
Three-volt dry hot day to cup "sour plum soup"

author:Bright Net

Summer is hot, many people are hot and dry, and all kinds of cold drinks have become popular foods. So what's better to drink? Zhou Jizheng, director of the Xiamen Ruilaichun Traditional Chinese Medicine Outpatient Department, said that a cup of sweet and sour plum soup will make your mouth sweet, refreshing and comfortable.

Zhou Jizheng introduced, the "Inner Classic" said: "The heart is the lord of summer, the heart is slow, and the acid is urgently eaten to reap it." Sour plum soup is sweet and sour, can converge on the heart, quench thirst, stop sweating, and sour taste into the liver, liver protection, reduce liver fire; summer summer wet, easy appetite is not good, drink sour plum soup can consume appetizers. "Materia Medica" says that Ume is sour, can absorb the heat, inhale and return to the yuan, and remove the heat and worry. Sour plum soup can remove annoyance and calm the spirit and help sleep. It is said that from the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang to the Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, they all loved sour plum soup. The herbs used in its formula are warm or slightly warm Chinese medicines, which do not hurt the spleen and yang and yang qi to relieve the heat. Not only adults can drink it, but children are also very suitable. Especially for accumulated food, poor appetite, fire, yin and fire, and unstable sleep, it is more suitable.

Zhou Jizheng specially introduced the preparation method of sour plum soup. He said that if you feel troublesome, you can go directly to the Ruilaichun store to buy brewing material packages.

■Preparation of sour plum soup■

Raw materials: Ume, hawthorn, licorice and tangerine peel according to the amount of 1:1:0.5 :0.3, rock sugar to taste.

Method: 1. Soak the plum, dried hawthorn, licorice and tangerine peel in water for 1 hour and then put it in a pot with enough water; 2. Bring to a boil on high heat, reduce the heat and simmer for 40 minutes; 3. Add an appropriate amount of rock sugar and stir until completely dissolved; 4. Remove the slag to filter out the sour plum soup, let it cool and drink.

Reminder: It is best to use ceramics, glass pots or health pots to boil; you can add mulberry, roselle, osmanthus and other rich taste; not the more the better, to a certain proportion; sour plum soup must add rock sugar, not white sugar; after ice cold sour plum soup acidity will weaken, the taste is better.

Although the sour plum soup is good, it also needs to be moderate, can not drink too much at one time, and pregnant women and people with excessive stomach acid should use it with caution. (Reporter Bai Li)

Author: Bai Li

Source: Xiamen Evening News

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