
Read disc | Father trapped in time

author:Xinmin Evening News

 At the beginning of the British film "Father Trapped in Time", anthony, an old man in his 80s who lives alone in a spacious apartment in London, has a conversation with his daughter Annie, who has hurried to live, he quarrels with the female nurse and suspects that she stole the watch, he does not want anyone to take care of himself; and Anne, divorced, because she met her new boyfriend Paul, is moving to Paris to live, and has to consider sending her father to a nursing home.

Read disc | Father trapped in time

  This is not an all-in-one movie, but rather full of suspense: Anthony finds himself living in his apartment with a stranger, claiming to be his son-in-law Paul, but her daughter has been divorced for a long time; her daughter Anne, who has returned from shopping, seems to have turned into another person, albeit very similar; he is told that he is not living in his own apartment, it belongs to his daughter; the stranger who claims to be his son-in-law has inexplicably disappeared, and the daughter denies the presence of her husband... For the rest of the film, strange things continue to happen, which makes us, like Anthony, confused: Why are there two Annie and Paul? Why did Anne think she never said she was going to Paris? Why is Lara, the nurse hired by Annie, the same person before and after?

  Most likely, this is the most wonderful thing about this movie, in the end of a nursing home scene, we finally see that all the previous images are seen by our male protagonist Anthony, an Alzheimer's patient, in the eyes or consciousness, and we follow him, using his perspective, to feel an unreal world that is not true or false. Anthony relied on the nursing home, where the arrangements, such as windows and corridors, were transformed into apartments similar to his own and his daughter's; the people there, such as doctors and nurses, evolved into sons-in-law, daughters and nurses, and based on his own past and present life, guided by his post-illness psychology and consciousness, constructed a narrative labyrinth that was both true and illusory.

  The Frenchman Florian Zeller adapted and directed the film based on his own play, and he especially wanted Anthony Hopkins to play the male protagonist, and in 2017 he sent the script to Hopkins, and even the name of the protagonist was changed to Anthony, hopkins accepted and played such a character. It can be said that his wonderful performance has added a brilliant bright color to his long acting career.

  It was a sympathetic patient, confused with his thinking and memory, confused about his identity, clearly an engineer in the past, but he said one moment he was a tap dancer, the next he said he had worked in the circus, until he asked, "Who the hell am I?" "She is very dependent on her daughter Anne, but always wary, afraid that she will throw herself out of the apartment, and even speculate: she is trying to strangle him. With female nurses, they have a bad relationship, quarrel, abuse, and suspect that others are stealing. He blurs the boundaries between the past and the present, wondering why his long-deceased little daughter did not come to visit him; he kept mentioning watches, dwelling on watches, whether they were sought or worn. The watch became a metaphor for time, and to him, the watch seemed to be his presence, the only thing he could control and grasp, and everything else was erratic, but time made him so anxious.

  Hopkins has won multiple awards for this film, and we see not just a patient, but a three-dimensional multi-faceted person. Sometimes it's chaotic, sometimes it's clear; sometimes it's gentle, sometimes it's fierce; sometimes it's wandering, sometimes it's persistent; sometimes it's confused, sometimes it's alert. For example, when he talks to his daughter, he touches her face so warmly; when her daughter says she is going to Paris, he will say, "You're going to abandon me." "It's so sad. He treats Laura, a nurse who looks a lot like her little daughter, with humor and flirtation; he growls angrily at anyone who tries to send him to a nursing home. He would thank Anne politely for taking care of him; when Paul, who claimed to be his son-in-law, did something to him, he would tremble with fear. He recalls that his little daughter called him "Little Daddy", with a loving fatherly appearance; crying in the nursing home to find his mother, asking her mother to take him home, and looking helpless and pitiful, completely like a child. No one can portray An Alzheimer's patient as realistic, complex, and fascinating as Hopkins did.

  Hopkins ends with this: "My leaves have fallen out, the branches, and the wind and rain, and I can't figure out what happened." The nursing home nurse gently advised: "Let's go for a walk in the park, where there are trees and all the leaves." Anthony nodded meekly. At this point, director Florian Zeller, let the camera lens move sideways, roll toward the window, push out the window, where the sun is shining, the leaves that occupy the entire screen, swaying, flashing, glowing like gold. (Liu Weixin)

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