
Can others earn money, imitate the same thing, and make money?

author:Heading for spring

The colleague's son saw that the barbecue shop he often visited was very profitable, so he had the idea of opening a barbecue shop, so he opened a barbecue shop.

As soon as the barbecue restaurant opened, it was very hot, many people went to eat, often busy, tired every day waist and back pain, almost exhausted.

But the good times did not last long, and soon a nearby market opened a lot of barbecue stalls, which were more affordable than his barbecue shop. So people were drawn to the barbecue stall to eat, and his barbecue shop suddenly became much deserted.

In the end, there is almost no money left in addition to rent and chef's salary, and sometimes it will lose money, so it has to close the door.

There is also a story:

Game console stores were very lucrative when they first flourished. An acquaintance looked red in the eye, and he also opened a game console shop.

But when he opened the store, almost every household bought a computer, and people didn't go to the store to play games, because they could play the computer at home. Therefore, his game console store could not make money at all, and finally had to close its doors.

The lesson of these two stories is that you look at other people and make money, but you may not be able to make money when you do it like others. This time, another time also. It should be analyzed on a case-by-case basis, and we should not blindly follow the trend.