
Autumn is beautiful and colorful, and nature is beautiful

author:Pearl City Dali

Look, how beautiful the golden silver leaves decorate the autumn, and walk into the silver forest to get close to the golden world; behold, the red maple leaves dress the autumn as the red world; the evergreen pine trees, holly, camphor trees, and laurel trees are also a scene, keeping the autumn. The stream also tempered because of the harvest, not as turbulent as usual, but became slow, slow flowing, and the stream became clear.

The fields are also of many colors, golden rice, and busy people playing back on the fields with joy and laughter. Green vegetables, green garlic seedlings, red radishes, white radishes, and yellow carrots form different colors.

The autumn sun is also warm, people do not hide in the house like in summer, but go out, see the colorful world, see the beauty of nature, the small river is full of reeds, people go to pick the white plush reeds, make brooms, and some pick them back to make decorations and insert them in vases, which is very beautiful. The yellow wild chrysanthemums attract people to the past and pick them back to make chrysanthemum tea. The red maple leaves were also picked back and dried for specimens. In short, in nature, beautiful colors are taken home by people.

The beauty of autumn and the colorfulness of autumn attract people to appreciate and get in close contact with nature.


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