
Why was Li Yu poisoned after the Southern Tang Dynasty surrendered to the Song Dynasty? Or it was used as a test object by the good doctor Song Taizong

author:Beijing Daily client

It's a great thing to be a talented person,

Poor man as king.

This is a famous sentence in the Qing Dynasty poet Guo Lu (lín) in the Southern Tang Miscellaneous Songs. Guo Lu was less responsible for the name of a prodigy, because of the lack of examination, at the age of 29, he turned to poetry and painting, and studied under Yao Nai (known as the "first person of ancient Chinese in the Qing Dynasty"), and there were mixed evaluations of him. The later poet Ding Shaoyi sneered: "Guo Ci also has the shape of a lychee, but it has changed color in one day and taste in two days." ”

The Southern Tang Miscellaneous Songs were heavily promoted by the literary leader Yuan Ming, and are known to posterity, and this sentence is considered to be the most accurate evaluation of Li Hou lord, but unfortunately only the Qing people will have this misunderstanding.

Before the Qing Dynasty, Li Hou's main collection of writings still existed. According to the "History of Song", there are ten volumes, another ten volumes, and one volume of poetry. Ten volumes still exist in the Ming Dynasty. By the time of the Qing Kangxi Dynasty, all of them were extinct, and only 12 articles (3 of which were doubtful) remained, and it was impossible to read the ideological context of Li Hou lord. As a result, Lord Li Hou became a "professional lyricist + the king of the subjugated country".

Why was Li Yu poisoned after the Southern Tang Dynasty surrendered to the Song Dynasty? Or it was used as a test object by the good doctor Song Taizong

Han Gan's "Illuminating the Night White Map", with Li Yu's inscription "Han Gan Painting Illuminates the Night White"

Li Houzhuo has made pioneering contributions in the history of the development of words. Mr. Wang Guowei said: "The word begins to be great after Li Hou Lord, and then the word of the craftsman is changed to the word of the scholar." "Is the great poet really a bad king?" Zhao Kuangyin, the grandfather of the Song Dynasty, said: "If Li Yu (i.e., Lord Li Hou) governs the affairs of the country by composing poetry, will he be my prisoner?" "Leaving a mystery for eternity: Lord Li Hou was so cowardly and incompetent, why did Emperor Taizong of Song and Zhao Guangyi poison him?"

There are two common explanations:

First, Li Yu was not a dimwitted monarch, and he was still a threat to the Zhao family.

Second, Song Taizong was a good doctor, and Li Yu was used as a test product.

Both of these statements have a certain truth.

Lord Li may not have the surname Li

The founder of the Southern Tang Dynasty, Li Fu (biàn), was originally an orphan and was taken in by Yang Xing, the king of Southern Wu. Later, due to the inadmissibility of the Yang family, Xu Wen was raised by the ministry and changed his name to Xu Zhihuan.

Xu Wen sold salt as a young man, and later followed Yang Xing to secretly start a rebellion, although he had no military achievements, he was also listed as one of the "Thirty-Six Heroes". After Yang Xingmi's death, Xu Wen and others raised troops, killed Yang Xingmi's eldest son, and established the second son, and Xu Wen was able to monopolize power and become a powerful vassal.

Xu Wen originally wanted to hand over the family business to his eldest son Xu Zhixun, but he did not expect that Xu Zhixun was killed by the generals, so he had to temporarily entrust the management of his adopted son Xu Zhixuan (that is, Li Fu) to wait for the second son Xu Zhixun to take over when he grew up. Unexpectedly, Xu Wen suddenly died of illness, and Li Fu took the opportunity to rise and simply usurped the Jiangshan of Southern Wu.

At first, Li Fu built the State of Qi, and three years after ascending the throne, he suddenly claimed to be the fourth grandson of Li Ke, the son of Tang Xianzong, the Prince of Jian, changed the name of the country to Tang, that is, Southern Tang, and restored his "old surname".

As for Li Fu's "self-designation", successive generations did not think so. Ouyang Xiu of the Song Dynasty wrote: "At this time, the world was in chaos, the disaster of China, and the usurpation of each other, and the Xu father and son, the deceitful force, Pei Hui (meaning the same wandering) three lords. This means that the traces of "deception" are too heavy, so the throne has only been passed on for three generations.

The advantage of usurping the descendants of the Tang Dynasty royal family is to envelop the northern warriors, and the disadvantages are two:

First of all, Yang Xingmiyu's party and Xu Wenyu's party were well aware of Li Fu's details, and they were not convinced, so since the establishment of the Southern Tang Dynasty, there were many internal factions, and the contradictions between the northern and southern warrior clans intensified.

Secondly, the Southern Tang had to inherit the policy of the Tang Dynasty, when the great powers were divided, they all longed for the help of the Khitans, the Southern Tang and the Khitan did not border, they both had the need for "long-distance friendship and close attack", and the two sides also joined hands, but the Tang Dynasty and the Khitan were mortal enemies, and the Southern Tang wanted to pretend to be orthodox, so they had to make enemies with the Khitans.

Nineteen years on the throne Fourteen years at war

Although Li Fu was a usurper, he was wise, frugal, and loved the people. After ascending to the throne, the Qunchen suggested: "Your Majesty Zhongxing, there are many difficulties in the north today, it is advisable to send troops to restore the old frontier." Li Fu replied, "My young commander in the army, seeing that the soldiers are doing a great harm to the people, cannot bear to repeat them." ”

During his 6-year reign, the candlestick in the sleeping hall was an old object in the stables, and there were no candles, only the oil of the usu, "the palace building has no new trees, the palace clothes have no group embroidery, and the palace is full of dust." Lu You of the Southern Song Dynasty praised him as "benevolent and frugal, dedicated to raising the people, and having the style of an ancient sage lord".

Li Fu made his eldest son Li Jing crown prince, but he did not like Li Jing, believing that he was "confused and confused, and broader than hearing." Therefore, most of them are frustrated by the left and right." It means that being smart is smart, but having no opinion, and it is easy to be deceived by left and right.

Li Fu once liked his younger son Li Jingkui, and once Li Fu went to Li Jing's palace and was furious when he saw him playing the piano himself. Li Fu's favorite concubine, Lady Zhong, Li Jingkui's mother, took the opportunity to say: "Li Jingkui's talent is higher than Li Jing's. At that time, Li Jingkui was only 4 years old, and Li Fu was immediately alert and ordered Mrs. Seed to become a nun, and Li Jingkui was left out in the cold. Until Li Fu died, he was not knighted.

Before Li Fu's death, he wanted to pass the throne to his fourth son, Li Jingda, who had military talent and was stationed in Dongdu (present-day Yangzhou), so he secretly ordered him to return. Unexpectedly, the medical officer Wu Tingshao was Undercover by Li Jing, and Li Jing got the news and immediately sent someone to intercept the secret edict halfway.

Li Jing's power was not correct, and in order to alleviate the contradictions, on the one hand, he proposed that his brother and brother should be passed on to the third brother Li Jingsui after his death, and that Li Jingsui would be appointed as a marshal and Li Jingda would be a deputy marshal; on the other hand, he wanted to make more military achievements and subdue his subordinates. Li Jing reigned for nineteen years, and for fourteen years he was fighting wars, and his national strength was exhausted.

Li Jing once issued an edict to review: "When the soldiers of the nǎng (nǎng) are even minyue, the generals of the wufu are fierce, they do not understand the meaning of the decay, and they are poor, so that the father levies the children's salary, goes against the will of heaven, and when he takes the peasants, who will be blamed?" In the given to one person. ”

One move to take back the initiative

Li Hou was the sixth son of Li Jing, and there was no possibility of ascending to the throne. One of his eyes is born with a double pupil, that is, two pupils, in the shape of a horizontal figure-of-eight, which is abnormally developed, but does not affect vision. Because of its rarity, it was regarded by the ancients as the face of the emperor, cangjie, shun, heavy ear, xiang yu and so on.

Why was Li Yu poisoned after the Southern Tang Dynasty surrendered to the Song Dynasty? Or it was used as a test object by the good doctor Song Taizong

Portrait of Li Hou Lord

Li Jing's position gradually stabilized, and he immediately abandoned his original promise, no longer wanted to pass the throne to his third brother Li Jingsui, and prepared to make his eldest son Li Hongji crown prince. Li Hongji had military talent, and during the battle against Later Zhou, Zeng Lishuxun, and Zhou Shizong Chai Rong was quite jealous of him, and explicitly ordered Li Jing not to make him crown prince.

Because Li Hongji and the emperor's brother Li Jingsui had a vendetta, Li Hongji poisoned Li Jingsui, and soon after, he also fell ill and died.

After Li Hou's four previous brothers died of illness, after Li Hongji's death, he became the longest of Li Jing's sons and became the crown prince.

When Li Hou was crown prince, he was fascinated by literature and art, and showed his Taoist style everywhere to cover up his ambitions. After becoming the crown prince, just when Later Zhou was unwilling to cut the land in southern Tang and led a large army to attack, the 19-year-old Li Hou lord led his troops to fortify along the river, Chai Rong saw that Li Hou was in a strict formation, and was surprised, under the pretext of "white gas in the air", looking for warlock divination, thinking that it was unlucky, he withdrew on his own.

After that, Li Hou was "the overseer of the state in Jianye (present-day Nanjing), and the situation was clearly allowed, and he was very well received."

When Lord Li Hou ascended the throne, the Southern Tang Dynasty was a "mess". First, after years of war, the finance is nearly collapsing, the currency contains less and less copper, and the money privately minted by the people is even "not sinking on the water." Second, there are too many aristocrats, many governments, and low administrative efficiency.

After Lord Li Hou ascended the throne, he set up the "Chengxin Hall", which on the surface appeared to be a literary and art institution, but in fact it was close to the Qing Dynasty Military Aircraft Department, which selected talented low-level officials to work and secretly seized power. As a result of this move, there was no more party strife in the Southern Tang Dynasty, and administrative efficiency was greatly improved.

I have not crossed the hurdle of the great family

In order to alleviate economic pressure, Li Houzhao accepted Han Xizai's suggestion and opened iron money. Iron is not a precious metal, and the private sector is easy to cast privately, triggering a new round of economic crisis. Han Xizai was a warrior from the north to the south, and Li Hou used him heavily to balance the forces of the north and the south. Han Xizai is extravagant and flashy, but Li Hou lord is always tolerant.

Lord Li Hou was generous in nature, and his seventh brother Li Congshan once slandered Li Hou Lord to Li Jing, saying: "The instrument is light and the mind is relaxed, and no one has the degree of a king." "After Lord Li ascended to the throne, he was not prosecuted. Later, Li Congshan went out to the Song Dynasty and was held hostage by Zhao Kuangyin, the grandfather of the Song Dynasty, "The more the Lord of the Hou Dynasty thought more and more, and every time he looked up, he wept and wept, and did not dare to look up left and right."

Don't come to the spring half, touch the soft intestines. The falling plums were like snow, and the whisk was still full.

There is no evidence for the yanlain to hear, and the road is difficult to achieve. Away from hate is just like spring grass, and it is farther and farther to live.

Many commentators believe that this poem was written by Li Hou to his younger brother Li Congshan.

Li Hou was well aware of the key to the weakness of the Southern Tang Dynasty--there were too many nobles and serious land annexation, so he supported the "Pan You Transformation Law". Pan You, a famous courtier at the time, proposed "please restore the law of Ida and deeply suppress annexation", that is, the state compulsorily equalizes land rights. The "PanYou Change" had a direct impact on the Song Dynasty's "Wang Anshi Change", but most of the land in the Southern Tang Dynasty was controlled by the shi family, and they joined forces to slander the change law, and Li Hou Lord was deceived and ordered pan You to be executed, although Li Hou Lord soon realized Pan You's loyalty and mourned, but the change of law never worked.

Li Hou continued the Southern Tang Dynasty for 15 years. In the face of the powerful Song Dynasty, Li Hou lord "although he showed fear on the outside and repaired the courtesy of the vassals, while the inner real armor recruited troops and sneaked in to prepare for the battle", the last battle lasted for more than a year. Ouyang Xiu said that Li Hou lord was "arrogant in nature, good in voice, happy in floating pictures, talking highly, and not sympathetic to political affairs", which is just a negative statement created by Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Guangyi.

No one can die well

If Lord Li Hou could only write poetry and could not govern the country, Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Guangyi would not be so jealous of him.

After Lord Li hou was captured, he "washed his face with tears at dawn", because Zhao Guangyi repeatedly insulted Xiao Zhouhou. This matter is found in Long Gun's Jiangnan Lu, which is deceased, but the Song Dynasty scholar Wang Wei quoted it in the "Memoirs", that is, "After Li Guo's lord Xiao Zhou, the lord returned to the dynasty, he sealed Lady Zheng Guo, and for example, he followed the women into the palace, and every few days after entering the palace, he would cry and curse the queen lord." The sound is heard outside, and (the latter lord) is more like avoiding it. ”

It was customary for Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Guangyi to seize the concubines of those who surrendered, such as Lady Huarui, the noble concubine of the last emperor of Later Shu, Meng Chang, and was taken into the inner palace by Zhao Kuangyin. Lady Huarui did not forget her homeland, and often hung the statue of Meng Chang to sacrifice, Zhao Kuangyin asked, and lied to him: "This is the god of Yizi." ”

According to the Ming Dynasty Shen Defu's account in the "WanliYe Harvest", he once personally saw the paintings drawn by the Song people, recorded zhao Guangyi's evil deeds, and there were inscriptions by Yuan Dynasty poets on it, which means that it is no wonder that the Song Dynasty would later encounter the shame of Jing Kang, and it was purely deserved.

Why was Li Yu poisoned after the Southern Tang Dynasty surrendered to the Song Dynasty? Or it was used as a test object by the good doctor Song Taizong

Portrait of Zhao Guangyi

Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Guangyi did not dare to kill him immediately, because Li Hou's old forces were still entrenched in Jiangnan and did not submit. Until 3 years later, the armies of Jiangnan were broken by each one, and for the Song Dynasty, Li Hou lord had no value in surviving.

Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Guangyi were mean, and no one could die well. After the Later Shu Emperor Meng Chang arrived in Beijing, he died within 7 days, and even Qian Li, who took the initiative to dedicate himself to the country, also feasted and drank with the imperial court's congratulatory emissaries on his sixtieth birthday, and died violently the next day.

After killing Li, the lord was already planning, and it was curious why he wanted to use the lead medicine.

The lead machine medicine is horse money, also known as the wood turtle, India, Myanmar, Java, Vietnam are all available, China's Yunnan is also produced, but until the Ming Dynasty, there were still only imports, found in Yunnan, is a later thing.

500 years ago?

Westerners have an early understanding of the toxicity of strychnine. There was a king in ancient Greece, named Mitridatis VI, who ate a small amount of horse money every day, and his anti-poison skills were so good that if he wanted to kill anyone, he drank a pot of wine with horse money with him, and the other party died, and he still talked and laughed. Later, the kingdom was destroyed by the enemy country, and the whole family took poison and committed suicide, but the king could not die of poison, so he had to endure the pain of the sword.

Strychnine can improve the degree of nerve excitability, poisoned people convuls all over the body, head and feet connected to death, similar to the pulling machine, so it is called pulling machine medicine.

Curiously, in the Ming Dynasty Li Shizhen in the "Compendium of Materia Medica", but believe that the horse money is not poisonous, and said that it is produced from the "return to the country" (that is, the Western Regions), today scholars believe that it may be mistaken for the horse money vine as the horse money, but at that time there were also medical books calling the horse money "slightly poisonous", it can be seen that the Ming people's understanding of the horse money is not very deep. Through the tributary trade, Java dumped a large amount of horse money on the Ming Dynasty, and the Chinese people became familiar with it, and medical books also called it a "big poison".

Then, the Ming people did not know the poison of strychnine, how did Zhao Guangyi, who was far away in the Song Dynasty, know?

This is related to Zhao Guangyi's hobby, he likes to study medicine, but he collects thousands of prescriptions. There are not only prescriptions for curing diseases, but also prescriptions for killing people. According to the scholar Fei Zhenzhong, more than a hundred years later, Emperor Huizong of Song also found a poison storehouse in the palace. The lead drug that killed Li Hou lord was personally formulated by Zhao Guangyi, and it was obvious that Li Hou Lord had become a guinea pig for his experiments. When the historical record mentions strychnine again, it is 500 years later.

Zhao Guangyi organized professional physicians, and after 14 years of compilation, launched the Taiping ShenghuiFang, which is the largest surviving official revision book in China before the 10th century AD. Zhao Guangyi personally wrote the preface, saying that the role of medicine is: "From Providence to Heaven, to the bottom of the group." Recklessly anxious to follow human desires. ”

Zhao Guangyi did not have the good sense to put the lead machine prescription into it. (Editor-in-charge: Shen Feng)

Source Beijing Evening News Five Colored Earth | Author Cai Hui

Editor: Jiang Baojun

Process Editor Wu Yue

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