
If Empress Li does not become the emperor, if Li Yu does not write words, then ...... What will happen?


In the Southern Tang Dynasty thousands of years ago, there was a prince named Li Yu. He has royal blood, but he does not have much nostalgia for the throne, but has an almost obsessive love for poetry, songs, calligraphy, painting and music.

Whenever the bright moon hangs high, Li Yu splatters ink alone in the study, the pen walks the dragon and snake, and the fragrance of ink overflows. His poems are sincere in emotion and far-reaching, and each of them is like a bright pearl, shining in the cultural sky of the Southern Tang Dynasty. In his poems, there are lamentations about the shortness of life, deep thoughts about love, and delicate descriptions of natural beauty. Every word, every sentence, embodies his hard work and emotions, which makes people fascinated to read.

If Empress Li does not become the emperor, if Li Yu does not write words, then ...... What will happen?

His calligraphy and painting works are also unique. He is good at depicting the soft scenery of the Jiangnan water town with delicate brushstrokes, and each painting seems to make people feel the tranquility and beauty in the misty and rainy Jiangnan water town. At the same time, he also does not lose the majestic grandeur of the mountains and rivers in the north, showing the magnificent scene of mountains and rivers rushing with thick ink and heavy colors. In his calligraphy and painting works, there is not only the love and yearning for life, but also the awe and praise of nature.

However, fate was not lenient to Li Yu. As a prince, he has no complete control over his own destiny. The national fortunes of the Southern Tang Dynasty were declining, and there were constant disputes within the imperial court, and foreign enemies were eyeing each other. In such a context, Li Yu's brother unfortunately died early, and he was forced to step onto the throne and became the last monarch of the Southern Tang Dynasty.

Despite being in a high position, Li Yu's heart was full of helplessness and bitterness. He knew that he was not a qualified monarch and could not lead the Southern Tang Dynasty to prosperity. What he yearns for is the kind of free life, where he can devote himself to artistic creation. However, as a monarch, he had to take on the responsibility of the country, work hard to govern the country, and try to restore the decline of the Southern Tang Dynasty.

If Empress Li does not become the emperor, if Li Yu does not write words, then ...... What will happen?

However, fate was not tolerant of Nantang. The invasion of foreign enemies and the corruption of internal affairs made the national power of the Southern Tang Dynasty decline day by day. Although Li Yu has the heart to save the country, he has no power to return to heaven. In the end, the Southern Tang Dynasty went to extinction, and Li Yu also became the king of the fallen country.

After the death of the country, Li Yu's state of mind changed dramatically. He lost his former glory and status, and was reduced to a prisoner. However, it was in this predicament that his artistic creation reached its peak. He used pen and ink to depict the grief of the lost country and express his longing for his homeland. His lyrics are deeper and more connotative, each of which is like a cuckoo crying blood, telling his inner pain and helplessness. His calligraphy and painting works have also become more vigorous and powerful, full of profound reflections on life and society.

During the years of his death, Li Yu's artistic creations were widely disseminated and recognized. His lyrics have been praised by later generations as "the swan song of the ages", and his calligraphy and painting works have also become classics praised by future generations. His story has also been passed down as a good story by later generations, making people lament the changeability of fate and the impermanence of life.

If Empress Li does not become the emperor, if Li Yu does not write words, then ...... What will happen?

If Li Yu had not ascended to the throne in the first place, perhaps he would have focused more on artistic creation, traveled to famous mountains and rivers, and exchanged views with literati and artists. His poems may be more fresh and refined, and his calligraphy and painting works will be more agile and elegant. He could become an artist who will go down in history and leave more monumental works for posterity.

However, history has no ifs. Li Yu's fate was destined to be closely linked to the throne and the death of the country. Although his life was full of twists and turns, his artistic creation shone more brightly. He used his talent and charm to write an immortal legend.

Nowadays, when we walk in the long river of history and look back on Li Yu's life, we can't help but sigh at the changeability of fate and the impermanence of life. His talent and charisma will always shine through, and his story has become a good story for posterity. His poems, calligraphy and paintings still exude a captivating charm that enchants people.

Whether as a monarch or as an artist, Li Yu has left a deep imprint. Although his life is full of twists and turns, his artistic creations will always shine brightly. With his talent and charisma, he left a valuable cultural heritage for future generations, so that we can still feel his existence and value thousands of years later. His life, like a magnificent epic, will always be engraved in the long river of history.

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