
Suitable order said leek flowers

author:Liu Peiguo
Suitable order said leek flowers

Hand grab lamb dipped in leeks

Hungry what comes, recently more than once chatted about eating mutton on the grassland of Inner Mongolia, is to dip the leeks, I saw Yang Ning's style of "leek flower post", the original five generations, our ancestors dipped the lamb in the leeks. The calligrapher saw Wang Xi's penmanship from it, so Huang Tingjian said: "The people of the world have learned the Lan Ting face and want to change the bones without jindan." Who knows Luoyang Yang Fengzi, the next pen will be to the Wu Si Lan. Dong Qichang said: "The young master's leek flower post, with a slight line of style, Xiao Scattered, is different than the young master's book side to take the posture, but the side of the side of the state, so it is the best place for the young master." "A calligrapher who inherited the Jin Dynasty, tang dynasty, and Song Dynasty, was so grounded that he cherished a spoonful of leek sauce in his daily life, so that we could see the taste and temperament of the cultural giant, and in an instant, leek sauce traveled through thousands of years, implanting a mixture of meat and incense into our noses." Similar book posts include "Qing Tian When The Snow Is Fast", "Flower Smoke Poster", "Cold Food Post", "Ping Fu Post", "Athlete's Foot Post", and even because of stomach pain, the pain is endless, the faster it is written, and the stroke to the end has achieved the wild grass situation in which "Belly Pain Patch" came out of nowhere: "Suddenly the stomach pain is unbearable, I don't know if it is caused by cold and heat, I want to take rhubarb soup, hot and cold are beneficial." How to count, non-clinical. "Lifelike, as in the present.

Suitable order said leek flowers

Leek posters

You look at Yang Ning's "Leek Flower Thesis": sleeping during the day, starving and even more, suddenly meng JianHan, molesting pan qi. When a leaf announces the beginning of autumn, it is the beginning of the leek's taste, and it is a precious shame to help it fatten. Fill the abdomen, the inscription muscle is cut. Sincerely repair Chen Xie Fu Wei, examine the certificate, July 11. When I woke up from my early afternoon nap and was hungry, I suddenly received a letter from you and asked you to give me a plate of dishes. When a leaf knows autumn, the leeks are fragrant, dipped in small fat lamb, it is really a delicious delicacy! On the occasion of fullness, I am impressed by your kindness, and I respectfully feel my gratitude.

Suitable order said leek flowers

Mountain leek flowers

The Qi Min Zhi Shu Shu "Leek" is leek flower. Some people have researched that the consumption of leeks began in the Han Dynasty, and the relationship between leeks and sheep was hinted at as early as in the Book of Poetry, "Poetry , Fengfeng • July": "The second day is the ice rushing, the third day is included in Lingyin, the fourth day is its flea, and the lamb sacrifice leek." In the Yuan Dynasty, people had a further understanding of the taste function of leek flowers, and the poem "Deer Tail" of Yelü Chucai said: "Leeks are cool and spicy with green onions, and mustard chips are poor spicy and cinnamon ginger." ”

Suitable order said leek flowers

Grab the lamb by hand

In the past twenty years, I have many times to Qinghai to eat hand-caught lamb experience, the most classic way to eat is boiled lamb chops, dipped in salt to eat, it sounds dull, in fact, it will be eaten, is the water of the yellow river tributaries, do not put anything, firewood in the bottom of the pot, lamb chops in the cauldron rolled three rolls, put out the fire a boil, fine salt prepared, hot air fishing lamb chops, you one of me, dipped in a little salt particles to eat, that is the taste of the plateau, the taste of the meadow, the grassland has everything in the hundred grass wild vegetables and berries, the spring frost and autumn dew that flow in the mountain stream, It is transformed into your belly by scenting lamb. However, I have not eaten a single lamb dipped in leeks. Donglaishun shabu lamb, all kinds of shabu lamb, using several spices, incense is fragrant, but not the original taste of lamb, I suspect that people who are accustomed to eating shabu lamb, have not understood the true taste of lamb, which is also a pity.

Suitable order said leek flowers

Leeks at the bazaar

Year after year, our family is to make leek sauce, Boshan people omit the word sauce, it is called leeks, but also reasonable, leeks do not do sauce, there is almost no other way, eating, with a sauce word, obviously redundant. The Boshan people call making leek sauce leek flower pinching, and pinching with stone garlic mortar is pounding. With pinch, in fact, it is not accurate, I suspect it should be rolling, rolling, crushing meaning. Dialects and local sounds, conventional, for the time being, still use pinch. The original plucked leeks, from the pond, the Li family's mountain leeks picked, the taste is more rushed and more fragrant, the ancients have long discovered the good of the mountain leeks, the Yuan Dynasty Xu Youren has a "leek poem" said: "The west wind blows wild leeks, and the flowers are full of sand." Qi is more beautiful than meat and vegetables, and contributes more to meat. Fragrant across ginger cinnamon, residual leaves and melon eggplant. I want to reap the truth, and return to the mountains and plant streams. After all, there are very few wild leeks, and it has reached the point where it is too late to wait for the mountain leeks to blossom and be rooted out, and it is really necessary to eat leeks or catch a mountain set, and buy three or five pounds from the leek stalls brought into the city by farmers, which is enough to make a few jars of leeks and eat until the Spring Festival. This year's leek flowers I bought twice on the set, the first time in the Charcoal Dock big set, the second time in the eight steep big set, respectively, bought two or three pounds, for the stall owners basically closed the market, can not spend a few dollars, both ends are happy.

Suitable order said leek flowers

Blooming leeks

Leek flowers are bought, without a little leek stalk, white flower balls, tied, very fresh, some have already produced tender vegetables. One by one, pick up the kway teem, wash it twice in clean water, control the water, spread out on the grate or cover pad, dry, at this time must suppress the impulse to pinch the leek, let it dry thoroughly and then start.

Suitable order said leek flowers

Leek tofu

This year, when pinching leeks, I was also seduced by some, added apples, pinched for most of the day, a large pot, added salt and mixed well, and then divided into dry and clean glass bottles, refrigerated on the side, one to two weeks, leeks completed moderate fermentation, or called the process of dumplings, the process of alcoholization, the taste is no longer so spicy and exciting, but the spicy flavor implies a little sweetness.

Suitable order said leek flowers

Leek sauce

Then you can go to the table, use a small bowl, fill half a bowl of leeks, drop a drop of sesame oil, do not need to be modulated, watch the oil droplets flash in the green leeks, is also a kind of use. Tofu diced, hot water, take a seven-inch flat plate to serve, dip a grain of tofu, white and green, the entrance is fragrant, that is the gods of the world.

Suitable order said leek flowers

Pig ear lentils

Boshan urban and rural, there is also the custom of pickling lentils in the leeks, lentils hanging in the slope, no purple lentils, no big Qingyun beans, as long as the white lentils, also called pig's ear lentils, pickled in the leeks are particularly flavorful, bite a bite is also crunchy, but this lentils are also rare in the suburbs of Boshan, last year when picking lentils, first from the Chishang Township shop village dozens of miles away for two or three pounds.

Suitable order said leek flowers


I once saw the leeks sold in the market, emerald green, green to be suspicious, I thought in my heart, what you eat in the mouth, you must not covet to add something, and you have a vigilance against the seller in your consciousness. Suddenly I heard that if the leeks are first done, immediately put them in the refrigerator, the leeks will really be emerald green and not change color, and I will try them next year. If it is true, I will not eat leeks for a year, and I should be angry in my heart.

My family's leeks, still in a large bottle, ate less than half, the color is no longer emerald green, the taste is not said. I have a problem with esophageal reflux, I can't eat it, I can't eat it, I go up to pantothenic acid water, peppers, greasy and so on, but leeks are all comfortable, which is really strange.

Suitable order said leek flowers
Suitable order said leek flowers

This article is the original text of Mr. Liu Peiguo

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Liu Peiguo

Executive Director of Zibo Century Talents Foreign Language School

He is a member of the Chinese Writers Association

He is a member of the Chinese Prose Literature Association

He is a member of Shandong Writers Association

He is a member of the Chinese Folk Writers Association

Suitable order said leek flowers
Suitable order said leek flowers
Suitable order said leek flowers
Suitable order said leek flowers
Suitable order said leek flowers
Suitable order said leek flowers
Suitable order said leek flowers
Suitable order said leek flowers

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