
The lazy approach to spicy cuttlefish cubs is just as delicious

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
The lazy approach to spicy cuttlefish cubs is just as delicious

Seafood is the most popular in our home, but unfortunately it is too expensive to eat every day, so sorry! When I have money, I want to buy seafood for three meals a day! Hahahahaha... Today I went to the supermarket to see that the cuttlefish is quite fresh, so I bought a pound back and made a spicy cuttlefish cub, spicy and fragrant, special next meal!

By Guo Mama Private Room Dish 【DouGuo Food Official Certified Master】


Cuttlefish pups 500 g

Half an onion

1 handful of garlic moss

Millet spicy 10 pcs

1 garlic clove

1 piece of ginger

2 dried chili peppers

10 peppercorns

Pixian watercress sauce 1 spoonful

1 homemade hot pot base

Light soy sauce 2 scoops

1 scoop of oyster sauce

A pinch of salt

1 scoop of chicken essence

A little sugar

Pepper 1 scoop

Oil to taste

Cooking wine to taste

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

The lazy approach to spicy cuttlefish cubs is just as delicious

1, cuttlefish thaw, dispose of the internal organs and teeth, clean and spare!

The lazy approach to spicy cuttlefish cubs is just as delicious

2: Wash and cut the onion into small pieces, cut the garlic moss into pieces, cut the millet spicy into strips, cut the garlic cloves into slices, and cut the ginger into pieces and set aside!

The lazy approach to spicy cuttlefish cubs is just as delicious

3: Put two spoonfuls of soy sauce, one spoonful of oyster sauce, a little salt, one spoonful of chicken essence, a little sugar, a spoonful of pepper and stir evenly into the sauce!

The lazy approach to spicy cuttlefish cubs is just as delicious

4, boil the water, put in the appropriate amount of cooking wine to remove the fishy, pour the cuttlefish baby blanched water for about a minute! (Don't blanch the water for too long, or it will make the cuttlefish meat old and you can't bite it!) )

The lazy approach to spicy cuttlefish cubs is just as delicious

5、 Drain the water and set aside!

The lazy approach to spicy cuttlefish cubs is just as delicious

6: Heat the oil, add ginger, garlic cloves, peppercorns, dried chili peppers and stir-fry until fragrant, then add Pixian bean paste and homemade hot pot base, stir-fry the red oil over low heat!

The lazy approach to spicy cuttlefish cubs is just as delicious

7: Add onion, garlic moss and millet and stir-fry until it is raw!

The lazy approach to spicy cuttlefish cubs is just as delicious

8、Add the cuttlefish in blanched water and stir-fry evenly!

The lazy approach to spicy cuttlefish cubs is just as delicious

9、 Pour in the sauce prepared in advance!

The lazy approach to spicy cuttlefish cubs is just as delicious

10. Quickly stir-fry evenly to get out of the pot!

The lazy approach to spicy cuttlefish cubs is just as delicious

11. Finished product drawing

The lazy approach to spicy cuttlefish cubs is just as delicious

12. Finished product drawing

The lazy approach to spicy cuttlefish cubs is just as delicious

13. Finished product drawing

The lazy approach to spicy cuttlefish cubs is just as delicious

14. Finished product drawing

The lazy approach to spicy cuttlefish cubs is just as delicious

15. Finished product drawing

The lazy approach to spicy cuttlefish cubs is just as delicious

16. Finished product drawing

The lazy approach to spicy cuttlefish cubs is just as delicious

17. Finished product drawing

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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