
Rescue the father trapped in time and intervene in cognitive impairment as soon as possible

author:Shangguan News


Rescue the father trapped in time and intervene in cognitive impairment as soon as possible

Every 3 seconds, there is 1 new Alzheimer's disease patient in the world. It is estimated that by 2050, the number of elderly People with Alzheimer's disease in China will exceed 40 million.

Rescue the father trapped in time and intervene in cognitive impairment as soon as possible

Cognitive impairment, commonly known as "Alzheimer's disease", is an incurable degenerative disease of the central nervous system, which is mainly manifested as memory loss, loss of daily living ability, and may also be accompanied by mental illness and motor dysfunction, which seriously affects the quality of life of the elderly.

Rescue the father trapped in time and intervene in cognitive impairment as soon as possible

Movie clip from "Father Trapped in Time"

However, if cognitive impairment can be detected as early as possible, interventions for the disease in the case of mild cognitive impairment will help delay or prevent the occurrence and progression of the disease.

Rescue the father trapped in time and intervene in cognitive impairment as soon as possible

In recent years, as Shanghai has entered a deeply aging society, the control and prevention of cognitive impairment has become a public health problem that cannot be ignored. Today, the CDC came to talk to everyone about cognitive impairment

1. Cognitive impairment,

What are the early signs?

Quickly forget what just happened

Completing familiar tasks becomes difficult

I can't figure out when or where I am

Difficulty speaking and writing

Becomes unsociable and loses interest in their original hobbies

Changes in personality or behavior, etc

Rescue the father trapped in time and intervene in cognitive impairment as soon as possible

If the elderly show early signs of the above cognitive impairment, the family should accompany the elderly to the geriatric department, neurology, memory clinic, and psychiatric/psychological department of the general hospital in time.

Second, why to carry out the intervention of cognitive impairment,

The sooner the better?

Rescue the father trapped in time and intervene in cognitive impairment as soon as possible


1. Early intervention and treatment for cognitive impairment is more effective than intervention in the late stage of the disease;

2. The intervention methods of early mild cognitive impairment are rich and diverse, in addition to taking drugs, cognitive training and other treatment methods can also be used;

3. Early intervention can reduce the expenditure incurred in treatment and later passport reading.

3. What are the early intervention methods for cognitive impairment?

Whether they have cognitive impairment or not, the elderly can protect their brains and prevent cognitive impairment in the following ways:

Rescue the father trapped in time and intervene in cognitive impairment as soon as possible

1. Avoid head trauma

Brain trauma tends to cause cognitive decline. Avoid falling, play ball sports, wear a helmet when riding, and fasten your seat belt when riding, all of which can effectively protect your head.

Rescue the father trapped in time and intervene in cognitive impairment as soon as possible

2. Ensure good sleep

Regular work and rest, and actively treat insomnia, sleep apnea and other diseases that affect sleep quality.

Rescue the father trapped in time and intervene in cognitive impairment as soon as possible

3. Actively treat underlying chronic diseases

If you have chronic underlying diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, depression, stroke, etc., you should actively treat them.

Rescue the father trapped in time and intervene in cognitive impairment as soon as possible

4. Participate in appropriate exercises

Elderly people with mild cognitive impairment can carry out appropriate exercises and physical activities under the care of their families, such as walking, tai chi, dancing, etc., which can promote blood circulation in the brain and enhance memory.

Rescue the father trapped in time and intervene in cognitive impairment as soon as possible

5. Reasonable diet and pay attention to nutrition

Pay attention to nutritional balance, ensure the intake of protein, vegetables and fruits, and avoid excessive intake of oil and salt, which can help maintain cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health and reduce cognitive decline caused by cerebrovascular diseases.

Rescue the father trapped in time and intervene in cognitive impairment as soon as possible

6. Maintain a positive and optimistic attitude

A positive and optimistic mindset also plays an important role in improving brain function. No great joy and sorrow, no disappointment and anxiety, psychological balance, and adequate sleep all help to regulate and stabilize the function of immune, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems, and maintain cognitive ability.

Rescue the father trapped in time and intervene in cognitive impairment as soon as possible

7. Maintain brain vitality

In daily life, the elderly should use their brains to learn more, read more newspapers, read more, play chess, write, photography, listen to music, play cards, make more friends, talk more, etc., and stimulate the brain.

Cognitive training is a series of activities that stimulate the cognitive ability of the elderly. The use of scientific brain health cognitive training can significantly improve memory function.

Rescue the father trapped in time and intervene in cognitive impairment as soon as possible

8. Drug intervention

Patients with mild cognitive impairment can be prescribed drugs that improve cognitive function by a professional physician, which can help delay the progression of the disease.

4. As a caregiver for patients with cognitive impairment,

What should I be aware of?

The elderly in the family suffer from cognitive impairment, how can we help him? The following 5 points can be done:

Rescue the father trapped in time and intervene in cognitive impairment as soon as possible

1. Affectionate care:

Maintain family communication with the elderly, reduce the loneliness and helplessness of the elderly, and accompany the elderly to walk and play games.

Rescue the father trapped in time and intervene in cognitive impairment as soon as possible

2. Prevent the elderly from self-harm:

Keep toxic substances or dangerous goods such as medicines, sharps and electrical appliances.

Rescue the father trapped in time and intervene in cognitive impairment as soon as possible

3. Prevent accidental injuries to the elderly:

The patient's ability to respond may decrease, and in some cases the patient is avoided acting alone. The floor and floor of the home should be non-slip to prevent accidental falls.

Rescue the father trapped in time and intervene in cognitive impairment as soon as possible

4. Pay attention to medication safety:

Cognitive impairment in the elderly are often accompanied by other chronic diseases, to avoid taking improperly or take more.

Rescue the father trapped in time and intervene in cognitive impairment as soon as possible

5. Prevent the elderly from getting lost:

Family members can place cards with names, home addresses and contact numbers on the elderly.

Finally, the CDC warm reminder:

When parents or the elderly at home are trapped in time, don't be afraid, don't be bothered, don't give up on them, find cognitive impairments, be sure to intervene as soon as possible to help them improve their quality of life, enjoy a happy old age, and don't let time take away love!

Rescue the father trapped in time and intervene in cognitive impairment as soon as possible


Alzheimer's disease prevention and intervention core information.

Contributed by: Sun Shuangyuan

Editor: Dong Liwei

Reviewer: Shi Yan, Feng Xiaogang

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