Qingxiang, Yang Shu, Yu Nu, Ye Zhou, Zang Di, Zhang Deming, Zhang Qinghua, Zhang Dinghao, Zhang Guangxin, Zhu Yun, Zhang Weidong, Zhou Weichi, Zhou Zhan, Zhu Bisong, etc

Column Host / Wang Fugang

Editor: Wang Aofei, Second Instance: Man Man, Final Trial: Jin Shikai

Canoe bridge | Daily good poems on the single wooden bridge

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