
Burn one's boat! On several "battlefields without smoke of gunfire," China has been forced to Shangganling

author:Sharp blade said to speak
Burn one's boat! On several "battlefields without smoke of gunfire," China has been forced to Shangganling

Although after decades of reform and opening up, we have made tremendous progress in many aspects, but there are also some hidden worries lurking, and even in many battlefields without gun smoke, China has been forced to Shangganling and faced a situation of "backwater war".

According to the Observer Network reported on October 3, not long ago, Wikipedia announced that it had "permanently banned" the accounts of 7 mainland editors and revoked the "editing privileges" of 12 Chinese users, and Wikipedia claimed that these Chinese editors and users with editing privileges tried to infiltrate Wikipedia for the purpose of "promoting China." Wikipedia is the world's "most representative" encyclopedia knowledge search and sharing platform, which can be described as the "largest and most popular" reference tool on the global network, and its influence even overshadows the mainstream media in the West.

Regarding Wikipedia's ban on Chinese editors and administrators, Zheng Ruolin, an expert at the Institute of Chinese Studies at Fudan University in Paris, said that this shows that the "battle for world discourse" between China and the West has "reached a white-hot level." The reason for this, Zheng Ruolin pointed out, Wikipedia is a powerful tool for "characterizing history", after a thing is included in Wikipedia, even if readers who have not experienced this matter, "basically will think that this is history", to some extent, It can be said that Wikipedia is "building our cognition and view of the world", "including the worldview".

For a simple example, in the French version of Wikipedia, it is indiscriminately determined that China "committed genocide against the Uyghurs", and it is conceivable that if such a "history" is widely accepted by the Western people and regarded as "truth" and "historical facts", how much negative impact will it have on China, and whether the general anti-China opposition in the West will be deeply rooted or even intensified. Wikipedia banned Chinese mainland editors and administrators, to put it bluntly, that is, China is not allowed to tell the truth to the world, Zheng Ruolin pointed out that the public opinion war against China has entered a white-hot, "we have been forced to Shangganling."

Some people may say that we can also block Wikipedia, what a big deal, but things are not so simple. On the one hand, in order to strictly guard the ideological high ground, China has actually always turned away Wikipedia, to put it bluntly, it has been "already banned", can it still "kill and kill again" and "block" twice? On the other hand, it is useless to block Wikipedia at home, because there are at least 6 billion people in the world who have free access to Wikipedia. If they had long obtained the so-called "facts" from Wikipedia to smear China, we would have lost the "Battle of Shangganling.".

For today's measures, "blocking" foreign media is useless, the key is that our own media to go out, to grab the right to speak in the world, "only defend and do not attack" will only be beaten everywhere, only by grabbing the right to speak, the world can "hear the voice of China" and understand the real situation. Unfortunately, although There are a large number of media in China, including central media and state media, they are basically "squatting at home", and the international news events we usually see are quoted from the BBC, CNN or the Russian Satellite News Agency, and few Chinese media and journalists rush to the front line and obtain first-hand information.

Burn one's boat! On several "battlefields without smoke of gunfire," China has been forced to Shangganling

△ The reporter's camera is the "long gun and cannon", and public opinion is the battlefield

At the end of May this year, the 19th Politburo meeting of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China clearly pointed out that "we must profoundly understand the importance and necessity of strengthening and improving international communication work under the new situation", "make great efforts to strengthen international communication capacity building", "form an international discourse power that matches China's national strength and international status", and "tell The Chinese story well and spread the Chinese voice well". It can be seen that the central authorities have long realized the importance of the public opinion front, if the public opinion war is lost, even if China rises, it will be the "yellow peril" and "evil dragon" in the eyes of Westerners, and the international environment is still sinister.

In addition to the battlefield of public opinion, China is also engaged in an important battle in the invisible field of thought. According to a report by the China Youth Network on 3 September, the state has taken measures to put an end to "niang cannons, and this time it is not just through the news to condemn such behaviors as "niang cannons" and "false brides." The State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television has also issued a circular calling on all radio and television institutions and network platforms to resolutely put an end to such deformed aesthetics as "niang cannons" and not to broadcast idol cultivation programs. After the state struck, there was a clamor in the country, and even the fighting nation next door was shaken, and some Duma deputies suggested that Russia learn from China and attack the "mother cannon."

The emergence of the phenomenon of "mother's cannon" is actually the product of the combination of "entertainment to death" and "capital first", and is the result of the deformed development of the "entertainment circle"; to put it bluntly, it is the capital control of the entertainment industry to "subdivide" the people who are mainly teenagers, so as to cultivate "fans" and then harvest leeks through the idol effect of "mother's cannon". "Mother cannons" naturally count money to the soft, entertainment companies also make a lot of money, as for teenagers, they are distorted aesthetics, in their eyes can not actually be counted as people, can only be said to be "human heads", they rely on blood-sucking teenagers to live.

Burn one's boat! On several "battlefields without smoke of gunfire," China has been forced to Shangganling

Of course, this is not conducive to the development of young people, just as the so-called, "the youth is strong, the country is strong, the youth wisdom is the wisdom of the country", that teenager "mother cannon", what will happen to the country in the future, with the knee to know, after all, we are a great enemy at present, we can not always expect to "die of disgust" to the United States. In addition to putting an end to the "mother-in-law" culture, China is also facing other serious challenges.

At present, the society generally laments that "it is more and more difficult for the cold door to produce noble sons". why? In addition to the difference in personal innate endowments, the difference in geographical region and educational resources is also an important reason, for a simple example, in 2019, the admission rate of a book in Beijing was 4 times that of Henan, and the admission rate of Qingbei University in Beijing last year was 32 times that of Henan, 18 times that of Hunan, and 23 times that of Sichuan. The uneven distribution of educational resources leads to the same efforts, different results, and naturally different lives.

Burn one's boat! On several "battlefields without smoke of gunfire," China has been forced to Shangganling

△ It is important to make people as "equal opportunities" as possible

In order to reduce the "injustice" in education, the central leaders have said that it is necessary to "run rural education well and narrow the gap between urban and rural areas"; "improve the level of education development in the central and western regions and narrow the regional gap"; "promote the balanced development of compulsory education and narrow the gap between schools"; and "increase support for special groups and narrow the gap between groups". The general secretary clearly pointed out that "if we cannot create a fairer social environment, reform will lose its meaning and cannot be sustained" and "we must promote social fairness and justice with education."

It can be seen how important social fairness is, without fairness, there will be solidification between classes, there will be no longer mobility, young people have ideals, but there is no opportunity, there is no day to emerge, this is a sad and terrible thing. If this is the case, we are not far from the door valve society of "no cold door in the upper grade and no soldier in the lower grade", and we are not far from the Soviet Union. "The world's troubles, the most indispensable, are called to cure peace and nothing, but in fact there are unforeseen worries", "the rise and fall of the world, the responsibility of the puppeteer", I hope that our country can jump out of the "law of historical cycles".

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