
Mafia Godfather: The Great Sicilian Drug Lord, who first detonated the gang fire and then created a pie drug trafficking network

author:Black sentence book

The mafia saga continues, and today is the sixteenth episode.

The first and second generation of the Italian mafia's godfathers were destined to be insurmountable underworld gods, and even tyrants like Dr. Navarre and Professor Kutolo could only stop abruptly on the way to climb. This is nothing to be regretted, because their mid-way fall not only fulfills the god of the underworld, but also fulfills the legend of his day when the crowd is competing for supremacy.

Only to say that Kutolo fulfilled the legend of others, all because his rise and fall attracted too much fire from the authorities, and in part, he blocked the bullets for the Sicilian mafia.

Although this was not Kutolo's intention, it turned out that he covered the sicilian mafia's dormancy and breakout.

Because of this, when the gunfire of the killings subsided, the Sicilian mafia "Our Cause" was like a cunning beast, they came out of the cave and swept in again.

However, to the surprise of the world, the beasts that swept in again were no longer the same as before, and after a new round of crazy growth to avoid the blade, they had long since become darker and more frightening multi-headed monsters - the era of a godfather had passed, and the pattern of the five major families had arrived.

Mafia Godfather: The Great Sicilian Drug Lord, who first detonated the gang fire and then created a pie drug trafficking network

Among the evil legends jointly interpreted by these five families, the first one to appear is both ferocious and crazy, and he was once called "the founder of the Italian drug crime syndicate" by the Italian Morning Herald.

This man is Luciano.

Luciano was a Sicilian native and later went to Naples. Before World War II, this person was unknown, and there were almost no prominent underworld deeds. But since the start of World War II, this guy who is extremely opportunistic in his bones has quickly shown his superiority.

Luciano is very good at seeing big trends, whether it is light or dark, his vision is far higher than ordinary people, and he is very forward-looking. Almost as soon as the gunshots of World War II rang out, Luciano ran to the United States. In the United States, he frequently shuttled between The American Mafia families as an Italian in order to persuade every Italian-American Mafia member to join his organization.

He told the crowd that the Allies would triumph and that Italy would be captured sooner or later. If we can do a great job for the Allies to conquer Italy, then we will become the new masters of Italy in the future. On the huge ruins left by the war, we can fence the land, we can build the houses that everyone needs, think about it, and make crazy money with the honor of heroes, is there anything more exciting in this world!

Because of the allure of the big cake painting, Luciano's action committee almost recruited the Italian mafia in the United States, and since then, Luciano's reputation has soared. The world thinks this guy is too clever, not to mention how big the cake will be in the future, but also the present is very wonderful, because the Allies continue to provide intelligence from Italy, and in the blink of an eye, they have changed from the target of the American authorities to shake hands with each other's friends.

You know, no amount of dollars in such a situation may not be able to buy.

After the war, Luciano's situation was even more pleasant. He not only returned to Italy as a 'victorious hero', but also picked the huge fruits of speculation at the first time.

At this time, however, Luciano again presented his superiority. He did not do something narrow and exclusive, but with those huge fruits, he sincerely knocked on the door of the five major families of Sicily, saying that "our cause" is our cause, let us get rich together.

In this way, after conquering the American Italian mafia, he took the Sicilian mafia.

Of course, in the treatment of the five major families of Sicily, Luciano is divided into major and near. He said that a wise man never expects one hand to hold five friends, and holding the one that matters most will make his friend your friend.

Who was the man Luciano was holding?

The boss of the Sicilian Mafia Supreme Council, Greco, known as the "Pope" of the Italian Mafia. We mentioned the outlaw Luciano Liggio in previous episodes, who is also a member of the Sicilian Mafia Supreme Committee, but in terms of ferocity, Greco is the one who most resembles the devil. This man is a murderous man, and there is a special family lynching room in Palermo, which is full of corpses that he has strangled or dismembered. It is said that Greco often stays alone in this gloomy hell, what is he doing? Admire the process of corpse erosion in concentrated sulfuric acid.

After planting a good backer in Sicily and gaining a foothold, Luciano began to attack with the heavy money earned from speculation.

Just as in World War II he saw through the speculative profits of the Allied victory, the drug business was already on his big chessboard, but before the time was not, he did not land vigorously. Now, after the war, the post-war generation fell into decadence and confusion, which is when drugs are rampant. In fact, it is also true that in the United States, for example, at the end of World War II, the number of drug users was about 20,000, and by 1952, this number had increased to 60,000, and by 1960, it had soared to 150,000, which was only the official statistics of the United States.

At the beginning of the fall, Luciano sought a shortcut. He told his men that the virgin land was full of Roman avenues and that the adventure was a matter of time. To this end, he targeted the largest medicine store in Italy at that time called Chia Paleri. The reason for this was because Luciano knew that the Italian authorities at that time were lax in managing medicinal heroin, and in this reality, it was necessary to open a Roman avenue with the help of the gangster power of the Greco family on the one hand and the magic of money on the other.

Luciano's calculations were accurate and effective, and in the next four years he barely risked getting more than seven hundred kilograms of heroin through the drug store alone.

However, as Luciano's drug trafficking campaign grew, it wasn't long before the Americans discovered their secrets. But just when the Italian authorities took down the drug store in one fell swoop, Luciano had already broken his arm and fled.

He went to Lebanon in the Middle East.

Luciano has a soprano code, the big dangerous cause is ultimately in the hands of the weaver, and the search for the black spider is the key to the success of the cause.

In Lebanon, Luciano was looking for such a black spider.

Lebanese Sammy Elkohouri, the world's most powerful supplier of morphine at the time. This person not only has close contacts with the upper class, but more importantly, he has unimpeded access to the police, airports and customs.

What is achieved in this world is not about how clever you are, but about whether you are standing in front of each other for thousands of miles. So, when Luciano approached the Lebanese with his gangster strength and honor, the cooperation was quickly achieved.

As a result, large quantities of high-quality opium began to flow through smuggling channels into Luciano's drug refinery in Sicily.

Due to the long smuggling routes, trouble is inevitable. In this case, Luciano showed his fierce side again, and he told his men that against the predators, we must not be timid, we must shoot bullets.

As a result, Luciano set a precedent for armed drug trafficking.

He dared to use his gun on the road, but when the opium was transported to Sicily, Luciano's ferocity immediately turned into cunning.

In Sicily, his drug refinery has a very nice name, the confectionery factory.

Perhaps in the eyes of the big drug lord, drugs are the "candy" he sells to adults.

Mafia Godfather: The Great Sicilian Drug Lord, who first detonated the gang fire and then created a pie drug trafficking network

As the situation gradually opened up, the "candies" extracted from Sicily began to struggle to satisfy Luciano's crazy and inflated ambitions, because they were not pure enough.

At the time, the best techniques for heroin purification were in the hands of the Corsican Union, a secret criminal organization. The "Corsican Union" has always been rooted in Marseille, France, and its chief, Antoni Grini, was originally a spy who wandered between Britain and the United States. After World War II, this guy recruited a group of first-class chemical experts and high-end chemistry laboratories in Marseille, and started a high-purity heroin business one step ahead of other gangsters. Because of the early drying and technological advantages, the drugs of the "Corsican Union" not only monopolized the French market, but also became more and more powerful in the international market.

It is clear that the existence of the "Corsican League" crushed Luciano's ambitions to some extent.

What to do?

Luciano's answer was to throw money in one hand and pull the trigger on the AK-47 with the other.

This is the famous Luciano infiltration. After receiving the full support of the Sicilian mafia Greco family, Luciano first threw money at the chemists of Marseille at the expense of blood. When the "Corsican Union" found that the Sicilian mafia was not good, Luciano did not hesitate to pull the trigger.

In this way, the drug war between the two major gangs broke out in Marseille with great fierceness.

Destroying each other's laboratories, kidnapping each other's chemists, sinking each other's cargo ships, shooting and killing members of the other side's organizations — in the end, it developed into large-scale armed confrontations and street battles.

Strangely, the three-year-long fire, while highly concerned by the governments of France and Italy and international drug enforcement organizations, is a confusing and ambiguous one, and the two governments have not worked together to destroy the drug bases of the two major gangs, and they have only done some superficial mediation, just like mediating in trade disputes between multinational companies.

The maxim that money can make ghosts grind seems to have worked again.

The underworld did not fall, the white road had a way, and in this way, Luciano's drug cartel successfully infiltrated Marseille, and he became the same person as the "Corsican League".

Since then, Luciano candy has come to the fore and become synonymous with high-purity heroin.

In February 1963, Luciano, who occupied the commanding heights at the source of drugs, began to travel around the world with bodyguards and cronies, because the time had come to weave a big net because he was the godfather of mafia drugs.

Everywhere he went, Luciano's purpose was clear: to find black spiders that could weave webs. In Luciano's eyes, there are two types of black spiders, one is the local gang boss, and the other is a talent who aspires to do so.

From Mexico to Canada, from Canada to the United States, from North America to South America – along the way, Luciano has gained a lot, Mexican Sicilian, the old drug dealer Catania has become his military master in the drug business, the Canadian mafia Cortroni family has become his partner, and the American mafia Bernano family and the big boss of the Gambino family have simply become his brothers.

In South America, the black spider that Luciano found was even fiercer. This man was Gerst Ricod, a former Nazi lackey, an unashamed, extremely boring villain who was only interested in food women and money. But it was through the thug's vigorous weaving of the net that a Paraguayan general then joined Luciano's drug trafficking network. The world was shocked by the drug trafficking routes opened by the godfathers, villains and generals in South America, which is almost an armed escort of air drug trafficking lines, entering and leaving Paraguay, Argentina and other countries as if they were in no man's land.

Later, to what extent are they arrogant? I wanted to airlift 10 tons of heroin to Miami and Texas in the United States at one time.

Mafia Godfather: The Great Sicilian Drug Lord, who first detonated the gang fire and then created a pie drug trafficking network

As Mexico, Canada, the United States, and South American countries were gradually included in Luciano's drug network, the position of the godfather of mafia drugs was completely solidified for Luciana.

But Luciano, who has a "successful career", did not indulge in this, and in the eyes of this fierce character, there is a crucial part of his big net that has not been successfully woven, that is, the problem of the last kilometer shipment.

How can you get thousands of candies to the addicts?

Faced with this thorny problem, Luciano finally came up with an imaginative solution, which was the "pie drug trafficking network" that later shocked the world.

How exactly does this "pie drug trafficking network" play? It seems simple, but it is also ingenious and shocking.

He united with the two major Mafia families of Bernano and Gambino in the United States to open a surprising number of Italian pie shops in New York and other places.

Under Luciano's control, these darkly old pie shops are not only a trading company for drug trade, but also a bridgehead for bulk sales to old customers and fishing for new customers. It's easy for regular customers to buy drugs, just order a pie at Luciano's pie shop; it's not difficult to catch new customers, quietly add a trace amount of heroin to the pie, and over time, someone will unconsciously fall into Luciano's poison pie trap.

In order to make the pie shop foolproof, Luciano also geniusly invented a set of pie black words. How awesome is this pie black talk? The FBI and the International Drug Enforcement Organization conducted surveillance analysis of more than 1,000 phone calls in pie shops, but found nothing.

It is precisely by relying on this set of operation layouts with high levels of high-level drops in all key links that Luciano has become the most "poisonous" person in the Italian mafia.

However, after successfully seizing this "honor" of the underworld, Luciano did not choose to be the traditional "gentleman" of the Sicilian mafia, saying that the candy business must be bloodthirsty, only in this way, the enemy behind him will retreat.

Luciano was captured by U.S. police at a new York parking lot on August 25, 1970, but on Christmas day that year, he bailed himself out for $7.5 million.

As soon as he came out, Luciano launched a bloody campaign of revenge in Palermo, Sicily, and in a short period of time, the Prosecutor General of Palermo, plainclothes detectives, and government officials involved in the investigation were brutally shot and killed.

Everyone who was shot by Luciano, without exception, was shot more than five times.

Luciano said that this is his philosophy of survival and his principle of revenge —

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