
My story of joining the party | I was a sneak peek at the red child in the cradle of the revolution! The three-dimensional flower bed of the centenary of the founding of the Party in Beijing Economic Development Zone paid tribute to the pioneers, and the Beijing Economic Development District held a commendation meeting of "two advantages and one first" The Beijing Economic Development District Library will soon resume opening to social readers

author:Beijing Yizhuang
My story of joining the party | I was a sneak peek at the red child in the cradle of the revolution! The three-dimensional flower bed of the centenary of the founding of the Party in Beijing Economic Development Zone paid tribute to the pioneers, and the Beijing Economic Development District held a commendation meeting of "two advantages and one first" The Beijing Economic Development District Library will soon resume opening to social readers

I am the red child in the cradle of the revolution

Liu Yulin

My hometown is in the old revolutionary area of Jiangxi, and my family is an old revolutionary family. Because my father was a "fugitive from the Red Army", my father joined the Chinese Communist Party before 1930. Their generation has made great contributions to the cause of the Chinese revolution by throwing their heads and spilling their blood!

In Wanzai County, Jiangxi Province, the Party Branch of the Communist Party of China was established in 1924. Listening to his father, he was very eager to join the party at that time, and his friend said, "If you follow the Communist Party, you will at least have food to eat, and if you are arrested by the Kuomintang, you will die bitterly."

What impressed my father most was that they followed the troops (Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping's army) and were repeatedly scattered by the enemy on the way to Ruijin, Jiangxi. In 1941, he participated in the "Battle of Shanggao" in Jiangxi, this time to fight the Japanese devils, my father and my uncle were bombed by the Yue army when they crossed the Shanggaoda River, most of the people on the boat fell into the river, the casualties were heavy, and the 35-year-old father was rescued by the squad leader, and it was difficult to die.

In 1984, the state implemented the policy and found my father's name in the battle roster of the Revolutionary Martyrs Memorial Hall in Wanzai County, Jiangxi Province, and after investigation, it was determined that my father was "Liu Chenglong, born in 1907, a separated person of the Red Army", and since then my father has enjoyed the treatment of "old revolution". It was not until 2003 that he died at the age of 97.

After graduating from junior high school in 1968, I worked as an elementary school teacher. In 1970, he was recruited by the Jiangxi Geological Bureau (under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Geology) and assigned to the Jiangxi First Geophysical Exploration Brigade (the brigade headquarters was in Xiangtang Town, Nanchang County) as a worker.

In 1971, on the recommendation of the unit, he went to China University of Geosciences (Beijing College of Geology) for further study, majoring in "Comprehensive Geology and Geophysical Exploration". After graduation, he followed the geological technicians and went deep into the lofty mountains of the wild to carry out geological mapping, geological cataloguing, sampling and other work. After work, when people play poker, I take the initiative to help the drinkers in the work area carry water and chop firewood.

I worked hard and complained, and the detachment asked me to serve as the head of the propaganda group in the work area and a part-time "worker doctor." In this way, my workload increased, my stress increased, and my responsibilities increased.

Since there are 20 or 30 people in the work area, stationed in remote mountainous areas all year round, in the early 1970s, there was a shortage of medical treatment in the mountainous areas, and I had two or three medicine boxes and dozens of drugs in my hand, which could treat common diseases such as the common cold for the local people free of charge. So, the fellows are happy. This was the hardest and most responsible few years of my field geology team! At that time, before I went to work, I sometimes had to see a sick number or two, climbed the mountain in the wild for a day, came back from work, and there were patients waiting for me to see a doctor. After I give them injections at night, I have to disinfect the syringes and the like every day and rest late. My work, in the hearts of everyone, especially in the eyes of the local villagers, has been praised, the hometown's illness is cured, take chickens, cigarettes and other things to thank me, I will give these gifts, unchanged, handed over to the organization.

Due to my outstanding achievements, I was very honored to attend the "Commendation Conference for Advanced Production Workers of Jiangxi Geological Bureau" and "National Conference on the Exchange of Advanced Experience of Geological Workers in the Field" in my twenties. At that time, Yan Shugen, secretary of the unit branch, entrusted Li Qingsheng and Liu Xiangming, the introducers of the party, to talk to me, and after the investigation of the brigade organization section, the family history was innocent, and on May 3, 1979, I finally joined the Communist Party of China and realized my wish to join the party.

In fact, I was deeply influenced by my father's early years of participating in the revolution and pursuing truth, loving the party and the country. After joining the party, I became more positive and uplifting, and strictly demanded myself according to the standards of party membership, whether as a worker or later as a cadre, I was selfless and selfless, and everything was based on the interests of the masses of workers and staff. He has the quality of the "Red Army", has a noble demeanor, has a red heart toward the party, and is full of true feelings. Along the way, thanks to the party organization, grateful to the Communist Party!


This article was published by Beijing Yizhuang

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Editor: Wang Yi'ou

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