
The two poppies, the competition between the latter Li Yu and Nalan Xingde, which is better or worse?

author:Talk about poetry and words

Good memories are always unforgettable, and when you are in a good mood, you may like to share them with others, and when you are sad, you don't want to mention them at all. In ancient times, many literati and writers have experienced ups and downs in life, and have also encountered countless joys and sorrows, if there is no one around to talk about, they can only hide those sorrows and troubles deep in their hearts.

Is it a blessing or a fetter for a person with outstanding humanities and is deeply admired by the world? Maybe you don't have this experience, but some geniuses in ancient times felt it deeply. Let's share two poppies, the competition between the latter Li Yu and Nalan Xingde, which is better and which is worse?

The two poppies, the competition between the latter Li Yu and Nalan Xingde, which is better or worse?

Poppy Li Yu

When is the spring flower and autumn moon, and how much do you know about the past? Xiaolou had another east wind last night, so the country could not afford to look back at the moonlight.

The carved fence and jade masonry should still be there, but the face has changed. How sad can you be? It is like a river flowing eastward.

The word card of "Poppy Beauty" is 56 words in double tone, sharing 4 rhymes, the "up, less, in, change" in this poem is the rhyme of the voice, and "the wind, the middle, the sorrow, the flow" is the flat rhyme.

At the same time, each sentence abides by the law of equality, and readers can analyze the relationship between them according to the principle of "one, three, five, two, four, six are clear", as well as the provisions of the sticky pair in the poem.

The two poppies, the competition between the latter Li Yu and Nalan Xingde, which is better or worse?

During the reign of Li Yu, the queen of the Southern Tang Dynasty, he was under great pressure from the Northern Song court, and as the last emperor, he indulged in lust and pleasure, and constantly offered gold and silver tributes to the Song royal family in order to survive in the south of the Yangtze River. However, the Song family soon invaded the Southern Tang Dynasty, broke through Jinling, Li Yu surrendered, and was sent to Song Jing, and since then he has started the life of a prisoner, and he washed his face with tears day and night, and this poem was written at this time.

In the sad life of being a captive, Li Yu could not bear the good times, and was afraid of seeing spring flowers and autumn moons. The past is heavy, Xiaolou was blown by the east wind last night, and the talented man remembered the unforgettable spring. However, the homeland is ruined, and the lyricist can't bear the painful taste of recalling his homeland under the spring moon.

The two poppies, the competition between the latter Li Yu and Nalan Xingde, which is better or worse?

In the days of sorrow, it is painful to remember the joys of the past, but it is impossible to stop. The poet thinks back to the homeland of Jiangnan, and the carved fences and jade are still the same, they don't know the sorrow of the world, but how can Li Yu at this time bear it.

Now that Zhu Yan has changed, he is full of sorrow, and his sorrow is like the tide of the spring river, and the lyricist recalls the past, and compares the joy of the past with the sorrow of the present, and strongly misses the customs of the old country in the past. The full text is deep and natural, and the rational use of imaginary words such as "unbearable, should be, just, just like" has strengthened the artistic expression of the lyrics.

The two poppies, the competition between the latter Li Yu and Nalan Xingde, which is better or worse?

Poppy Nalan Sexuality

Seeing each other again in the depths of the Qu Lang, even the tears and trembling. After the desolation, the two should be the same, and the most invincible is the moon and the moon.

Half of his life has been separated from sleep, and the mountain pillow is full of sandalwood. Remembering what is the most ecstatic, the first folded branch pattern to draw Luo skirt.

The rhyme of this word is the same as that of the previous one, "see, tremble, pass, and slam" is the rhyme of the voice, and "the same, the middle, the soul, and the skirt" are the flat rhyme feet. Another example is the first sentence of "Lan, place, phase" is the order of Pingping, which is read in a subdued tone and frustration, and has the beauty of rhyme.

The second sentence "tears, people" is the order of the peace, and forms a "right" relationship with the first sentence; The "cool, after, and should" in the third sentence is flat again, and it does not form a "sticky" relationship with the second sentence, and the sticky pair of the poem is still different, so beginners need to pay attention to it.

The two poppies, the competition between the latter Li Yu and Nalan Xingde, which is better or worse?

Nalan Xingde is a talented son of the Qing Dynasty who is deeply loved by readers, he was born in the family of Zhong Ming Dingshi, and received a good education since he was a child. As a guard beside the emperor, he could have called for wind and rain and was envied by the world, but the talented man had no interest in his career, and preferred to chant the wind and the moon. This poem shows the tryst scene of a young man and woman, conveying the praise of the talented man for beautiful love.

The opening chapter is led by "the depths of the Qu Lang", and the words "see each other again" are used to indicate that the couple did not meet in Pingshui, but reunited after farewell, so they were excited and tearful. However, the word "desolate" conveys that they overcame many obstacles to finally have a tryst. The moon and stars are scarce, and the beautiful scenery should be enjoyed, but they have to leave in a hurry, so they feel "overwhelmed".

The two poppies, the competition between the latter Li Yu and Nalan Xingde, which is better or worse?

couldn't stay together, but couldn't stop the feeling of longing, so the talented man began to pour out his deep affection, "Half of my life has been separated from sleep, and the mountain pillow is full of sandalwood marks." The protagonist only feels lonely for half his life after he says he is separated, tossing and turning in the dead of night, feeling deeply, and there are tears on the pillow. 涴 (wò), which means dipping, here refers to tears soaking the pillow.

The last two sentences can't bear to read, and the protagonist thinks that the most heartwarming moment is the colorful Luo skirt painted with a folded branch pattern. The image of Luo skirt represents the soft and pure beauty in the ancient poems, and the author does not say that he loves each other deeply, but uses the method of writing people with things, implicitly expressing endless thoughts, which can be described as a wonderful technique!

In contrast, Li Yu's famous essay describes the inner sorrow of a deceased monarch, which is shocking and more alarming. Nalan's works do not have a grand background of the times, and only describe the spiritual world of the ego, but because of their superb techniques, they are also worthy of praise. Friends, please tell us your point of view, which is better or worse?

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