
Red-winged blue-tailed Plover, a bird of the Chinese Grebe family, shares everyone's appreciation

author:Chinese bird statistics photographer

The red-faced blue-tailed plover (scientific name: tarsiger cyanurus) is a small bird with a body length of 13–15 cm. The upper body of the male, from the top of the head to the upper tail, consists of the two wings of the inner coverts of the surface of the gray-blue, and the sides of the head, the small coverts on the wings and the upper tail coverts are particularly bright and glow blue. The tail is predominantly dark brown , with a central pair of tail feathers with a blue margin , and the outer tail feathers are only slightly stained blue on the outer margins , and the outward blue becomes fainter. The small and middle coverts on the wings are glowing blue, the rest of the coverts are dark brown, and the feather margins are grayish blue. The feathers are dark brown or dark brown, the innermost two or three feathers are stained blue on the outside, and the rest of the feathers have a dark brown or pale yellowish brown narrow margin. The eyebrow lines are white and brown, extending from the forehead backwards to the front of the eyes, turning blue, the eyes and cheeks are black, and the ear feathers are dark grayish brown or black brown, mixed with light brown markings. The chin, throat, and thorax of the lower body are brownish white, the underbelly to tail coverts are white, the thorax is grayish blue, and the two sides are orange-red or orange-brown. The female has olive-brown upperparts, grey-blue upper feathers at the waist and tail, and a grayish-blue appearance on the tail. The forehead, eye front, and eye area are pale brown or brownish-white, the rest of the head is olive brown, and the ear feathers are mixed with brownish-white margins. The lower body is similar to that of the male, but the thorax is olive-brown, the thorax is not grayish blue, and the rest resembles a male. The iris is brown or dark brown, the mouth is black, and the feet are reddish brown or lilac brown.

Chinese mainland Qinghai, Gansu, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Tibet and other places.

Red-winged blue-tailed Plover, a bird of the Chinese Grebe family, shares everyone's appreciation
Red-winged blue-tailed Plover, a bird of the Chinese Grebe family, shares everyone's appreciation
Red-winged blue-tailed Plover, a bird of the Chinese Grebe family, shares everyone's appreciation

During the breeding period, it mainly inhabits montane coniferous forests, birch forests, mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forests and sparse forest shrublands on the upper part of the mountain at an altitude of more than 1000 meters, especially under wet fir and yue birch forests. Migration seasons and winters are also found in secondary forests in low hills and foothill plains, in sparse forests at the edge of forests, by roadsides and streams, and sometimes even in sparse forests, shrublands and grass slopes near orchards and villages. It is often seen alone or in pairs, sometimes in small groups of 3-5 birds, especially in autumn. Mainly ground-dwelling, mostly running on the ground under the forest or jumping between the low branches of the shrub, the sex is very hidden, in addition to the male birds standing on the branches during the breeding period, generally in the understory shrubs between the activities and foraging. Stops often swing up and down. The red-winged blue-tailed plover breeds in China and overwinters in China, and is both a summer and winter migratory bird.

The nest is shared by male and female parent birds, but the female is the main bird, and the male still sings among the trees in the nest area from time to time, and occasionally participates in the nest activities. Each nesting time takes 7-10 days. The nest is cup-shaped, consisting mainly of moss, and the inner surface is sometimes covered with animal hair and pine needles. The size of the nest is 13.5-15.0 cm outer diameter, 7.0-7.5 cm inner diameter, and 3-4 cm deep. Eggs are laid as soon as the nest is built, and some rest for a few days before laying eggs. Breed 1 litter per year, lay 1 egg per day, and lay a second egg at 1 interval. Each clutch usually lays 4-7 eggs, mostly 5-6. Egg white

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