
What to do if men have heavy moisture 5 kinds of wet diet recommended

author:99 Health Net

Introduction to this article: Moisture hinders men's health and is something that must be removed from the human body, so what should male moisture be heavy? How to get rid of the moisture in men's body in summer?

Summer high temperature and rainy, this climate is easy to let our body be invaded by wet evil, if the body's moisture is heavy, we will often feel fatigue and weakness and no spirit and drowsiness and other issues, the following Xiaobian will recommend you a few ways to remove the heavy moisture in the man's body, take a look at it.

What to do if men have heavy moisture 5 kinds of wet diet recommended

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Symptoms of heavy moisture in the male body

If a man always feels that the body is heavy, the body is not refreshing, the legs are like lead; the face is shiny, the pores are thick; the tongue is very thick; the stool is sticky, the toilet is always not clean; the body is fat, and the belly is poopy, then it is necessary to be careful whether it is wet and evil.

The gastrointestinal system is related to nutrition and water metabolism, and the best way is to eat a moderate and balanced diet. Greasy foods such as wine, milk, and fat and sweet taste are not easy to digest, and are easy to cause stomach bloating and inflammation. Sweet frieds cause the body to produce peroxides that aggravate the inflammation.

Raw and cold food, ice products or cool vegetables and fruits, will make the gastrointestinal digestion and absorption function stagnate, should not be eaten regularly, such as lettuce, salad, watermelon, Chinese cabbage, bitter melon, etc., it is best to add green onions and ginger when cooking, reduce the cold nature of vegetables.

Summer men eat wet diets

1. Barley red bean porridge

Ingredients: 50 grams of barley, 25 grams of red adzuki beans, sugar to taste.

Method: Wash the barley and red adzuki beans and put them in a pot, soak in water for 3-4 hours and cook until cooked. Add sugar to taste and serve when cooled.

2. Poria bone broth

Ingredients: pork backbone 500 g, Cisit 50 g, barley 30 g, soil poria (dried) 30 g.

Method: Rinse the pig bones and set aside; wash and set aside the pork bones; wash and set aside the pork bones; put the appropriate amount of water in the clay pot and pour the pig bones into it; pour in the pork bones; pour in the pork bones; boil on high heat, skim off the foam with a soup spoon, then slowly cook for about 1.5 minutes on low heat, add salt 5 minutes before turning off the heat.

3. Huaishan pork bone soup

Ingredients: 15 grams each of poria and Huaishan, 10 grams of fried lentils, barley, grain teeth, malt, 1/4 orange peel, 500 grams of pork bones.

Method: Pork bones chopped pieces blanched water; various medicinal herbs washed with hot water, tangerine peel scraped off the sac; all materials except pork bones with an appropriate amount of water boiled, and then put the pork bones and then boiled, simmered on low heat until the lentils are soft and rotten (about 1.5 to 2 hours).

4. Crucian carp soup with tangerine peel

Ingredients: 6 grams of sand kernels, 1/4 tangerine peel, 300 to 400 grams of crucian carp, 4 coriander, 3 slices of ginger.

Method: Crush the sand kernels, soak the tangerine peel to remove the coriander; wash the coriander; slaughter the crucian carp, remove the scales and intestines, put the oil pot on a slow heat until it is slightly yellowish on both sides; put it together with the ginger into the clay pot, add 2500 ml of water (about 10 bowls), boil over low heat and change the heat to simmer for 2 hours, and add the appropriate amount of coriander and salt and raw oil.

5. Chicken curry soup

Ingredients: 400 g chicken, 150 g each of carrots and potatoes, 100 g of onion, 50 g of green beans, 10 g of minced garlic, shredded chili pepper, 10 g of ginger shredded, 20 g of curry powder, 250 ml of fresh milk.

Directions: Wash and cut the chicken into fine strips, mix well with horseshoe powder, stir-fry in oil until just cooked. Peel and shred carrots, potatoes and onions. Stir-fry garlic, chili pepper shreds and ginger shreds in oil, splash into the water after spilling shao wine and then put into the water 1500 ml (6 bowls of water), roll down the carrot shreds and potato shreds until cooked, under the chicken shreds, green beans, onions, fresh milk, curry powder and a little salt, pepper white sugar, push in 40 grams of horseshoe powder to mix evenly, a little raw oil can be.

6. Lotus lily soup

Ingredients: lotus root, lily, rock sugar.

Directions: Wash the lotus root, then peel and cut into thin strips for later use. Fresh lilies are also sliced and set aside. Add the appropriate amount of water to the pot, bring to a boil and add the prepared lotus root and lily shreds. Bring to a boil over high heat and simmer over low heat, wait until the lotus root and lilies become soft and rotten, add the prepared rock sugar, stir well and then you can directly take it.

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What to do if men have heavy moisture 5 kinds of wet diet recommended

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