
Sony Pictures' "Father Trapped in Time" received 6 Oscar nominations including "Best Picture"


Recently, the 93rd Academy Awards announced the complete list of nominations, produced by Sony Pictures, starring Anthony Hopkins, the movie "Father Trapped in Time" won the "Best Picture", "Best Actor", "Best Supporting Actress", "Best Adapted Screenplay", "Best Editing", "Best Art Direction" These 6 most concerned blockbuster award nominations, this year's Oscar nominations ranked second.

Sony Pictures' "Father Trapped in Time" received 6 Oscar nominations including "Best Picture"

Among them, Hopkins's delicate emotional changes and touching and deeply emotional revelations are particularly impressive, praised by film critics as "the greatest performance in recent years", and Hopkins said that he did not need any acting skills: "In a way, I am lucky that my age is very suitable for the role. 'Getting old' helps me, so that I don't walk around in anger and despair. I also make sure that I maintain a sharp memory that can capture feelings and emotions very clearly for my performance." Many media, film critics and fans who have seen the film have predicted that this may become a blockbuster work for him to win the Oscar again.

Actress Olivia Coleman, as an amphibious actress in European and American films and TV series, has previously won the Best Actress of the 91st Academy Awards for the movie "Darling", and has won the acting awards of various tv and film international awards more times. As one of the popular candidates for Best Supporting Actress at this year's Academy Awards, Olivia Coleman is also expected to win her second Little Golden Man Trophy with "Father Trapped in Time".

Sony Pictures' "Father Trapped in Time" received 6 Oscar nominations including "Best Picture"

"Father Trapped in Time" is directed by French playwright Florian Zeller, co-starring Oscar-winning anthony Hopkins and actress Olivia Coleman. The film uses a repetitive and fragmented sensory narrative to tell the story of an elderly and sick Anthony (Anthony Hopkins) who seems to be facing a difficult life choice - whether to move to a nursing home or accept a new nurse for her daughter (Olivia Coleman).

In the process of talking to his daughter, Anthony finds himself as if he has entered a strange journey in time and space, with confused memories and timelines intertwining a series of strange stories, and strange and familiar people also make Anthony confused. Which memory is true, and what will happen to the father in the end?

Some media believe that "Father Trapped in Time" is the best film to tell the physical and psychological difficulties of the sick elderly in recent years, which shows the deteriorating living conditions of the sick elderly in a unique, meticulous and ingenious way that makes the audience shine, as well as the impact on relatives and friends around them. Up to now, "Father Trapped in Time" has won more than 13 awards and 110 nominations in the awards season, with a rotten Tomatoes freshness of 99% and a popcorn index of 87%, which is one of the hottest movies in this year's Academy Awards.

Sony Pictures' "Father Trapped in Time" received 6 Oscar nominations including "Best Picture"

At the same time, the actor Ritz Ahmed, who shined in "Venom: Deadly Guardians", starred in the film "Sound of Metal", which also received 6 nominations for "Best Picture", "Best Actor", "Best Supporting Actor", "Best Original Screenplay", "Best Editing" and "Best Sound Effects"; the World War II theme film "Greyhound" starring Tom Hanks was nominated for "Best Sound Effect". Sony Pictures received 13 nominations at this year's Academy Awards for these three films.

The movie "Father Stuck in Time" is produced by Sony Pictures, directed by Florian Zeller, co-written with Christopher Hampton (Oscar-winning screenwriter), Anthony Hopkins (Best Actor at the 64th Academy Awards) and Olivia Coleman (Best Actress at the 91st Academy Awards), Olivia Williams, Lufus Severe, Ivey Ray, the film is deeply moving, so stay tuned!

Sony Pictures' "Father Trapped in Time" received 6 Oscar nominations including "Best Picture"

Editor: Zhen Zhen

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