
What are the symptoms of heat stroke? How to treat? Please put away this "heat protection strategy"

author:Life Newspaper

Recently, Ice City has continued to turn on the high temperature mode. How should I prevent heat stroke in the hot summer? Recently, the reporter interviewed the emergency physician of the First Hospital of Harbin Medical University and presented everyone with a "heat prevention strategy".

What are the symptoms of heat stroke, and how to identify them? According to Dong Guangtao, director of the Department of Emergency Medicine of the First Hospital of Harbin Medical University, mild heat stroke can have manifestations such as flushing or pallor, nausea, vomiting, chest tightness, dizziness, dizziness, weakness, sweating, and numbness of the limbs; in addition to the above symptoms, severe heat stroke can also have shortness of breath, high fever, muscle spasms, decreased blood pressure, irritability, coma, etc.

How to treat heat stroke symptoms after finding them? Dong Guangtao said: "If the patient is conscious, he should stop moving, rest in a cool, ventilated environment, (can) help the patient take off excess or tight clothing, place a wet and cool towel on the patient's head and trunk to cool down, or place the ice pack under the patient's armpit, neck side and groin, and also spray tap water on the patient's whole body or directly place it in the bathtub or basin; at the same time, let the patient drink drinks rich in electrolytes, recommend juice, milk, vegetable juice or oral rehydration salt, etc., and closely observe the situation." ”

According to Dong Guangtao, "If the patient loses consciousness, it should be physically cooled while flipping it to the lateral recumbent position, flipping the method is: lifting the patient's proximal arm, placing it up on the side of the head, placing the patient's distal arm under the proximal cheek, so that the distal leg is flexed, and the foot is placed below the proximal leg knee joint." The rescuer grasps the patient's distal shoulder or elbow with one hand and his flexed knee with the other hand, while flipping it into a lateral recumbent position, adjusting the patient's head so that it is tilted upwards, adjusting the palm position under the cheek, so that the mouth is lower than the laryngeal position, and finally adjusting the position of the patient's leg to stabilize it, maintain this posture, and closely observe the patient's breathing and pulse. And dial 120 at the same time, waiting for professional rescue. ”

Dong Guangtao reminded that when the weather is hot, the public should replenish water in time, regardless of whether they are thirsty or not; avoid being exposed to the sun for too long from 11:00 to 15:00; when active in the sun, try to wear loose light-colored breathable clothes, wear a wide-brimmed sunhat, and use sunscreen; if you must work in a high temperature environment, you need to do a good job of heat prevention and cooling, and the temperature exceeds 40 ° C.

Reporter: Zhou Lin

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