
Hot | The Barbie who grew up with us has now become the dream of all girls

Hot | The Barbie who grew up with us has now become the dream of all girls

If you can only follow one fashion account on Instagram, it has to be Barbie (@barbiestyle).

Hot | The Barbie who grew up with us has now become the dream of all girls

That's right, in this era when kittens and puppies can also become Instagram celebrities, why can't doll Barbie become a fashion blogger? Barbie at least one more a day, showing fans what they wear for the day, or their daily activities. Not only does she have an amazingly rich wardrobe, but she has an executive-level planning team saddled her back and forth freely, as well as girlfriends, boyfriends, and time—enough to make many people jealous. Even @gogoboi, a well-known "poisonous tongue" fashion critic, praised Barbie's Instagram as "the best I've seen on Instagram, both styling and framing."

Hot | The Barbie who grew up with us has now become the dream of all girls

Barbie's Instagram account started as a "passerby" project for Kim Culmone, the company's vice president of design. She claims to be a conservative on social networking and signed up for an Instagram account very late, following some fashion accounts. At that time, the company's @Barbie on Instagram was just an ordinary marketing account, and the content was nothing more than product promotions, promotions, and reprinting fan pictures. So Harmonone came up with an idea: to create a "personified" account for Barbie, like other fashion bloggers, to update beautiful photos. She then formed the "Creative Three Musketeers" for @barbiestyle, two other members being Robert Best, the design director of Barbie dolls, and Zlatan Zukanovic, a veteran photographer.

Hot | The Barbie who grew up with us has now become the dream of all girls

@babiestyle is just an amateur project for the Three Musketeers, who use weekends and after-work time to do most of Barbie's work. As small as whether she would wear her hair or braid the next day, and whether she would bring a comb or sunscreen in her backpack were all things they needed to discuss. They also manage Barbie's schedule like an agent, like recently, Barbie went to attend a series of important events such as the Golden Globe Awards, French Fashion Week, Coachella Music Festival, etc., and Barbie also went to New York these two days.

Hot | The Barbie who grew up with us has now become the dream of all girls

Barbie participates in the Coachella Festival

Hot | The Barbie who grew up with us has now become the dream of all girls

Barbie attends France Fashion Week

Hot | The Barbie who grew up with us has now become the dream of all girls

Barbie prepares to attend the Golden Globes

@babiestyle account was founded on August 27, 2014, and attracted 15,000 fans on the second day of its establishment, and has accumulated nearly 760,000 fans so far. The cleverness of her team is to combine Barbie with today's pop culture, so that Barbie can show the epitome of her life at this moment and in the moment like a flesh-and-blood girl on Instagram. This epitome reflects the ideal life of every modern girl. So @barbiestyle're not for parents or kids, but for girls in their twenties who have a slight yearning for fashion, even though many of them may not have played Barbie in a long time.

Hot | The Barbie who grew up with us has now become the dream of all girls

Probably every girl loves flowers, and Barbie is no exception

Never before has any big brand brought dummy dolls into the world like they did. Barbie's ideas are not only fun, but even a little silly. It's different from any fashion account: no plagiarism, no retweeting, no extreme content, and no paid promotion for any brand. Such a fresh breeze makes @barbiestyle very popular and always receives positive and positive comments from followers.

Like most celebrities, Barbie sometimes shows off her daily life, sometimes shows her outfits, some close-ups, or flattens all the items for a still life photo, and adds some fashion tips.

Hot | The Barbie who grew up with us has now become the dream of all girls
Hot | The Barbie who grew up with us has now become the dream of all girls

Her wardrobe contains Chanel and Celine bags, classic moto jackets, short hits with floral skirts...

Hot | The Barbie who grew up with us has now become the dream of all girls
Hot | The Barbie who grew up with us has now become the dream of all girls
Hot | The Barbie who grew up with us has now become the dream of all girls
Hot | The Barbie who grew up with us has now become the dream of all girls

Barbie can pose all kinds of poses and even take selfies. Sometimes I go out with three or two girlfriends, sometimes I go on dates with my boyfriend, and sometimes I walk a dog. People browsing Barbie accounts may even wonder if they are looking at the lives of real people or dolls.

Hot | The Barbie who grew up with us has now become the dream of all girls
Hot | The Barbie who grew up with us has now become the dream of all girls
Hot | The Barbie who grew up with us has now become the dream of all girls
Hot | The Barbie who grew up with us has now become the dream of all girls

Everything about Barbie is miniature: mini shoe boxes, mini water bottles, mini cosmetics, are fully proportioned to Barbie so that Barbie in front of the camera can be restored like a real person. Many of the backgrounds in the photos, such as the Eiffel Tower and the Coachella Festival, were taken on the spot. One or more members of the creative team will personally bring Barbie to life. In order to make Barbie look like a real person in these scenes, it takes a lot of effort to adjust the angle every time you shoot. Only when Barbie and real people take pictures can you see how big the difference in actual volume is.

Hot | The Barbie who grew up with us has now become the dream of all girls

Mini cosmetics

Hot | The Barbie who grew up with us has now become the dream of all girls
Hot | The Barbie who grew up with us has now become the dream of all girls

In addition, her team has to think like an agent for Barbie. For example, where to go to an event, what is the weather like, do you bring a coat, and what jewelry is appropriate to wear. Usually Barbie goes out with not only her entire wardrobe and thousands of pieces of jewelry, but also boyfriends, girlfriends, and dogs... It was simply the empress dowager driving out of the palace.

Barbie is so famous that he can get an invitation to any event he wants to participate in. At some very important events, Barbie, like all celebrities, will be photographed and interviewed by reporters.

Hot | The Barbie who grew up with us has now become the dream of all girls

Barbie gets a new book autographed by Carlos Souza

Barbie was born in 1959 at Mattel. Since then, it has swept through 150 countries, and the hot sale has also caused a lot of controversy. Since 2014, however, Barbie's sales have continued to be sluggish. With the overall U.S. toy market sales up 4 percent, Barbie fell 16 percent. The company subsequently fired its former CEO and dramatically increased its advertising spending, still to no avail. Therefore@barbiestyle is a good move for the company to adjust its digital marketing strategy.

But for now, despite Barbie's Instagram fire, @barbiestyle haven't made any money yet. Even Rachel Zoe, which she often wears, Mochino has not charged any sponsorship fees.

Hot | The Barbie who grew up with us has now become the dream of all girls

Barbie is dressed in a Machino suit

Hot | The Barbie who grew up with us has now become the dream of all girls

Rachel Zoe prepares Barbie for fashion week

The company has recognized the value of the Barbie account, but does not intend to use it to directly earn gold. They intend to divert fans' online focus on Barbie to offline purchases. Although Barbie is now a young woman in her twenties online, she ends up being just a toy for children. Therefore, the message she conveys online must be healthy and lively. She must be able to attend various celebrity parties and lie quietly in a gift box under the Christmas tree.

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