
"Chinese lyrics Taidou" 86-year-old Yan Su health secret: 3 small "likes", live every day

author:Dream drunk Gangnam March day
"Chinese lyrics Taidou" 86-year-old Yan Su health secret: 3 small "likes", live every day


"The red plums on the red rock are open, and the frost feet of thousands of miles are stepped on." The cold of Sanjiu was not afraid, and a piece of Dan's heart opened to the sun. The red plum blossoms bloom, the blossoms shine, the flowers bloom with their heads held high, and the fragrance floats outside the sky. Wake up a hundred flowers to bloom, sing and celebrate the new spring ..."

This popular song makes the image of "Jiang Xueqin" ready to come out. An iron-boned woman filled my childhood with a "sense of ceremony".

Whenever there are setbacks and difficulties, a voice will be issued in the heart, "This little thing is nothing, grit your teeth and stick to it." This hint is very warm and very healing.

Later, I learned that this song was written by the famous songwriter Yan Su, and admiration came out of nowhere.

"Chinese lyrics Taidou" 86-year-old Yan Su health secret: 3 small "likes", live every day

When we were children, our wave of children grew up watching battle movies, and there were stormtroopers, machine guns, and military songs lurking in their bones, which were the "hormones" of our spiritual world, and when they were mentioned, their eyes would shine and their foreheads would sweat happily.

As a figure of the level of the word world, Yan Su's works are almost household names, and some are randomly extracted, full of memories. For example: "Dare to ask where the road is", "Qianmen Love Big Bowl of Tea", "I Love the Blue Sky of the Motherland", "The Bridge of Beijing", "The Great Wall", "Seeing Flowers in the Fog", "Rap Facebook"...

As long as the melody sounds, I can sing a few words, and the years change and last forever.

In ancient China, the "music" of music is the same word as the "medicine" of medicine. That is to say, our wise predecessors have long known that music itself is a panacea, it is extraordinary and powerful.

"Chinese lyrics Taidou" 86-year-old Yan Su health secret: 3 small "likes", live every day

The prophet Aesop said that music often delays death.

It can be seen that music itself has a health effect.

Therefore, The first health secret of Teacher Yan Su is to "like" music.


The music master Xian Xinghai said that music is the greatest happiness in life; music is a clear stream in life; first of all, it is a melting pot for cultivating temperament.

A good song can often inspire a generation or generations, it is like a burning torch, tearing through the darkness of the night; it is like a brilliant sunshine, illuminating the direction of the future.

"Chinese lyrics Taidou" 86-year-old Yan Su health secret: 3 small "likes", live every day

After the baptism of years, the 86-year-old teacher Yan Su is still in good spirits and walks calmly, and there is no sign of an old dragon clock at all.

Yan Su has a mantra, "Don't take yourself seriously." This sentence is broken down, and it is also full of dry goods. It is full of his wisdom and art in dealing with the world.

Elder Yan has the laurel crown of "The Great Fighter of the Word" on his head, and never talks about "tall" and "Wei Guangzheng", on the contrary, he is low-key and likes to think of himself as a "small person".

He is very homely, loves to talk and laugh, and is funny and humorous. Whether it is a neighbor, or a new friend, as long as you chat with him, the pipe is full of laughter and harmony.

He told reporters that the reason why I was able to live a long and healthy life was largely due to optimism and easy-going personality.

"Chinese lyrics Taidou" 86-year-old Yan Su health secret: 3 small "likes", live every day

He said, "If you want to live a long life, don't compete with yourself." Things came sideways, and I just thought... My life is very simple, coarse tea and light rice, cloth cotton shirt is enough. Get along with people, praise more and encourage more, do not accuse or complain, have similar interests, and have long mountains and rivers. ”

Modern medical research shows that a person with a young mentality, an uplifting spirit, and a rich mind will be radiant and not look old.

The most intuitive manifestation of optimism is a smile.

Smiling is a kind of demeanor, a kind of temperature, but also a kind of temperament, a kind of height.

We came to the conclusion that Yan Su's second health secret: "like" smile.

"Chinese lyrics Taidou" 86-year-old Yan Su health secret: 3 small "likes", live every day


Teacher Yan Su has a special "like", that is, he loves to learn and is willing to think.

Many lazy people love to make excuses for themselves, saying why do they want to think so much, how much brain, tired or not?

Yan Su believes that using the brain more will not age. The more the body moves, the healthier it is, and the more flexible the brain is.

The real horror is the refusal to think, without the use of a brain; ninety percent of the new brain, the easiest to destroy at once.

I don't know if everyone has a wooden note about such a phenomenon, the electric car has been put on the ride, after a year basically scrapped. And riding every day, three years and five years is no problem.

"Chinese lyrics Taidou" 86-year-old Yan Su health secret: 3 small "likes", live every day

The reason is simple, that is, to stay motionless and shorten life.

Modern science has long had a conclusion: regular thinking can activate the "brain potential", which has a strong role in promoting the aging of brain cells.

Yan Su, as a "word world immortal pine", has always been able to innovate and produce excellent works, which is inseparable from his habit of using his brain diligently.

Insiders asked, Teacher Yan, is it convenient for you to reveal your creative secret?

Yan Su's answer was concise and concise: "Read ten thousand books and travel thousands of miles." I have no other tricks in creation, just these 8 words. ”

Reading and traveling are the "right and left arm" of his creation.

Du Fu, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, said that reading a book breaks through ten thousand volumes, and the next pen is like a god.

"Chinese lyrics Taidou" 86-year-old Yan Su health secret: 3 small "likes", live every day

In Teacher Yan Su's home, there are more than 10,000 books in various collections, which are full of dazzling and several rooms.

He has a peculiar habit of reading with thinking, thinking with walking; trinity, the effect is magical.

In this way, both the mind is exercised, and the legs and feet are exercised.

One article and one martial arts, one piece and one relaxation, health is in it;

Complement each other, complement each other, and be happy.

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