
Today's cuisine, dried tofu poured with oil, super rice, super delicious, the secret of the chef of the restaurant

author:Peace 2021
Today's cuisine, dried tofu poured with oil, super rice, super delicious, the secret of the chef of the restaurant
Today's cuisine, dried tofu poured with oil, super rice, super delicious, the secret of the chef of the restaurant
Today's cuisine, dried tofu poured with oil, super rice, super delicious, the secret of the chef of the restaurant
Today's cuisine, dried tofu poured with oil, super rice, super delicious, the secret of the chef of the restaurant
Today's cuisine, dried tofu poured with oil, super rice, super delicious, the secret of the chef of the restaurant
Today's cuisine, dried tofu poured with oil, super rice, super delicious, the secret of the chef of the restaurant
Today's cuisine, dried tofu poured with oil, super rice, super delicious, the secret of the chef of the restaurant
Today's cuisine, dried tofu poured with oil, super rice, super delicious, the secret of the chef of the restaurant

Today's food, tar dried tofu, super rice, super delicious, today to tell you the secret of the hotel master.

Hot days have arrived, eating big fish and meat is a bit disgusting, today to introduce a vegetarian food to friends, very delicious vegetarian food, suitable for hot days to eat. Willing to drink beer, accompanied by two bottles of cold beer, it was so delicious.

The market bought back two pounds of dried tofu, changed the knife to cut into a centimeter wide and five centimeters long strips, boiled water in the pot, boiled water, add salt, add some baking soda, blanch the water for two minutes, out of the pot and plate for later.

Restart the pot to burn the oil, add the oil to the onion, ginger, garlic and stir-fry, add oyster sauce, thirteen spices, salt, msgs, soy sauce, cooking wine, add two tablespoons of water, boil the water and add the dried tofu, simmer for three minutes on high heat, hook the thin owe, put it out of the pot, sprinkle some chopped chives on top, look pretty! While it was hot, hurry up and grab two bowls of rice.

Note that when blanching, put baking soda in order to make dried tofu more smooth to eat.

Have you learned? Friends, go home and make a dish for your family!

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