
Square-tailed Grebe, chinese birds of the Family Officinalis You know?

author:Chinese bird statistics photographer

Square-tailed Grebe (scientific name: Culicicapa ceylonensis): Weighs 6–11 g and is 102–130 mm long. The male and female plumage of the square-tailed grebe are similar. The forehead, the top of the head, the pillow, and the back of the neck are dark gray or black gray, and some of the top of the head are dark brown gray, and the side of the head and neck is gray. The covert feathers on the back, shoulders, waist and tail are bright yellow-green or olive-green, and the waist is brightly colored, and the moon is a few pure yellows. The upper wing coverts are olive greenish yellow, the flight feathers are dark brown, the outer feather margins are yellow, the first two primary flight feathers have narrower yellow margins, and the rest of the flight feathers have wider yellow margins, especially the secondary flight feathers. The tail is brown with greenish-yellow tail feathers. The chin, throat, thorax, and cheeks are grey, and the rest of the underparts are yellow. The iris is dark brown, the upper mouth is black, the lower mouth corner is brown, and the script flesh is yellow or flesh colored.

Square-tailed Grebe, chinese birds of the Family Officinalis You know?
Square-tailed Grebe, chinese birds of the Family Officinalis You know?

China is distributed in Tibet, Sichuan, Gansu, Shaanxi, Hubei, Hunan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Yunnan, Guangdong and other places. The Yunnan Asian species breed in south-central China, southwestern China and southeastern Tibet. The bird is found in Beidaihe, Hebei.

Square-tailed Grebe, chinese birds of the Family Officinalis You know?

It mainly inhabits evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forests, coniferous forests, mixed coniferous broad-leaved forests and mountain margin shrublands and bamboo forests below 2600 m above sea level, especially in the woods and shrublands along mountainsides, streams and river valleys, and also in and out of secondary forests and plantations and orchards near farmland, land edges and villages. The square-tailed crane is a summer migratory bird in most parts of China, a resident bird in Yunnan, and a winter migratory bird in Guangdong and Hong Kong. Usually, at the end of March and the beginning of April, they have moved to breeding grounds such as Guizhou and Sichuan, and began to move back in October. It is often carried out alone or in pairs, and sometimes in small groups of 3-5 individuals. Arboreal, mostly moving and foraging in trees and among the leaves, often going to the forest and forest edge shrubs to forage, sometimes even down to the ground to hunt insects, but more often still by flying to prey. Chirp for a clear sweet whistle chic... Chiree-chilee, accented at the first note of the two syllables, the last note rises; also emits churrru beeps and soft pit sounds. It feeds mainly on insects and larvae of insects such as Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Orthoptera, hymenoptera, etc., and also eats other invertebrate foods such as locusts, beetles, and spiders.

Square-tailed Grebe, chinese birds of the Family Officinalis You know?

The breeding season is from May to August. Maybe breed 2 litters a year. The nest is built on rocks and branches on the shore, composed of moss, mixed with a small number of seed hairs; the size of the nest is 7-9 cm in outer diameter, 4-5.5 cm in inner diameter, and 3 cm deep; each nest lays 3-4 eggs, the eggs are pale yellow, mixed with tan and purple-blue spots, especially the blunt end is dense, the size of the eggs is 14.8 mm - 12.6 mm, the average weight is 1.3 grams.

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