
Colorful small tangyuan is made at home, and your Lantern Festival can also be colorful and colorful

author:The gastronomic travelogue of the little fish mother

Today is the annual Lantern Festival, we have seen a lot of various kinds of tangyuan in the supermarket, sesame flavor, strawberry flavor, black pearl flavor, peanut flavor, fresh meat flavor, etc., but is it really good for the body to eat more? In fact, the method of tangyuan is very simple, and to make tangyuan with your family, you want to be reunited and happy. Today the little fish mother taught everyone some small tricks to make tangyuan, for today's Lantern Festival, the little fish mother specially got up early and did a lot of preparations.

Today, the mother fish made a three-color small rice ball. Prepare the material table as follows:

1 bag of tangyuan powder

1 slice of pumpkin

Several strawberries

300 g of powdered sugar

300 g of cooked lard

150 g of black sesame seeds

Colorful small tangyuan is made at home, and your Lantern Festival can also be colorful and colorful


First, the soup ball skin preparation

1, cut the pumpkin into thin slices into the pot to steam, strawberries do not need to steam directly wash and set aside;

2, the tangyuan powder with warm water and noodles, it is best to use water mill glutinous rice flour, natural rice flavor is particularly heavy, made of tangyuan is also particularly delicious. The ratio of powder to water is about 10:6, while pouring water into the powder, the dough should be soft and hard.

3: Squeeze the steamed carrots, pumpkins and spare strawberries with a small amount of pure water and put them into a bowl

4: Knead the noodles with an appropriate amount of water to make a smooth dough and set aside. After the dough is reconciled, cover it with plastic wrap and let it sit for 20 minutes, during which time we will spice the filling.

Colorful small tangyuan is made at home, and your Lantern Festival can also be colorful and colorful

Second, the black sesame filling method

1: After washing the black sesame seeds, sauté them over low heat, then press them into a thin dough with a rolling pin and add lard and powdered sugar.

Colorful small tangyuan is made at home, and your Lantern Festival can also be colorful and colorful

2: Knead well and refrigerate for 1 hour, then cut the filling into 0.5 cm cubes on the board and set aside.

3: Roll the kneaded dough into small dough the size of peanuts and rice, which is wrapped in a lumpy filling and form a round ball of tangyuan.

Colorful small tangyuan is made at home, and your Lantern Festival can also be colorful and colorful

3. Cook the rice balls

After the water in the pot is boiled, slowly put the tangyuan into it, and after putting it in, use a spoon to gently push it from front to back, so as to avoid the tangyuan sticking to the pot, and wait for the tangyuan to cook for about 3-4 minutes to get out of the pot. We make small rice balls, which are easy to cook and cannot be cooked repeatedly, and when I cooked today, it was a little more time, and it almost boiled out.

Colorful small tangyuan is made at home, and your Lantern Festival can also be colorful and colorful


1, if you don't like the taste of black sesame, you can also put in the fruit grains you like to eat, so that you can not become a delicious fruit dumpling. You can make more at a time, freeze the excess tangyuan in the refrigerator, and next time you can take it out and cook it directly, and the soup you made yourself is full of happiness.

2, the lard we choose is not our own boiled lard Oh, but choose a good quality of raw plate oil, when we rub repeatedly, the temperature of our hands can knead the plate oil.

Today's food is shared with you here, I am a small fish mother, a love of food love to cook food creators, if you also like food like the dishes I make, please be sure to pay attention to me Yo, welcome to comment at any time, leave a message. Or if you have any favorite dishes you can share with me, Oh, the little fish mother must arrange it for everyone.

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