
White-browed blue-browed bird, Chinese bird family do you know?

author:Chinese bird statistics photographer

White-browed blue-browed blue-bearded eagle (scientific name: Ficedula superciliaris): 12 cm long, weighing 8-9 grams, the male white-browed blue-browed blue-winged male has a dark gray-blue or dark blue upper body, a brighter head, a black forehead and eyes, no eyebrow lines, sometimes white eyebrow lines or white eyebrow lines are not obvious, the cheeks, ear feathers, head and neck sides are also dark gray-blue, the wings and tail feathers are brown, and the feathers are blue. The underparts are white, with a large dark blue patch on each side of the thorax, extending towards the middle of the chest and connecting several to the middle of the chest to form a chest band. Females have olive-brown upperparts, a sandy brown or tan on the forehead, eye front, top of the head, and the sides of the head, some with white eyes, gray on the side of the head and neck, yellowish brown on the tail coverts, and dark brown or grayish brown on the wings and tail. The underparts are white or off-white, and the sides are gray. The iris is dark brown, the mouth is black, and the feet are dark brown or purple-black.

White-browed blue-browed bird, Chinese bird family do you know?
White-browed blue-browed bird, Chinese bird family do you know?

The hills and alpine forests from southern Tibet to Sichuan can reach an altitude of 3,000 meters. Winter migratory birds are found in southern Yunnan.

During the breeding period, it mainly inhabits moist evergreen broad-leaved forests and bamboo forests, and also inhabits mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forests, with altitudes of 1800-2500 meters, and even up to about 3000 meters in some places. During the non-breeding period, it is mostly active in the low mountains and foothill plains, and sometimes into the jungle near orchards and agricultural land. It is found in both Sichuan and Tibet in China in the summer and in Yunnan as a winter migratory bird. Usually in March-April, they begin to migrate to China to breed, and in October-November, they migrate to Yunnan or further south to overwinter, often alone or in pairs, sexually active, jumping between branches or flying around all day to prey on insects, and sometimes to the ground to hunt. It feeds mainly on insects and insect larvae such as Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Orthoptera, hymenoptera, etc., especially flying insects.

White-browed blue-browed bird, Chinese bird family do you know?
White-browed blue-browed bird, Chinese bird family do you know?

The breeding season is from May to July, usually in the natural tree holes or trunk cracks of the nest city, but also in the abandoned nest holes of woodpeckers, 1-6 meters above the ground. The nest is cup-shaped and consists mainly of dry grass stems, dry grass and moss, with fine grass roots and fibers inside. Each clutch lays 3-5 eggs, mostly 4. The eggs are pale yellow or green , covered with red or pale pinkish-brown spots , and sometimes form a ring at the blunt end. The incubation of eggs is mainly undertaken by the female bird, and the incubation period is 12-13 days. The chicks are late in adulthood, and the male and female parent birds co-breed the chicks.

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