
For lunch of ordinary families in Guangdong, two dishes and one soup, cook yourself a bowl of pond mackerel black bean soup

author:Little Momo

Hello everyone, I am a small momo, I have been a full-time cook for more than three years, sending my son to school every morning, and then going to the market to buy vegetables and cook, busy and busy day passed quickly. Make two simple home-cooked dishes at noon today, and cook a pot of pond mackerel black bean lotus root soup.

1, tempeh steamed small golden pomfret, yesterday bought two chilled small golden pomfret 14 yuan a pound, two 12 yuan, cleaned up, salted for 24 hours, cooked meat firm, a bit like the taste of dried salted fish. Take it out and wash the salt, chop the tempeh, ginger and tangerine peel, put a little corn starch, oil and stir well, spread on top of the fish, steam and sprinkle with green onions.

For lunch of ordinary families in Guangdong, two dishes and one soup, cook yourself a bowl of pond mackerel black bean soup

2, tomato scrambled eggs, bought three tomatoes 4.6 yuan, eggs are often prepared at home, tomatoes washed and cut into small pieces, eggs scattered, the pot is hot under oil, the eggs are poured into the pot and fried up, the tomatoes are poured into the pot, add some salt to fry the juice, add a little water, two rock sugar to make the tomatoes soft, then add the eggs in, add a little oyster sauce, cook until the eggs taste can be on the plate. Sweet and sour appetizing and affordable.

For lunch of ordinary families in Guangdong, two dishes and one soup, cook yourself a bowl of pond mackerel black bean soup

3, lotus root black bean pond fish soup, black beans soaked in advance, pond carp with boiling water to blanch the surface of the mucus, scraped off with a knife, lotus root peeled and cut into small pieces, put two slices of ginger in the pot, oil to fry the fish, add boiling water, the black bean lotus root is also added, the high heat turn to low heat, simmer for 90 minutes, this blood tonic and hemostatic effect, the internal heat is not suitable for drinking.

For lunch of ordinary families in Guangdong, two dishes and one soup, cook yourself a bowl of pond mackerel black bean soup
For lunch of ordinary families in Guangdong, two dishes and one soup, cook yourself a bowl of pond mackerel black bean soup

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