
Walnut diseases and insect pests are strictly controlled by plant quarantine and agricultural control is strengthened

author:Blue willow

Walnut diseases and insect pests are strictly controlled by plant quarantine and agricultural control is strengthened

1 Strictly control plant quarantine

Phytosanitary control refers to the strict control and management of plant extreme products, such as seeds, seedlings, scion and other materials with reproductive functions, in accordance with national statutory regulations and relevant policies, so as to avoid the invasion of various dangerous diseases and insects or weeds and maintain plant growth. The implementation of phytosanitary phytosanitary just embodies the comprehensive control strategy of "prevention first, prevention and control as a supplement". Therefore, when introducing or transferring walnut seeds, seedlings and scion, it is necessary to strengthen quarantine and inspection to avoid the spread of dangerous diseases and insect pests and diseases, which adversely affect their growth.

2 Strengthen agricultural prevention and control

2.1 Reasonable selection of disease-resistant varieties

Walnut varieties with strong disease resistance can effectively prevent the invasion of pests and diseases. Different walnut varieties are resistant to pests and diseases differently. Therefore, when establishing walnut orchards or high-quality replacements, disease-resistant varieties should be selected as much as possible in order to lay a good foundation for achieving high walnut yields.

2.2 Strengthen the cultivation of disease- and insect-free seedlings

Many pests and diseases are transmitted through seeds, seedlings, cuttings and scion, so it is necessary to strengthen the cultivation of disease-free seedlings and adopt high-quality seedlings that are free of diseases and insect pests in the process of building new orchards.

2.3 Reasonable pruning to ensure that the load of walnuts is reasonable

By reasonably pruning the walnut tree, adjusting its load, the nutrients of the tree body are reasonably distributed, ensuring that the ventilation and light transmittance of the walnut garden are good, so that the walnut tree body can achieve healthy growth, destroy the survival and breeding environment of diseases and insect pests, and enhance the resistance of the tree to disease and insects. In addition, through scientific pruning, the diseased branches, diseased shoots and zombie fruits are removed in time, so that the number of diseases and insect sources is greatly reduced.

2.4 Accelerate the adjustment of the tillage system and do a good job in fertilizer and water management

According to the soil of walnut orchards and the local climate environment, the soil cultivation system is rationally formulated, fertilizer and water management are strengthened, and the stress resistance of walnut trees is effectively improved. Actively destroy the environment for the survival and reproduction of diseases and insects, effectively resist diseases and insect pests, and promote the growth of fruit trees. For example, through the method of planing tree trays, not only can the soil be loosened, but also create a good environment for the root system of fruit trees to grow. At the same time, it can also bury the fallen leaves on the ground as fertilizer, turn the eggs and germs in the soil out of the surface, and expose them to death with the help of sunlight. Do a good job in orchard health work, timely remove diseased plants, diseased leaves and diseased fruits, adopt the method of centralized destruction and treatment, and timely cultivate and weed weeds, especially the transfer of host plants, which must be removed in time, so as to effectively reduce the invasion of diseases and insect pests.

In addition, sufficient base fertilizer, timely topdressing, and more organic fertilizer should be applied to meet the water and nutrient needs of walnut trees. The soil environment has been effectively improved, so that the root development is accelerated and the tree potential is enhanced, which can significantly improve the disease resistance of walnut trees.

3 Do a good job in physical prevention and control

Physical control mainly uses pests to booby trap or kill the tendency of color, light, taste, etc. Many pests in the walnut cultivation process have the biological characteristics of social settlement and suspended animation, and can be hunted by hand. For example, walnut cloud-spotted celestial cattle and scarab beetles will show suspended death when frightened, so they can shake branches during the day, and adult insects fall to the ground because they are frightened, and then manually hunt them. In order to prevent the growth of walnut trees from being endangered by the mesquite, applying a layer of viscose to the base of the trunk can play a role in preventing the nymphs from going up the tree or killing the nymphs. For the larvae of the walnut moth, they are mostly hidden in the grass, fallen leaves and warped skin for winter, but after the fruit harvest is completed, the purpose of trapping the larvae is achieved by tying a grass rope on the trunk. Some insects have the characteristics of phototropism, can be installed in the walnut orchard black light, booby traps and phototropism pests, this method can also be used to booby traps orthoptera, lepidoptera, diptera and hemiptera and other pests, can also be in the orchard sidewalk fire, lure grasshoppers to put out the fire, has reached the purpose of killing.

4 Strengthen chemical control

4.1 Prescribe the right medicine

To find pathogens or pests, different agents will only show a killing effect on specific pathogens or pests, and even spectroscopic agents such as Bordeaux liquid can only play a role in preventing and controlling most fungal diseases. For powdery mildew bacteria, the control effect is greatly reduced, so it is necessary to use drugs rationally under the premise of determining diseases and insects, so that the harm of diseases and insects can be effectively controlled. Combined with the prediction of diseases and insects and the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, in line with the principle of giving priority to prevention, preventive measures can be taken before the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, and the occurrence of diseases and insect pests can be curbed in a timely manner.

4.2 Timely medication to ensure quality

In view of the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, when taking control measures, the control indicators of each agent should be clarified, combined with the prediction and forecast of diseases and insect pests, and the application time should be reasonably grasped so as not to cause unnecessary losses or waste. At the same time, it is also necessary to consider factors such as the residual period of the agent, the spread of disease, the growth of fruit trees and the climate, determine the number and interval of spraying, and pay attention to whether the agent and related equipment are effectively coordinated to ensure the required dosage.

If the amount of drug is insufficient, it will affect the effectiveness of prevention and control, and will also cause delays in prevention and control time; if it is over-applied, it will cause waste of agents. In addition, choose the spraying time reasonably, try to avoid high temperature weather, and complete the spraying operation before 10:00 hours and after 16:00 hours. This can avoid the evaporation of the liquid water too quickly, resulting in an increase in the concentration of the liquid and the occurrence of drug damage. In the process of spraying, it is comprehensive and uniform, and the prevention and treatment is thorough.

4.3 Alternate medication

In the case of long-term use of the same kind of drug, the disease and insect will produce strong resistance, even if the dosage is continuously increased, the prevention and control effect is difficult to improve, and a vicious circle occurs. Therefore, in the process of selecting pesticides, in order to effectively extend the service life of the agent and ensure its effectiveness, it should be avoided to use the same kind of agent for the same area many times, but should alternately select different agents, and can also be mixed with a variety of bactericidal agents at the same time. For example, insecticides such as pyrethroids, biopesticides, and carbamates can be used interchangeably.

4.4 Use drugs in accordance with national regulations

In order to ensure the high quality and safety of walnut fruits, it is strictly forbidden to use highly toxic, highly toxic and high residue pesticides, and try to use high-efficiency, low-toxicity pollution-free pesticides. Ensure the safety of the drug process, so as to avoid drug damage, and effectively control pesticide residues and pollution. Ensure that the pesticide selected can withstand the rain, the efficacy of the drug is exerted quickly, and the frequency of medication is reduced. More importantly, when using drugs, we must have a holistic view, not only see the immediate benefits, but also take a long-term view and ensure the safety of fruits while using drugs.

4.5 Strengthen biological control

Biological control is mainly the use of biological predators or other beneficial organisms to achieve the purpose of inhibiting or eliminating pests. Biological control is environmentally friendly, can avoid multiple medications, effectively control pesticide pollution, help improve the agricultural ecological environment, reduce the cost of prevention and control, and produce pollution-free fruits.

Nature is extremely rich in natural predators and can be used for pest control, such as grass ridges, ladybirds, plants, toads and woodpeckers. There are also some parasitic organisms and pathogenic microorganisms, such as parasitic bees and Bacillus thuringiensis, which can play an important role in the process of walnut pest control.

Walnut diseases and insect pests are strictly controlled by plant quarantine and agricultural control is strengthened

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