
The woman behind Luo Zhenyu: Started a business at the age of 17 and became the chairman at the age of 21

author:Sister Zhang Mengmeng

How is national day?

I did not go anywhere during the National Day holiday, or in Beijing non-stop work, because my work pressure in October is particularly high, October, November, December to February of the following year has been very busy, is the peak of the industry business, every day desperately work, perseverance, as always. Spelled this year.

I don't know how your National Day holiday was spent? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to tell Sister Meng.

The woman behind Luo Zhenyu: Started a business at the age of 17 and became the chairman at the age of 21

Today' Lide character we still talk about a woman, see what you have learned from her, first do not say her name, you guess.

Behind every successful man, there must be a woman's figure, for example, Mr. Ma Yun's wife, Ms. Zhang Ying, has been silently supporting him behind his back. Of course, there are also examples of partners who give each other a career boost.

Many people know Luo Ji Thinking, know Mr. Luo Zhenyu, get the founder of app, and the main speaker of "Luo Ji Thinking". "Friends of Time" New Year's Eve speech speaker, program "Knowledge is Power" speaker.

Known as "the first person to pay for knowledge in China", the knowledge payment business empire he created was envied by countless people, and even many people talked about it after dinner.

The woman behind Luo Zhenyu: Started a business at the age of 17 and became the chairman at the age of 21

Why say he? There are two reasons, one is that when I attended the district CPPCC meeting this Wednesday and gave the keynote speech, there was also Mr. Luo Zhenyu on the list.

Second, about Mr. Luo Zhenyu, there are some particularly interesting things I want to share with you, I hope you can inspire from them.

The woman behind Luo Zhenyu: Started a business at the age of 17 and became the chairman at the age of 21
The woman behind Luo Zhenyu: Started a business at the age of 17 and became the chairman at the age of 21

When it comes to Luo Ji's thinking, many people in the circle know him, and its success is not the result of Mr. Luo Zhenyu's efforts alone, but there must be a high-level person behind it.

Who are the tall people? Is there a smart and capable Xian Neisuke like Ma Yun? Can you go to the hall, get down to the kitchen, and can you give you unexpected help in your career?

When I looked at the woman behind him, I found that there was such a woman, she was not Mr. Luo Zhenyu's wife, but the current co-founder and CEO of APP and Luo Ji Thinking.

The woman behind Luo Zhenyu: Started a business at the age of 17 and became the chairman at the age of 21

Who is Lady Who Is The Flower Lady? The person who helped Mr. Luo Zhenyu single-handedly create Luo Ji's thinking, if there is no lady who can't get rid of it, Mr. Luo Zhenyu may not be able to reach the current height.

The woman behind Luo Zhenyu: Started a business at the age of 17 and became the chairman at the age of 21

As the founder and CEO, she does not have the reputation of Mr. Luo Zhenyu, because she does not appear in front of the media camera as often as Mr. Luo Zhenyu.

The only time I remember was when the lady was pregnant, she was pushed to the front desk and asked the friends to guess the gender and weight of the child for 1 yuan.

Mr. Luo Zhenyu said in a speech that the "1 yuan" game made Luo Jisi earn 70,000 yuan, and the most important thing is that there are 150,000 more purchase users, leaving relevant information such as purchase addresses.

The woman behind Luo Zhenyu: Started a business at the age of 17 and became the chairman at the age of 21

Although not everyone knows about Ms. Tubuhua, if you look at it by seniority, her past is much more legendary than That of Mr. Luo Zhenyu.

When she was seventeen or eighteen years old, she felt that it was not a cool thing to be a well-behaved girl in school, so she secretly found a job as an office girl in Beijing, doing a series of miscellaneous things such as typing, wiring, buying box lunches, managing warehouses, etc.

The woman behind Luo Zhenyu: Started a business at the age of 17 and became the chairman at the age of 21

She didn't want to go back to school when she did this, so she went straight into the workplace after graduating from high school. Why dropped out of school to go into business? This stemmed from an opportunity.

In 1996, at the age of 17, she first came to Beijing and saw the rudiments of the drastic changes of the times.

She was fortunate enough to see a CCTV advertising auction, the advertiser raised a card of 10 million, and finally someone won the bid king with 210 million. Biao Wang came to the stage and said: 210 million, too cheap!

She described the feeling as "as if the world was unfolding before you."

So she dropped out of business decisively, firmly believing that "an era has an era of opportunities, but the same opportunities will not always wait for you."

The woman behind Luo Zhenyu: Started a business at the age of 17 and became the chairman at the age of 21

When it comes to her professional experience, you must not be surprised. Starting a business at the age of 17, being a teacher at the age of 18 to train those who had just entered the workplace, and even giving lessons to Liu Yonghao, the richest man at the time, had 3 years of chairman experience at the age of 21, which is called the legend of the corporate consulting industry.

Before becoming the CEO of Luo Ji Thinking, she was very famous for many years in Weibo and Tiger Sniff network with the name of "sister who does not take off flowers", and was praised as a corporate consultant, and became famous in the industry, and later people used to call her "no flowers".

As for the title of lady who can't take it off, there are too many to count.

She is the founding partner and chairman of the China Soft Power Research Center; the columnist of well-known financial media such as Tiger Sniff; the host of the column "Li Tiantian Early Morning Observation" of CCTV; the chairman of Beijing Renhuite Zhiye Consulting Co., Ltd.; the visiting professor of tsinghua university president class, stanford and other entrepreneurs' continuing education institutions; the decision-making consultant of many large enterprises; of course, she is now the co-founder and CEO of Luo Jiwei.

These are not all, if you are all listed, you may have dense phobias, in short, from the age of 17 to the present, the resume of Ms. Luo Zhenyu is definitely more interesting than Mr. Luo Zhenyu.

The woman behind Luo Zhenyu: Started a business at the age of 17 and became the chairman at the age of 21

In 2014, with a notebook and an assistant, she left the original company and joined Mr. Luo Zhenyu's team. Speaking of this, I need to talk about the situation of Luo Ji Thinking Company at that time.

At that time, the company had 7 people, an office area of 12 square meters, and the only project was "Luo Ji Thinking", which was broadcast once a week. At that time, the company had just undergone a major change, that is, the separation of Shen Yin and Mr. Luo Zhenyu.

After the separation of the family, Mr. Shen Yin's vacant seat as a manager in Luo Ji Thinking was vacated, so Luo Zhenyu and Mr. Wu Sheng, as the founders of the company, took a fancy to Ms. Li Tiantian, a corporate consulting bull who was already very familiar with Luo Ji Thinking at that time, that is, "the sister who can't get rid of flowers".

The woman behind Luo Zhenyu: Started a business at the age of 17 and became the chairman at the age of 21

After a long period of invitation, coupled with the fact that Ms. No Flower has undergone very big changes, she decided to join Luo Ji Thinking and take up the position of CEO.

As for the idea of joining Luo Ji Thinking, De Buhua said in a speech made shortly after becoming the CEO of Luo Ji Thinking:

"For the last ten years, I've been a consultant, a person who gives advice to others, and I was often unbalanced at that time, because I felt that the boss's ideas were all my fault, but he bought Maserati and I didn't buy them."

"After all, it is difficult for me to appreciate a real decision-maker, when all the responsibility, all the mental pressure is on you, even if you come up with 90% of the ideas, what it feels like to make the last 10% decision, I can't feel it." 」

To transform from a business consultant to a decision maker, to enjoy the thrill of the last moment of the decision, is the most important internal reason why Ms. Debuhua decided to join Luo Ji Thinking in the first place.

The woman behind Luo Zhenyu: Started a business at the age of 17 and became the chairman at the age of 21

From the left, Wu Sheng, Debuhua, luo Zhenyu

I remember a story where Ms. Tiantai buhua said to Mr. Luo Zhenyu: Shouldn't we also do training like those big companies? At least in the name of training to pull people out? Mr. Luo Zhenyu said: What do you say about training? Lady She was speechless.

That is to say, this matter, Ms. Debuhua realized that the management of Luo Ji thinking, in fact, the biggest challenge is to manage the vast majority of the company's post-90s, can not use conventional management methods.

If you start from the perspective of a traditional enterprise, you will naturally feel that training is important. But from Luo Ji's point of view, training is almost impossible to perform. Why? There are two points:

First, Luo JiSi is an Internet company, essentially an innovation-driven company, in an environment of rapid innovation, the company should pay more attention to the personalized quality of employees, rather than some commonal abilities that employees have been trained.

Second, most of the employees of Luo Ji Thinking are post-90s, and the post-90s group is very personalized, disgusted with labeling, not afraid of leadership, and dares to pick people and leave with fifty dollars in their pockets, regardless of right and wrong. If training is imposed on them, it will not keep people.

The woman behind Luo Zhenyu: Started a business at the age of 17 and became the chairman at the age of 21

Ms. Debuhua realized that for an Internet company like Luo Jisi, which stands at the forefront of the tide of the times, what is more important is not to require employees to have a specific ability, but to show a personalized thing that employees should show.

This is also the reason why Luo Ji Thinking is very eager for young people to become the bottom of its employees, just as Ms. Luo Ji Thought concluded: "Almost every young person in luo ji thinking team is more innovative than our founders. ”

Ms. Debu Hua once mentioned an example of the interior of Luo Ji's thinking in a speech. In May 2014, Luo JiSi welcomed an intern named Ah Shi, who is now the person in charge of all physical goods except books in Luo Ji Si Mall.

For a little girl like Ah Shi, Ms. Tu BuHua concluded: "Young people like Ah Shi are basically still in the stage of being assistants in traditional organizations, but in our case, we really pick the big beam. And let's reflect on what we've trained them for? No, basically it's a little bit of a push on the project and throw it at them to do it themselves. ”

The biggest challenge in the management of Luo Ji's thinking is how to inspire this group of young people to play their own personality and play what they are good at.

Of course, at the same time, the founder must continue to be self-motivated and continue to learn from young people, so that he will not slowly become a fool in the eyes of the post-90s generation.

This is the essence of Ms. Luo Ji's thinking.

The woman behind Luo Zhenyu: Started a business at the age of 17 and became the chairman at the age of 21

I want to talk to you about such a person today, and it is also a basic point that we have to think about: how we can keep up with the times, and I think the best way for a person to keep up with the times is to learn.

I remember Confucius once said, he said: Sensitive and studious, faithful and ancient. What is this faith and good antiquity? It is necessary to learn from the ancient classics and constantly iterate and upgrade their abilities. So what is sensitive and studious? It's about studying hard every day.

Confucius once frankly said that if PK is diligent, many people PK can not pk him. In fact, I have always demanded of myself according to such standards.

The woman behind Luo Zhenyu: Started a business at the age of 17 and became the chairman at the age of 21

I used to be particularly curious about why everyone would pay attention to me, you see I am just an ordinary person, a small boss of a Beijing company, busy every day, and this personality is not very good, I am particularly wondering: What do you really care about me?

Classmates say that I pay attention to you because of your perseverance, because in you I will find that many impossibilities have become possible, and I think this may be a kind of power of the Internet.

As long as a person can do a small thing well, he can penetrate this era, and can penetrate the limitations of time and cyberspace, can link with many people, and especially thank you for being able to persistently listen to Zhang Mengmeng's daily public account 10 minutes of voice sharing.

The woman behind Luo Zhenyu: Started a business at the age of 17 and became the chairman at the age of 21

In fact, I am very diligent in preparing this 10-minute public account, because I think that these 10 minutes of communication every day is a way for us to open the day, and it is also a spiritual monument for us, representing the positive energy of perseverance and the inspirational power of perseverance.

Well, today I also wish you a happy holiday, and do not waste time, when it is time to play, it is time to be vivid, and it is time to study seriously.

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