
Talk about the movie "The Hunt", but not about Duchu and Mayumi, but about Mayumi's father, although this is a commercial film adapted from a speculative novel, the analysis of the entire social system and cultural atmosphere is very in-depth - it pursues the romance of justice, but also the romance of love, which naturally includes the romance of great and deep fatherly love.

author:Walk on the edge of film and television

The 1976 detective film "The Hunt", the first foreign film to land in China after the Cultural Revolution, is indeed an old film, and it is very old in terms of artistic techniques, but it cannot shake its status - it has its own unique style, plot twists, suspense, and a very rhythmic sense (especially the theme song, a very charming Japanese melody), which is fascinating.

The characters in "The Hunt" are all vivid and distinctive, and the names of Ken Takakura and Mayumi are familiar even in the mouths of their parents - their generation is not rich in reading films, which should be even the only foreign films that impress them.

When I watched this movie when I was young, I was particularly obsessed with the male and female protagonists, and today I watch it again, Masayuki's father, Yoshiki Yuanwa, a kind and righteous farmer, the image is highlighted. As a supporting character with a short appearance, it is well worth watching again - many details can only be experienced at a certain age. If you look closely, you have to marvel, this is the real father, the greatest father of the daughter.

His actor, Hideharu Oshiaki, is a very good actor in Japan, and his superb acting skills portray the image of Yuanwa, the father who is determined and full of justice on the surface, and his vivid and meticulous performance has left a deep impression on the audience.

Talk about the movie "The Hunt", but not about Duchu and Mayumi, but about Mayumi's father, although this is a commercial film adapted from a speculative novel, the analysis of the entire social system and cultural atmosphere is very in-depth - it pursues the romance of justice, but also the romance of love, which naturally includes the romance of great and deep fatherly love.

As soon as Yuanbo appeared, he was an extremely kind father figure, and he was a good father at first glance. When her daughter Mayumi accompanied her to fight wild bears in the woods to save the United States, the tired Duqiu, from the perspective of a father, Mayumi has fallen in love with Duchu at first sight, but the far wave is completely silent, and the audience has no special understanding of this.

Mayumi, played by Ryoko Nakano, has great respect for this father, and calls Yuanwa in honorifics, which is Japan in the seventies.

Talk about the movie "The Hunt", but not about Duchu and Mayumi, but about Mayumi's father, although this is a commercial film adapted from a speculative novel, the analysis of the entire social system and cultural atmosphere is very in-depth - it pursues the romance of justice, but also the romance of love, which naturally includes the romance of great and deep fatherly love.

But as the plot progresses, the audience's feelings quickly change. Maumi brings Duchu to see her father. Mr. Yuanbo said:

"Mae Yumi, I'm going to ask Mr. Maeda for a drink and bring us some wine."

This is a daughter who has to negotiate with Duchu alone.

Talk about the movie "The Hunt", but not about Duchu and Mayumi, but about Mayumi's father, although this is a commercial film adapted from a speculative novel, the analysis of the entire social system and cultural atmosphere is very in-depth - it pursues the romance of justice, but also the romance of love, which naturally includes the romance of great and deep fatherly love.

Masayuki walked away, and Duchu had just lifted up the brandy, and Yuanbo revealed his identity in one word:

"Mr. Duchu, aren't you going to surrender?"

That's a powerful statement. It shows that he knows Duchu's bottom line. The audience's impression of him immediately changed, and Duchu himself was even more shocked.

Talk about the movie "The Hunt", but not about Duchu and Mayumi, but about Mayumi's father, although this is a commercial film adapted from a speculative novel, the analysis of the entire social system and cultural atmosphere is very in-depth - it pursues the romance of justice, but also the romance of love, which naturally includes the romance of great and deep fatherly love.

Yuanbo's tone is not chaotic at all:

I am running around for the next Hokkaido zhi candidate, and tomorrow I will go to Sapporo City, will you go with me? ”

Straightforward and completely a conversation between men.

When Duchu said, "There are some reasons why I can't surrender for the time being. ”

Genami explained: "Maumi was the only daughter I gave birth to when she was 40 years old, her mother gave birth to her and died, according to the general saying, Manayumi is my lifeblood, look at her like this, this child seems to have a good feeling for you." ”

"I'm not going to bother you." (Duchu reacted immediately)

"I'm sorry, it's like driving you away." Yuanbo still maintained an extremely gentle tone, and this series of responses, with needles hidden in the cotton, was very clever, there were temptations, there were tests, weighing Du Qiu's psychology and personality, and he was by no means an ordinary person.

Talk about the movie "The Hunt", but not about Duchu and Mayumi, but about Mayumi's father, although this is a commercial film adapted from a speculative novel, the analysis of the entire social system and cultural atmosphere is very in-depth - it pursues the romance of justice, but also the romance of love, which naturally includes the romance of great and deep fatherly love.

Yuanbo and Duqiu were talking, and his subordinates called him out and informed him that he had informed the police station of Duqiu's identity and whereabouts.

Whether Duchu is innocent or not, we viewers have a God perspective, and Yuanbo does not. But he still prevented his subordinates from doing this, which shows that Yuanbo is a person with a sense of justice, he has his own views on people and things, and he also has his own way of handling things, like the way his assistants take the way of secretly informing, which is very despised by him.

Talk about the movie "The Hunt", but not about Duchu and Mayumi, but about Mayumi's father, although this is a commercial film adapted from a speculative novel, the analysis of the entire social system and cultural atmosphere is very in-depth - it pursues the romance of justice, but also the romance of love, which naturally includes the romance of great and deep fatherly love.

Duchu fled into the mountains because of the secret, and Mayumi followed him. As a result, Yuanbo was questioned by the police who followed him, saying that he intended to shield the murderer, and was even reprimanded as an old slippery head, and in the face of such rudeness, Yuanbo's attitude was very restrained, and he never said a word and remained silent.

Talk about the movie "The Hunt", but not about Duchu and Mayumi, but about Mayumi's father, although this is a commercial film adapted from a speculative novel, the analysis of the entire social system and cultural atmosphere is very in-depth - it pursues the romance of justice, but also the romance of love, which naturally includes the romance of great and deep fatherly love.

When Mayumi finally returned home, she was busy packing her clothes and preparing to elope with Duchu again, and because she suspected that her father had also betrayed Duqiu, she did not even look at Yuanbo.

At this moment, Yuanbo, who was standing on the side, not only provoked the police, ruined his reputation, and saw that his career would also be damaged, but Yuanbo only said to his daughter that he had not closed his eyes all night, and did not have a word of accusation against the wayward and wayward Zhen Yumi, which was extremely understanding and love. Ever since I had children, I immediately experienced this kind of distant wave of feelings as a father.

Talk about the movie "The Hunt", but not about Duchu and Mayumi, but about Mayumi's father, although this is a commercial film adapted from a speculative novel, the analysis of the entire social system and cultural atmosphere is very in-depth - it pursues the romance of justice, but also the romance of love, which naturally includes the romance of great and deep fatherly love.

Mayumi's attitude is absolutely cold, including not recognizing her father - even the father who has raised herself for more than 20 years can be abandoned in an instant, and the film clearly and firmly expresses the concept that friends, lovers, and benefactors should not be betrayed to the government and the police through this detail!

Small eyes, big teeth, cute like a little guinea pig, Masayuki, believe in her own judgment, not influenced by the media, the government, and even her father, and bravely make her own judgments and choices (even that nude shot is a confident and open performance of Japanese movies).

In the face of such a fierce wild girl, it is no wonder that Du qiu can only take her far away from her.

Talk about the movie "The Hunt", but not about Duchu and Mayumi, but about Mayumi's father, although this is a commercial film adapted from a speculative novel, the analysis of the entire social system and cultural atmosphere is very in-depth - it pursues the romance of justice, but also the romance of love, which naturally includes the romance of great and deep fatherly love.

The name Mayumi sounds a lot like "True Goodness and Beauty", giving people a very oriental feeling, but this character is completely devoid of the introverted twists of Oriental women. Although it is a Japanese film, from the perspective of the concept and performance of the film, many places have a strong European flavor.

For example, when the whistleblower tried to prevent Mayumi from running away, saying that "Mr. Yuanbo's campaign cannot be affected by the daughter of the murderer who helped him", Masayuki did not say a word, slapped him in anger, and left the house without looking back. Her boldness and spontaneity refreshed the stereotypes of women and love that Chinese at the time—the bravery in her eyes, which was the foundation of romance and had an irresistible charm.

Talk about the movie "The Hunt", but not about Duchu and Mayumi, but about Mayumi's father, although this is a commercial film adapted from a speculative novel, the analysis of the entire social system and cultural atmosphere is very in-depth - it pursues the romance of justice, but also the romance of love, which naturally includes the romance of great and deep fatherly love.

When Marumi and Masayuki severed the father-daughter relationship reappear, it is very surprising to the audience - Masayuki and Duchu discuss how to leave the mountain, and Yuanbo suddenly appears in the cave, but he does not come to catch Duchu, but to help him escape - in the process of Duchu's pursuit and evasion of the pursuit, Yuanwa's help this time played an extremely important role.

"Mr. Duchu, are you preparing to cross the Hiyama Mountains to Hirohiro, it is useless, they are all blocked, the police are ambushing everywhere, you must go to Tokyo once, right?" But will you fly a plane? ”

This is the result of careful consideration, and Yuanbo finally decides to help his daughter, but he is the one he challenges to help his daughter's beloved, not only is the timing just right, but every sentence he says is also very suitable for a father's identity.

Talk about the movie "The Hunt", but not about Duchu and Mayumi, but about Mayumi's father, although this is a commercial film adapted from a speculative novel, the analysis of the entire social system and cultural atmosphere is very in-depth - it pursues the romance of justice, but also the romance of love, which naturally includes the romance of great and deep fatherly love.

The farmer's thousand gold fell in love with the life-saving hero, and the father-in-law gave up a private plane to save him!

This is so emotional, in the past, I thought this plot was a bit dramatic, but this time I saw the doorway: on the one hand, Yuanbo had money and didn't care, three thoroughbred horses could buy a new plane, on the other hand, in the face of a paralyzed Face Takakura Ken, almost twice the age of Makoto Yumi. I can't accept being a father because my daughter has already drilled the horns at first sight, because it is useless to say anything, so I can only choose to compromise. I prefer to believe that Yuanbo did this out of trust in his daughter, who believed in her vision, and even if Duchu did kill people at large, it was to uphold justice.

Talk about the movie "The Hunt", but not about Duchu and Mayumi, but about Mayumi's father, although this is a commercial film adapted from a speculative novel, the analysis of the entire social system and cultural atmosphere is very in-depth - it pursues the romance of justice, but also the romance of love, which naturally includes the romance of great and deep fatherly love.

"Be careful, timidity will fail, I believe you will succeed!" People have to go through a lot of ups and downs in this life, manhood sometimes has to face death to fly, Du Qiujun is making a final attempt! ”

These are the words spoken by a father full of justice, so decisive and powerful, at this moment, the father and Duqiu have shown the same calmness and perseverance - the father is actually willing to be the guardian god behind the scenes, and it is true that his father must have his daughter! If the plot at the beginning of the movie is slightly dull, I can hardly watch it, but when Yuanbo generously dedicates the plane, I know why the movie is so wonderful - the role of the father affects almost the entire film.

Talk about the movie "The Hunt", but not about Duchu and Mayumi, but about Mayumi's father, although this is a commercial film adapted from a speculative novel, the analysis of the entire social system and cultural atmosphere is very in-depth - it pursues the romance of justice, but also the romance of love, which naturally includes the romance of great and deep fatherly love.

The theme of manhood and responsibility represented by Duchu is not obvious until the takeoff scene — Duchu, in pursuit of those who falsely accused him, left Tokyo, the center of power, to the remote and sparsely populated Hokkaido, and even into the mountains. Although this is a positive self-justification, it is also shrouded in negative escape. It wasn't until he flew back to Tokyo, almost self-casting, that he fully demonstrated his undisputed determination.

Talk about the movie "The Hunt", but not about Duchu and Mayumi, but about Mayumi's father, although this is a commercial film adapted from a speculative novel, the analysis of the entire social system and cultural atmosphere is very in-depth - it pursues the romance of justice, but also the romance of love, which naturally includes the romance of great and deep fatherly love.

The kind and lovely Mr. Yuanbo, the most brilliant supporting role in the film, this plane completely plumps up the image of a well-intentioned father.

I secretly rubbed and guessed that Yuanbo might still have a layer of thought, thinking that Du Qiu's departure, in the end, no matter whether he was wronged or not, even if he did not become a prosecutor, on this ability and quality, as a son-in-law, it was also the best choice to come back and take over the family business!

Talk about the movie "The Hunt", but not about Duchu and Mayumi, but about Mayumi's father, although this is a commercial film adapted from a speculative novel, the analysis of the entire social system and cultural atmosphere is very in-depth - it pursues the romance of justice, but also the romance of love, which naturally includes the romance of great and deep fatherly love.

Duchu's flight made me very happy, but manly people sometimes need to face death to fly. It may be that he is parting from the life and death of Mayumi, but he must go, and it is his responsibility--with this realization, he will not drag the mud and water when he leaves.

Looking back at Duchu's road of escape and tracking down the truth, Duchu is like a superhero who hangs on, and he can always have a thrilling time with any difficulties and obstacles - in a word, when the prosecutor really wronged him.

Talk about the movie "The Hunt", but not about Duchu and Mayumi, but about Mayumi's father, although this is a commercial film adapted from a speculative novel, the analysis of the entire social system and cultural atmosphere is very in-depth - it pursues the romance of justice, but also the romance of love, which naturally includes the romance of great and deep fatherly love.

When Du Qiu arrived in Tokyo, Yuan bo actually carried wine to see Mayumi, and Quan Dang celebrated.

"It seems that Duchu has landed safely, so drink some and get a good night's sleep." The tone was so relaxed.

Talk about the movie "The Hunt", but not about Duchu and Mayumi, but about Mayumi's father, although this is a commercial film adapted from a speculative novel, the analysis of the entire social system and cultural atmosphere is very in-depth - it pursues the romance of justice, but also the romance of love, which naturally includes the romance of great and deep fatherly love.

"I'm not running, I was so keen on running, it's ridiculous to think about it now."

Yuanbo's words were truly earth-shattering (he did not hesitate to give up his ideals for the happiness of his daughter), and he could even give up running for the local governor.

But there's something even more surprising:

"I still have some aftercare work that I can't leave, can you not understand a trip to Tokyo for me?" I have seven three-year-old horses to hand over to The Shooka Stable, and the horses are sent by tractor, and you make the plane. The hotel is set, or the old place, how about it? All right? ”

This is a disguised agreement, encouragement, and support for her daughter to follow Duchu, just to find a reason not to say it.

Talk about the movie "The Hunt", but not about Duchu and Mayumi, but about Mayumi's father, although this is a commercial film adapted from a speculative novel, the analysis of the entire social system and cultural atmosphere is very in-depth - it pursues the romance of justice, but also the romance of love, which naturally includes the romance of great and deep fatherly love.

Maumi threw herself into her father's arms excitedly and moved– a scene that also made the audience smile heartily, (Is there any father who understands his daughter's thoughts better than Yuanwa?) No more! )

Such a difficult problem was naturally solved, and it was solved so logically, and the endangered father-daughter relationship was further consolidated and harmonious from then on.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Although this is a commercial film based on a speculative novel, the analysis of the entire social system and cultural atmosphere is very in-depth -- it pursues the romance of justice and the romance of love, which naturally includes the romance of great and deep fatherly love. </h1>

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