
Zhongshan teacher Huang Hongyun's "Red Child" cultivation manual

author:South Plus client

This article is included in the column #Looking for good teachers around you #

·Editor's Note·

In order to publicize the advanced deeds of outstanding ideological and political teachers in Zhongshan, in July this year, the Office of the Leading Group for Education Work of the Zhongshan Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China launched the activity of "Looking for Good Teachers of Ideological Politics Around Me". In the course of the activities, a group of credible, respectable, reliable, happy, courageous, and promising ideological and political teachers stood out. They dare to innovate and take responsibility; they are exemplary teachers and care for students; their ideological and political classrooms contain beauty, teach and display beauty, and academic dissemination beauty, and are recognized as good teachers of ideological and political affairs in the minds of schools, society, and students.

Nanfang + has successively launched reports on the characters of good teachers in ideological politics, transmitting positive and upward "political energy" and encouraging the majority of ideological and political teachers to conscientiously fulfill the lofty mission of Lide Shuren.

"After meeting you, I know what a good teacher is, because you are." This is a passage from a letter received from a student by Huang Hongyun, a teacher of Zhongshan Sizheng. She opened the drawer next to the wooden table, and inside was a thick pile of letters, some of which had even been slightly yellowed and curled, but they were properly placed, recording the children's feelings of gratitude, love, distress, and confusion.

In the letter, Huang Hongyun is affectionately known as "Honghong Teacher". She is not only the "Red Red Teacher" who is enthusiastic and sunny in the hearts of the Young Pioneers, but also the "Red Red Sister" who is full of positive energy in the eyes of the Young Pioneer counselors, and a good teacher of the ideological and political science class who is satisfied with the school and recognized by the parents. As a Young Pioneer worker, she is committed to cultivating "red children" under the guidance of the star torch, the party age, teaching experience for 28 years, has won the Dongfeng Town Ten Jie Youth, Zhongshan City Top Ten Counselors, Zhongshan City Excellent Teachers, Guangdong Province Excellent Counselors and other glorious titles, currently serves as zhongshan City Dongfeng Town Anle Primary School Moral Education Director, Dongfeng Town Young Workers Committee Deputy Chief Counselor, Zhongshan City Young Pioneers Famous Teacher Studio Host.

Zhongshan teacher Huang Hongyun's "Red Child" cultivation manual

Sizheng teacher Huang Hongyun. South + Lu Ziheng shooting

Rush to a youth covenant

"This will be the place where I will work and study for a long time in the future, work hard for it, and dedicate my youth!"

In July 1993, spanning more than 400 kilometers, 21-year-old Huang Hongyun came from his hometown of Meizhou to Dongfeng Town, Zhongshan City. On that day, carrying a simple bag, wearing a white T-shirt and black pants, she went alone to report to the Zhongshan Municipal Bureau of Education and Sports (then the "Zhongshan Municipal Education Commission"). It just so happened that There was a shortage of a Chinese teacher at Tong'an Primary School in Dongfeng Town, so Huang Hongyun was naturally assigned to Tong'an Primary School.

On the way from the Dongfeng Town Education Office to Tong'an Primary School, the scenery on the road became more and more desolate, and all that came into sight was a fish pond and oak grass, and Huang Hongyun gradually became worried in his heart. Her impression of the prosperity of the pearl river delta cities is in stark contrast to the scene in front of her.

However, when Huang Hongyun really stepped into Tong'an Primary School, she quickly found the feeling of home. "On that day, the principal received me warmly and arranged food and accommodation for me." The school had high hopes for Huang Hongyun, let her serve as a counselor of the Young Pioneers deputy brigade, and consciously trained her to become an ideological and political worker, which effectively encouraged Huang Hongyun, who had just arrived, and made her feel excited and excited.

Although the environmental conditions of the school were relatively difficult at that time, Huang Hongyun was as sweet as food. Her faculty dormitory is a bungalow, only 10 square meters in size, with a roof covered with grass and even leaking water on rainy days. "None of this is a problem, the roof leak can be repaired, and the roof grass is cooler in the summer!" Huang Hongyun has an innate optimism and positivity, and even if things cannot be solved, they can see the benefits.

"I will start a new journey in my life here, to teach my students as well as I have learned, and to live up to the expectations of teachers and children!" In this way, Huang Hongyun began a teaching career of 23 years at Tong'an Primary School in Dongfeng Town, until he transferred to Anle Primary School in The town in August 2016.

Zhongshan teacher Huang Hongyun's "Red Child" cultivation manual

Yellow red cloud in class. South + Lu Ziheng shooting

The "Red Teacher" in the Hearts of the Young Pioneers

At Anle Primary School, many students are very familiar with Huang Hongyun and affectionately call her "Honghong Teacher". Since teaching, Huang Hongyun has been actively carrying out the work of the Young Pioneers, carrying out political enlightenment and value shaping for children and young people, and is committed to cultivating a group of "red children" who love the country and the party. As a Young Pioneer worker, Huang Hongyun summed up the four "good" laws and condensed them into a "red child" cultivation manual -- telling the story of party history and conveying the temperature of educating people in ideological guidance; taking good team activity classes and excavating the depth of teaching in reform and innovation; doing a good job in theme activities, expanding the breadth of education in a rich and colorful way; doing a good job of demonstration and leadership, and showing the breadth of influence in common progress.

At the same time, Huang Hongyun is good at combining current affairs hotspots and looking for excellent role models worth learning from children. At this year's Tokyo Olympics, the 32-year-old Su Bingtian set a new Asian record: 9.83 seconds, becoming the first Chinese to stand on the Olympic men's 100m final track.

Zhongshan teacher Huang Hongyun's "Red Child" cultivation manual

Huang Hongyun tells the story of Su Bingtian in class. South + Lu Ziheng shooting

Therefore, at the flag-raising ceremony on the first day of school this year, Huang Hongyun told the story of Su Bingtian to the whole school students, encouraging the children to learn from Su Bingtian's spirit of not fearing difficulties and challenging themselves. On October 12, Su Bingtian returned to his hometown and returned to Zhongshan, and Huang Hongyun realized that this was an opportunity to educate students. "Before they may have felt that Su Bingtian was far away from them, but now the role model is around." On the evening of the 12th, she encouraged several children in the school to write a letter to Su Bingtian, and the relevant staff of the School Department of the Youth League Municipal Committee personally handed it over to Su Bingtian. "I hope to take this opportunity to let students understand who is the star to 'chase' and learn from positive role models."

At the same time, Huang Hongyun looked for an entry point from the perspective of children, proceeded from the age characteristics and interests of the Young Pioneers, collected videos and pictures released by authoritative media such as the People's Daily and Xinhua News Agency, and used the series of videos "Red Scarves Love to Learn" launched by the National Committee for Young Workers to use the students' favorite story speeches, role plays, interactive games, group discussions, etc., to tell the stories of party history to children, the spiritual genealogy of Chinese communists, and to reveal to the team members the truth contained in the stories of party history.

Zhongshan teacher Huang Hongyun's "Red Child" cultivation manual

Huang Hongyun led the students to carry out activities. South + Lu Ziheng shooting

"Plant a seed and it will grow and sprout"

"Having worked in the Young Pioneers for 28 years, have you ever been burned out?" During the interview, Huang Hongyun responded to the question. She admits that she has persevered for so many years because she truly loves this cause. "Put on a red scarf and get younger and younger you live!" She looked at the red scarf tied to her chest and smiled proudly.

Huang Hongyun's love for the work of the Young Pioneers and ideological and political education has long been sown in childhood. At the age of 5, Huang Hongyun's father taught her the first song in her life, "My Motherland". "A great river with wide waves, the wind blowing rice and flowers on both sides ... This is the beautiful motherland, where I grew up. At that time, the young Huang Hongyun was still ignorant of the meaning of the lyrics, and always sang "a big river" as "standing a big river", but the "beautiful motherland" in the lyrics left a deep impression on her.

Now that I think about it, perhaps the trajectory of life has already been foreshadowed. "It is particularly important to cultivate children's feelings of patriotism and love for the party from an early age, and if you plant a seed, it will slowly grow and sprout."

Huang Hongyun chose to become a teacher because of the influence of his high school history teacher Liang Xiaosheng. In high school, Huang Hongyun had a period of slacking off in his studies, and his grades fell into a low valley. At this time, Liang Xiaosheng told her, "As a child in the countryside, the college entrance examination is an important opportunity for you to change your life, and you have to rush out to see a different kind of day." After listening to these words, Huang Hongyun suddenly woke up, "He is the 'guide' in my life." Huang Hongyun admitted that it was also because of this teacher that she had the idea of becoming a people's teacher when she was young, hoping to "lead the way" for more people.

"Plant a seed and it will grow and sprout." Now, Huang Hongyun hopes to plant a seed in the hearts of more students, cultivate their positive, patriotic and patriotic virtues, and cultivate more "red children" under the guidance of the star torch.

Su Zhiyan, trainee reporter of Nanfang Daily

【Photography】 Lu Ziheng

【Author】 Su Zhiyan; Lu Ziheng

Fragrant Hills Academy

Source: South+ - Create more value

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